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How likely will Star Trek: Picard influence STO?



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  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    dark4blood wrote: »
    Yes, the Arcs to certain parts of the game really need to be finished.
    The arcs are finished. There's some meta stories with Leeta and T'ket left over, but that's it.

    That's not true.

    The fight against the Voth in the Dyson sphere continues, we never made peace with them.
    Same for the Undine, the defeat of UndineCooper doesn't mean that all other Undine are at peace with the Federation.
    There are still Tal Shiar loyalists around, and since we never saw much of the Reman part of New Romulus, their story has not been concluded yet either.
    The Borg still exist.
    Nothing has been said anymore about the consequences of the Tzenkethi losing one of their leaders and their leadership having been replaced by Changelings.
    The relations between the Dominion and the other powers were only concluded with a basic comment about increasing trade and such.
    There are still Gorn trying to become independent of the Klingon Empire.

    To name just a few things that are far from being concluded / are left open-ended.

    Add to that that species like the Sphere Builders are operating in millions of realities and that we've only stopped them in one of those and it seems kind of odd to conclude that everything besides Leeta and T'ket is finished.
  • edited October 2019
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  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User

    Uhm, the Voth can still enter the Sphere just like we can. And no, the fight isn't over. Go check the Battlezone, new forces are continuously beaming in on the ground and ships keep entering the contested zone.

    If you want to argue that this is only done for reasons of gameplay, fine. But then T'Ket and Leeta aren't serious threats anymore either.

    A bit of consistency wouldn't hurt.

    As for the Borg: I have explained often enough to you that defeating an expedition force is not the same thing as defeating the enemy that sent out that force. Arguing that the Borg are defeated is like, as I've also stated before, saying that Sauron was defeated because he didn't manage to completely destroy Minas Tirith. Defending your own territory, retaking it or taking out an outpost of an enemy is a much different thing than defeating that enemy. We've only stalled the Borg's efforts, nothing more.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    As for:
    The only "leader" of the Tzenkethi that was replaced by a Changeling was the one admiral that was replaced by the Female Changeling. The rest of the Tzenkethi leadership was never replaced at all. And its mentioned in ViL that there are rumors of a coup against the Autarch for his failed campaign, but the Hur'q invasion, and other threats, have kept him in power for now.

    Rumours are nice, but it's far from something definite, is it?
    There will always be Gorn trying to gain Independence, just like there will always be Orion slavers, Nausicaan pirates, Klingon rebels, Breen slavers, and more. None of those are actual plot thread though, there is nothing to resolve since there was never a story to begin with. It's just things that would naturally be going on in the universe like the day/night cycle. Cryptic has even publicly mocked the idea of a Gorn rebellion arc several times because it makes no sense.

    Saying that something doesn't make sense is not an argument if you don't explain why it makes no sense.

    And anyway, Cryptic does things that make no sense all the time. Making a featured event something that is to played only very limitedly, or removing a queue from the random queues even when that decision has effects that go against the very logic of creating the system.

    To name just two recent decisions. So that's not exactly an argument either.
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,234 Community Moderator
    Actually, the idea of making the Gorn Separatists into a story of some kind was recently mentioned during the last livestream by Jesse, so publicly mocking the idea is not true.
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  • edited October 2019
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  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    There's limitless potential for new storylines. I personally think they should do the Fen Domar, we know they're a deep BQ species that are quite aggressive and STO has ran with unseen aliens before with the Tzenkethi.

    That said I would like them to finish the half-polished Klingon War arc first and then the polishing of the Romulan arc to make it all fancy and voice acted if that's still in their plans. So many options so little resources.
    spiritborn wrote: »
    nrobbiec wrote: »
    > @spiritborn said:
    > (Quote)
    > Though IIRC it's implied that USS Enterprise is the second ship in the class with USS Galaxy being only slightly older, it's out right said in the EU sources but IIRC it's only implied in the series itself.

    Off the top of my head the only thing close to this was when Tasha Yar in the Narendra timeline said that the Enterprise was the first Galaxy class ship built by the Federation. But this could be exclusive to that aberration.

    Well it is never outright stated but you infer quite a lot about how people treat or talk about the GCS. It's quite clear that the GCS is fairly new design in TNG with some teething issues rather then a class that's been in use for decades, it's also in-directly implied that the Enterprise was among the first batch of GCS built.

    It is outright stated but only in an altered timeline. Tasha says "the Enterprise was the first Galaxy class warship built by the Federation" but what with this being a deviated timeline that may not hold true in the main one.
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  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    nrobbiec wrote: »
    I personally think they should do the Fen Domar, we know they're a deep BQ species that are quite aggressive
    We don't know this actually. All future Janeway said about the Fen Domar is that her favorite coffee cup was damaged in a battle with them. We know nothing of this battle, which side started it, or why it occurred.

    Voyager got into a number of conflicts, with even relatively peaceful species, due to the nature of its journey home necessitating them flying through space claimed by others because it was the shortest path available. There is nothing in the episode they are mentioned that indicates the Fen Domar are naturally aggressive.

    All the better, untapped potential with no obvious motive.

    It's a blank slate for them to come up with a creatively designed species and culture and gives them carte blanche on storytelling prospects when it comes to contact and conflict with them.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
    Actually, the idea of making the Gorn Separatists into a story of some kind was recently mentioned during the last livestream by Jesse, so publicly mocking the idea is not true.

    Well looking at the amount of times the Gorn Separatist Kingdom/canyon is raided/emptied each day on Nimbus the Gorn need a couple of planets with cloning facilities to keep up.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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  • shadowkoshshadowkosh Member Posts: 1,688 Arc User
  • nrobbiecnrobbiec Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    nrobbiec wrote: »
    All the better, untapped potential with no obvious motive.

    It's a blank slate for them to come up with a creatively designed species and culture and gives them carte blanche on storytelling prospects when it comes to contact and conflict with them.
    That's generally a reason why you wouldn't want to do them. Having a total blank slate means there is really nothing to build a story on, which is kind of the point of a game like STO, to build on things from the shows. Even the Tzenkethi, while not shown on screen, were directly confirmed in the shows to be a hostile alien species, and their appearance in STO is based off of author comments about what they should look like. Cryptic is far more likely to do something like the Sheliak, or the Kelvans, before they would do the Fen Domar. There is actually something there to build on with those species.

    I can certainly understand why but I think they should take a chance on things mentioned but unseen like the Fen Domar or the Nyberrite Alliance. Go for a deep cut and let their creativity run wild.
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  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    truewarper wrote: »
    [*] STO current story takes place around 2410.
    [*] Tons of decades different, if so

    It's one decade of difference between the start of STP (assuming the rumors are true STP begins in 2399.)

    With respect to the STO written timeline "The path to 2409 - aside from the destruction of Romulus and the disappearance of the Narada and Spock in the Jellyfish -- yep[ everything else there could be canonically invalidated by STP. (Of course STO is in no way canon Star Trek to begin with, but as the producers of ST: D and STP asked them for what they'd written, who knows, the producers COULD decide to go with some parts of it. Time will tell.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
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