If mirror Lorca could blend into Starfleet so well, prime Lorca is probably capable of surving in the Terran Empire. Though he might really have PTSD this time...
What was it Spock said? "It was far easier for you as civilized men to act as barbarians, than for them as barbarians to act like civilized men."
Nice point!
I'm excited to discovering more about Prime Lorca, what he really was like, both as a Captain and a Human Being, and Cryptic will hopefully portray him being more like Pike. After all the Admiral did question Lorca on 2 or 3 occasions, wondering if he was still fit for command after the war.
I really like your Spock quote from Mirror Mirror, "It was easy for you, as civilized men, to behave like barbarians than in was for them, barbarians to behave like civilized men."
More true words could never have been spoken. :llap:
Then added T6 ships that scale with the player (more for PWEs pocket and not requested by me....yet they said "players requested it and they LOVE it" remember the same language used with Delta Rising (we certainly loved it)?
Actually, I for one did love Delta Rising, and the Legacy of Romulus (another expansion that got some pointless and needless badmouthing). And while I didn't actually request that T6 ships be made to scale like this, I'm quite pleased by it - it makes more sense than our entire command crew changing ships every few missions. I mean, Kirk & Co had a Connie for their entire five-year mission, while Picard commanded a Galaxy-class for at least seven. They didn't need to move from one ship to another just because they were "more experienced now". I personally want my Captain and his crew to be assigned to one ship, then keep using that ship for a prolonged period. It makes more sense to me from a story perspective. (You should see some of the stretches I pulled in my fics down in Ten Forward to justify Grunt and his crew getting new ships! Although it did lead to a fun moment when Grunt had to reference both Federation and Ferengi law, as well as contract law, to explain to Admiral T'Nae why he couldn't hand over the computer core from the ship the crew had cobbled together from a transtemporal "ship's graveyard" in the Gamma quadrant...)
One thing I wonder is how they'll portray Prime!Lorca to contrast with the deadly serious, morally-lacking Mirror one.
Personally, I'm half-jokingly hoping for his personality being close to Adam West's Batman:
"Hello, old time-travely chums! Are you on some kind of time star trek or something?"
"Holy smelly Tellarite phaser, Ellen! Get me the Klingon-repellent phasers online, if it's not too much to ask!"
"Some days, you just can't get rid of a warp core breach!"
And while I didn't actually request that T6 ships be made to scale like this, I'm quite pleased by it - it makes more sense than our entire command crew changing ships every few missions. I mean, Kirk & Co had a Connie for their entire five-year mission, while Picard commanded a Galaxy-class for at least seven. They didn't need to move from one ship to another just because they were "more experienced now". I personally want my Captain and his crew to be assigned to one ship, then keep using that ship for a prolonged period.
Id have rather they done this with t1-5 ships first, I would have loved to get more use out of those while levelling
None of what you just said was true and its exactly the opposite of what every person involved including Rodd Roddenberry has said since day 1. Spock having an unheard of adopted sister is no different than when he suddenly got an unheard of half-brother. Stop listening to midnight's edge, they make stuff up more than alex jones.
Who's midnight's edge?
Actually, it is true. I may have been off by a year for Cage, but that just means there would have been one extra year for 'non-humans' to 'get used to the new uniform'.
Where I live, I watch Discovery on the Space channel (Canada's version of SyFy). The trailer for Season 2 had the start date of October, 2018. So yes, it was supposed to be released at that time.
Just like the previous delay, there were a lot of changes behind the scenes which included changes of direction (and showrunners to go with the direction/script changes.
Here's some links of interest on Discovery on SuperHeroHype:
On a lighter, side note, it was interesting that in the defunct ST:D aftershow, Shazad Latif (Lt. Tyler/Kol) stated that they tried to not give away that his dual identity, so for most promotional articles (such as the ones posted on SuperHeroHype) he was listed as Kenneth Mitchell as Kol.
