Been 65 for months on this character, there is no leave penalty or cooldown timer present. It won't let me sign up for a TFO. The Tholian Event was permanently selected and kept flashing Map Transfer Failed across the screen over and over without stopping. Every other map works fine. Shuttle, birdge, space dock, sector, missions, all work. All 7 of my other characters can run everything fine. Even TFO's. I've logged out, changed characters, fully quit the game, turned off the console, reset the router and still when I log back into that one character Map Transfer Failed won't stop flashing over and over and I can't sign up for TFOs. I also deleted the game cleared the cache, re-downloaded it, the problem hasn't gone away. The Tholian TFO is over now, but I'm still have the same issue. I put in a ticket and they said they'd pass it along and told me to post it in the forum.
Has anyone else had this bug? What should I do to fix it?