Hello. I'm writing to inform you of a serious graphical issue that I've noticed with the Risian Explorer shirt.
It clips through his torso around his shoulders and arms and I think this is due to the fact that there is not a mesh properly shaped or rigged to fit the Cardassian torso, which is wider and bulkier and has a thicker neck than a standard humanoid. When my Cardassian stands or sits anywhere, there are embarrassing holes around the armpits... and when he tries to run from place to place the clipping is so bad that the skin on his shoulders is visible through these big, ugly, jagged-edged holes.
Below are a few screenshots I took so you could see what the shirt keeps doing:

That Explorer shirt has had issues with clipping for years, though. In the pits, and on the shoulders. I think even when it first year it came out...I had holes in my pits I could see on my Klingon during the Dance Party.
I've had similar problems crop up with the wetsuit and Hawaiian shirts. It just depends on the character.
I understand it is a painful problem...my Lethean has human arms and legs, and for a while I think my Ferasean had no arms or legs? They have to draw individual parts out, you know, and I think, sometimes the program gets confused.
All you can do is try different outfits that "skirt" around the problems with a particular race's form.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Thanks, but I already tried adjusting the size of his shoulders and torso and it didn't help at all.
The report still stands and it is still an ongoing issue that needs fixing. Normally I wouldn't be so adamant about a fix being needed, but because Cardassians are actually paid species I feel that they should be allowed to wear whatever they want without any glitches or clipping. I also have the Risian explorer shirt for another character of mine.
It doesn't clip through HIM at all... it's only my Cardassian that has the issue.