Anyways, I wish they didn't shoehorn Michael Burnham into Spock's family. I know they meant to give more weight to her character, but honestly speaking the relationship she had with Saru and Philippa Georgiou would have been enough for extended family.
I find it ironic that Amanda, Spock's mother, a human high school teacher from America didn't get the proper help for Michael's PTSD, rather than being taught to tuck in her feelings by Sarek.
Anyways, like I said before, if they didn't try to go the route of a reboot, then they wouldn't have had to go to such lengths to bring the show back to status quo. Sorry, but 'never talking about Michael Burnham again', like I said before is rather a rather cheesy way of doing it. Nobody would have said: "Oh, what's this about Michael Burnham? Oh wait, I remember about the Spore Drive and Time Travel!"
Might as well have just said she died with those onboard the Discovery when it went 'Bang!'.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Terminator: Rise of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
the Dark Knight Rises
Rise of the Guardians
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
The first story arc of Transformers Prime was called "Darkness Rising"
There are currently two animated series called "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Marvel Rising."
...and now Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
There was a terrible PS2 game called Marvel: Rise of the Imperfects
...That's just off the top of my head.
Within this game alone, there's already Delta Rising and now Rise of Discovery.
IMO there is a huge lack of content and quality of life improvement in the game. I hope they add more in the future rather than just smaller random featured episodes and weekend shinies.
It takes time to make things. We only really see the release. Not the process or how long it takes. I think someone once floated on the forums that if you wanted to get ideas in for the Winter Event, start submitting them around summer.
(Usually it's during the current event to hopefully get it in the next years event )
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Terminator: Rise of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
the Dark Knight Rises
Rise of the Guardians
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
The first story arc of Transformers Prime was called "Darkness Rising"
There are currently two animated series called "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Marvel Rising."
...and now Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
There was a terrible PS2 game called Marvel: Rise of the Imperfects
...That's just off the top of my head.
Within this game alone, there's already Delta Rising and now Rise of Discovery.
There are other words.
Terminator: Arousal of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Springtime of the Silver Surfer
The Dark Knight Flies
Upbringing of the Guardians
GI Joe: Lifting of Cobra
Underworld: Ladder of the Lycans
Transformers Prime: Lightness Sets
Too bad, because that's what promotional info gave: "The Klingon cast features Obi as T’Kuvma, a “Klingon leader seeking to unite the Klingon houses,” Latif as Kol, “commanding officer of the Klingons and protégé of T’Kuvma,” and Chieffo as L’Rell, “the battle deck commander of the Klingon ship.”
Don't blame me, blame the data.
Mind you, after they booted Bryan Fuller (and delayed production so they'd have extra time to retool Discovery), there were changes to the script and characters.
Just like the original concepts of Darth Vader and Boba Fett was one character (an armoured mercenary who worked as a righthand of the Emperor) who was split into two new characters.
Considering they casted the same actor for the two roles, Kol was split into two characters, one being called Voq who was made into Tyler and the other one keeping the name Kol, but ended up becoming a usurper to T'Kuvma. Sounds complicated, but that's Hollywood for you.
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Terminator: Rise of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
the Dark Knight Rises
Rise of the Guardians
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
The first story arc of Transformers Prime was called "Darkness Rising"
There are currently two animated series called "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Marvel Rising."
...and now Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
There was a terrible PS2 game called Marvel: Rise of the Imperfects
...That's just off the top of my head.
Within this game alone, there's already Delta Rising and now Rise of Discovery.
There are other words.
Terminator: Arousal of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Springtime of the Silver Surfer
The Dark Knight Flies
Upbringing of the Guardians
GI Joe: Lifting of Cobra
Underworld: Ladder of the Lycans
Transformers Prime: Lightness Sets
Due to the obvious lack of understanding regarding the issues this game has for some, my previous post has been redacted. Thank You all for letting me know posting here is pointless and useless and met fully with the resistance of many to accept that some cannot grind without it being stress even if its a game.
