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How do you like Red Alerts as the occasional Special Event

duasynduasyn Member Posts: 492 Arc User
If these events are going to be treated as occasional special events they really need to be reworked to take longer and be more of a challenge. IMO as they stand now when I see the blog post come up announcing their return it makes me sad?, feel pity?... or something like that. It's hard to put into words.

Before when I'd do them daily (I only did them once per toon as part of my daily routine) for a ship XP and/or daily bonus marks then their ease and minimal effort made sense. You could blow though 4-8 toons a day and still have plenty of time to do other things in game.

But that same ease of completion just doesn't work with being a "special event", imo.
Sure, no cooldown now, but I don't see making an event infinitely grindable as a positive thing.

I don't do the Red Alerts even once when they are available now.
I know nothing's going to change; just thought I'd give some feedback on how I perceive these special events.

Figured I'd make it a poll, see how others like RAs as special events.

Edit: TRIBBLE, hit Enter before entering all the poll choices. Oh well, no fixing it now.

How do you like Red Alerts as the occasional Special Event 1 vote

Like the new format.
0% 0 votes
I don't care either way.
100% 1 vote


  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 5,997 Arc User
    The RAs with their open selection of reps and the shortness of the runs are somewhat handy in topping off reputation that is just a little short.

    On the other hand, the fact that while they are otherwise treated as a poor cousin to FTFOs (and therefore not available very often) they are still locked to the old RA level restrictions which reduces their utility massively.
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