This has happened in both combat situations, and out of it.
My Science bridge officer has several abilities that should be able to be activated in say, ESD Space. However, they can't. These include Hazard Emitters, Photonic Shockwave, and Transfer Shield Strength. Science team still works. This has happened before, however it seems that both of my Science Boffs are bugged, as the second one does not appear and has no abilities in her slots. This happens on most of my Tier 6 Ships, including:
Yorktown-class (And Tier 5 Odyssey-class)
JH Vanguard Carrier
Fleet Eclipse-class
And several tier 5 ships:
Bastion Flight Deck Cruiser
Fleet Assault Cruiser
Fleet Excelsior
The abilities work only one 2 ships in my entire rotation:
Nicor Bioship
the OG Solanae Dyson Destroyer (From the old mission, not C-Store variants)
This kinda irritates me because my build relies on my Science abilities, and only having access to Sci Team is making life very unpleasant.
Supercarrier Resurgent has entered Theatre of Operation.
Only problem with that is most of my ships are lockbox ships. Vengeance is the Kelvin Timeline dread and the Crossfield is well, the Crossfield. So I can't exactly get rid of them and reclaim them.