Another reputation is yet another grind, unwelcome at best, stressful and tiresome to complete for multiple toons,
I made a decision to discontinue full use of the reputation system and NOT waste months getting it for anyone who is new and doesnt have any. When the reputation system is changed to be easier and less stressful to complete i will go back to it. Till then 0 Reputation will be completed for any new or old characters who do not have it already.
How is completing reps stressful when the game hands out marks like crazy, and you can easily get all the marks you need for all the reps in like less then a week of casual play?
Be it battlezones, TFOs by themselves, the random TFO system, endeavor boxes, getting marks to do reps is literally not even effort.
Some people might find it a bit tedious (I'm not one of them, by the way). And marks for the latest Reps are usually not as easy to get as you make out until further down the road.
Really, dude. The whole CDF schtick is getting a bit old here.
Some people might find it a bit tedious (I'm not one of them, by the way). And marks for the latest Reps are usually not as easy to get as you make out until further down the road.
Really, dude. The whole CDF schtick is getting a bit old here.
The fact you think it has anything to do with Cryptic show how hilarious dishonest you are in your intent.
I've made these same comments in many games that I personally hate because they are equally valid there.
Nothing dishonest about it. Your posting history here tells me everything I need to know. And what you do, or do not do, in relation to other games means nothing to me. Thus, irrelevant in this context and in this case.
Some people might find it a bit tedious (I'm not one of them, by the way). And marks for the latest Reps are usually not as easy to get as you make out until further down the road.
Really, dude. The whole CDF schtick is getting a bit old here.
The fact you think it has anything to do with Cryptic show how hilarious dishonest you are in your intent.
I've made these same comments in many games that I personally hate because they are equally valid there.
Nothing dishonest about it.
It is if it's your entire rationale for rejecting a statement.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Nice point!
I'm excited to discovering more about Prime Lorca, what he really was like, both as a Captain and a Human Being, and Cryptic will hopefully portray him being more like Pike. After all the Admiral did question Lorca on 2 or 3 occasions, wondering if he was still fit for command after the war.
I really like your Spock quote from Mirror Mirror, "It was easy for you, as civilized men, to behave like barbarians than in was for them, barbarians to behave like civilized men."
More true words could never have been spoken. :llap:
Who's midnight's edge?
Actually, it is true. I may have been off by a year for Cage, but that just means there would have been one extra year for 'non-humans' to 'get used to the new uniform'.
Where I live, I watch Discovery on the Space channel (Canada's version of SyFy). The trailer for Season 2 had the start date of October, 2018. So yes, it was supposed to be released at that time.
Just like the previous delay, there were a lot of changes behind the scenes which included changes of direction (and showrunners to go with the direction/script changes.
Here's some links of interest on Discovery on SuperHeroHype:
On a lighter, side note, it was interesting that in the defunct ST:D aftershow, Shazad Latif (Lt. Tyler/Kol) stated that they tried to not give away that his dual identity, so for most promotional articles (such as the ones posted on SuperHeroHype) he was listed as Kenneth Mitchell as Kol.
They should have started earlier:
Anyways, I wish they didn't shoehorn Michael Burnham into Spock's family. I know they meant to give more weight to her character, but honestly speaking the relationship she had with Saru and Philippa Georgiou would have been enough for extended family.
I find it ironic that Amanda, Spock's mother, a human high school teacher from America didn't get the proper help for Michael's PTSD, rather than being taught to tuck in her feelings by Sarek.
Anyways, like I said before, if they didn't try to go the route of a reboot, then they wouldn't have had to go to such lengths to bring the show back to status quo. Sorry, but 'never talking about Michael Burnham again', like I said before is rather a rather cheesy way of doing it. Nobody would have said: "Oh, what's this about Michael Burnham? Oh wait, I remember about the Spore Drive and Time Travel!"
