Make it a once or twice a year event in reputation like summer risian event or anniversary. Keep the boxes, tokens but include vouchers that go towards a console or even a ship. Utilize tokens like blues/rares to exchange for vouchers say 2 for 1 maybe. Increase the amount of tokens dispensed when a box is opened and vary them. Couple greens and a blue here, maybe a purple, blue, and green there. So on and forth.
Adu-Uss Firefox NCC-93425-F (LVL 65 FED AoY ENG) UR/VR MKXV Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser (July 2016)
Jean-Uss Seratoga Ravenna (LVL 60 FED Delta ENG) UC/R MKVI Bajoran Escort (April 2018)
Dubsa-RRW Mnaudh (LVL 50 FED allied ROM Delta ENG) Warbird (May 2018)
Marop-IKS Orunthi (LVL 50 KNG Delta ENG) BoP (May 2018)
Kanak'lan-TRIBBLE (LVL 65 DOM Gamma ENG) TRIBBLE (June 2018)