Gents, I found this discrepancies in math calculation at colony coffer and I need a clarification regarding it.
The issue is at coffer commodities (ore/battery/luxury) adding and subtraction. In my understanding the coffer commodities generated by day is 3,375 (tier4 to tier5), the project needs is 7650 (tier4-5), therefore I assume that I need to grind 4,275 to complete the project. However every day at donation process from coffer I see a miss between 1000 to 2000 provision in the coffer balance after the donation. Could someone please clarify it, because the amount the comm need to fullfil the tier 5 is huge and a 150 project x 1,000 comm missing due calculation subtraction is very bad. I asking this help, please!!!
When you donate provision via coffer using the 3,375 amount generated by day before the 24h cycle the game calculate an amount pro-rata, in my case my project is running in 16h cycle teh math work like this ((3,375/24) x 16h) = 2,250 provision aproximately.
More close to 24h cycle the game build up provision acumulation by 140 per hour. These amount of provision number only continue to build up if you not fufffil the provision. This amount number change at every 10 min.
After following up during 7 days, I realize that diference between 3,375 - 2250 = 1,125 provision is not add to the coffer balance after you close the project even after 24h cycle.
Therefore, I conclude this, even your project is running in 16h cycle, the project "generated per day provision" 3,375, I cant get it in full.
The coffer generated per day amount you can see it only in the window donation, you can see the real amount the system is generated to you at this moment.
Soon as you make the donation the generated per day clock is reset and you start a new cysle.
The solution I found is:
1) Check your coffer balance and add 3,375 and noted.
2) compare this amount to what is shown amount during donation window.
3) If the amount is less than the noted one, dont do donation yet,
4) wait till the amount is more than the noted and do the donation, this is the work around.
Please cryptic have a look in this and check it, because the loss 1,125 provision x 150 project is very bad.
At this moment I cant recovery the lost provision diference from 80 projects done.
Colony level 180 of 250 (x1000 XP)