Might as well have just said she died with those onboard the Discovery when it went 'Bang!'.
> azrael605 wrote: »
> None of what you just said was true and its exactly the opposite of what every person involved including Rodd Roddenberry has said since day 1. Spock having an unheard of adopted sister is no different than when he suddenly got an unheard of half-brother. Stop listening to midnight's edge, they make stuff up more than alex jones.
> Who's midnight's edge?
> Actually, it is true. I may have been off by a year for Cage, but that just means there would have been one extra year for 'non-humans' to 'get used to the new uniform'.
> Where I live, I watch Discovery on the Space channel (Canada's version of SyFy). The trailer for Season 2 had the start date of October, 2018. So yes, it was supposed to be released at that time.
> Just like the previous delay, there were a lot of changes behind the scenes which included changes of direction (and showrunners to go with the direction/script changes.
> Here's some links of interest on Discovery on SuperHeroHype:
> https://www.superherohype.com/news/384751-star-trek-discovery-showrunner
> https://www.superherohype.com/news/386897-bryan-fuller-opens-up-about-star-trek-discovery-exit
> https://www.superherohype.com/news/417751-star-trek-discovery-showrunners-exit-replaced-by-alex-kurtzman
> https://www.superherohype.com/news/437225-star-trek-discovery-season-3-is-a-go-with-new-showrunner
> On a lighter, side note, it was interesting that in the defunct ST:D aftershow, Shazad Latif (Lt. Tyler/Kol) stated that they tried to not give away that his dual identity, so for most promotional articles (such as the ones posted on SuperHeroHype) he was listed as Kenneth Mitchell as Kol.
> They should have started earlier:
> https://www.superherohype.com/news/396063-the-star-trek-discovery-cast-grows
> https://www.superherohype.com/news/387533-star-trek-discovery-klingon-cast
Shazad Latif didn’t play Kol...
Terminator: Rise of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
the Dark Knight Rises
Rise of the Guardians
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
The first story arc of Transformers Prime was called "Darkness Rising"
There are currently two animated series called "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Marvel Rising."
...and now Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker
There was a terrible PS2 game called Marvel: Rise of the Imperfects
...That's just off the top of my head.
Within this game alone, there's already Delta Rising and now Rise of Discovery.
There are other words.
(Usually it's during the current event to hopefully get it in the next years event
Terminator: Arousal of the Machines
Fantastic Four: Springtime of the Silver Surfer
The Dark Knight Flies
Upbringing of the Guardians
GI Joe: Lifting of Cobra
Underworld: Ladder of the Lycans
Transformers Prime: Lightness Sets
How's that?
Too bad, because that's what promotional info gave: "The Klingon cast features Obi as T’Kuvma, a “Klingon leader seeking to unite the Klingon houses,” Latif as Kol, “commanding officer of the Klingons and protégé of T’Kuvma,” and Chieffo as L’Rell, “the battle deck commander of the Klingon ship.”
Don't blame me, blame the data.
Mind you, after they booted Bryan Fuller (and delayed production so they'd have extra time to retool Discovery), there were changes to the script and characters.
Just like the original concepts of Darth Vader and Boba Fett was one character (an armoured mercenary who worked as a righthand of the Emperor) who was split into two new characters.
Considering they casted the same actor for the two roles, Kol was split into two characters, one being called Voq who was made into Tyler and the other one keeping the name Kol, but ended up becoming a usurper to T'Kuvma. Sounds complicated, but that's Hollywood for you.
Perfect! Appreciate it
Some people might find it a bit tedious (I'm not one of them, by the way). And marks for the latest Reps are usually not as easy to get as you make out until further down the road.
Really, dude. The whole CDF schtick is getting a bit old here.
Nothing dishonest about it. Your posting history here tells me everything I need to know. And what you do, or do not do, in relation to other games means nothing to me. Thus, irrelevant in this context and in this case.
My character Tsin'xing
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'