Interesting point though.... how DOES one make an effective build in this scenario? I mean, to quote Chief O'Brien, when you try doing two things at once you wind up doing neither very well.....
Gear wise... probably don't be so specialized. While it is true that a more generalist build will not perform as well as one that is specialized, it does mean more of a focus on flexability.
I can see people sticking to either Science or Tactical mode to maximize potential. But maybe the true strength isn't in sticking to one or the other, but finding a way to use both to your advantage.
It will be a rather nice challenge for some of the build masters in the game to come up with something that plays to the strengths of a ship that can transform like this. AND it has the added benefit of NOT having fused cannons that can't be removed like the Dysons.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Haven’t been given a whole lot of reasons to actually spend money lately. This is a double whammy. Not interested in the R&D packs and their odds of winning and not interested in anything ST:D.
Yeah, I question Cryptic's decision to go all in on Discovery content, it's practically asking for a divided fanbase. It would be fun to have your game develop alongside a TV show and having both add new depth to the story. But Discovery has been so controversial Cryptic should have just let it be and focused on post-Nemesis content, which is what most people want anyway. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It hasn't been 'controversial' in the least.
It's been a successful show with a small group of loud mouth blow hards complaining at every turn while the bulk of us enjoy the new content. It's been like this every time a new Star Trek series has been released going all the way back to TNG.
Now everyone go out and buy R&D Packs so I can keep playing for free.
Looks like some of the shield visuals are wrong : Terran Task Force and Temporal Defense Initiative.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I can't even see the visuals myself. I try and click on the picture as they say in the blog and I get a blank white tab. While I do have an adblocker, it shouldn't be interfering with that.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Thanks but you can keep your 150$ (during event) and 300$ if not ship that can only be used on one character, it is time to live up the "The Account is the player" phrase.
Heavily, heavily agree... But how about releasing some c-store ships too soon devs? Not TRIBBLE though, Dysons would be lovely...also I find it incredibly disgusting that it took you guys needing to scrape the ideas bargain bucket of yesteryear to finally fix the Dysons despite it being the gimmick, nay, point of the entire pack!
On a different note, RnD boxes are really really poor disguises for even worse rewarding lockboxes - Either increase their worth with phoenix style kits (but better) or y'know... ADD MORE ITEMS TO CRAFT! ...Seriously, a non winner gamblenD box has less worth than a standard lockbox with a low level reward (module, xp tokens, ect)
Thanks but you can keep your 150$ (during event) and 300$ if not ship that can only be used on one character, it is time to live up the "The Account is the player" phrase.
So much this.. it's disgusting how much these ships cost to obtain, its even more disgusting that they are than character only unlocks.
EDIT: lol... TRIBBLE is TRIBBLE. How cute. I'm going to leave it in though. Makes me smile.
It's not shocking though. CBS decided to lock the series behind a paywall. That dramatically cut the audience who'd have an emotional connection to TRIBBLE. The promotions continue to whittle down that potential audience.
Since CBS made profit by high sales / low margin impossible Cryptic is stuck going the opposite route and make profit by low sales / high margin. TRIBBLE is a long term loser for Cryptic at least until TRIBBLE comes out from behind the paywall - that could be years.
I can't blame Cryptic for making do as best they can. This entire scenario is going to happen again when CBS releases the Patrick Stewart series... also behind a paywall and so also dramatically locking in a very small audience.
I saw the first season of TRIBBLE. I came away pretty ambiguous about it but then I've been ambiguous on every franchise since STAS. I grew over time to love each new franchise. CBS never gave me a chance to go through that process.
So I'm a non-starter for Cryptic with the current promotions, I'm sure they know I'm not alone, and that too is ok. It's just entertainment, this is just a game.
If I were paid to I couldn't think of a more effective way combining the worst of a streaming service with the worst of a public network. CBS pulled it off though.
At least Disney (just this week actually) had the sense to increase their content depth by buying big IP catalogs.
I don't think Cryptic is at all stuck of forced with any ship to stick them into the game in a way that makes them the most expensive ships possible.
I think its far far far far FAR more simple "Hey.. this is the main ship right? yeah... lets charge a ton for it these people will buy it" and people do.. because Cryptic keeps doing it.
There was no need for the TOS Connie to be RD lockbox but you know it fetched them a ton doing it that way. Big Dreadnoughts? stuck in the RD packs.. They would again have no issue moving those ships in the Cstore... BUUUUUT selling what 3 bundles is more than a single ship purchase.. so RD pack it.
I think to often we go "oh woes poor Cryptic they have to stay in buisness somehow!" without realizing that yes.. they need to make money but they often gouge the bajesus out of the playerbase.
The only thing I can say really is thankfully no ship i REALLY want has been part of the RD packs
I also doubt the usability of this ship. Switching between tac and sci makes no sense. A ship build is determined by more than Boff seats. For TAC you use a different spec tree different traits doffs etc then for a SCI. So just switching the Ships operation modus does not automaticaly switch all teh other build variables. If you have specced for TAC using teh SCI modus will be not optimal and vise versa.
So The idea is maby fun, but the implementation is not.
Its the first time since the introduction of the Dyson Destroyers that they've experimented with a ship that can transform beween dedicated Science to a more Tactical ship.
Some might like that flexability. Maybe they want to have a Grav Well 3 and then switch to unleashing a top end Torp Spread or something.
Is it going to be the end all ultimate science ship?
I've got a couple fleetmates who are married to the Temporal Multi Mission Science Vessel. Nothing is really going to top that for science ability. Reason? Full temporal mechanic yellow light. No other science ship comes close for sheer space magic.
But the fun aspect of this game is you don't NEED 100% optimized builds for max numbers to participate in most content. Does it help? Maybe, but it is not an absolute requirement. If someone wants to fly a Mirror Crossfield they can.
While it does suck that its gonna be an R&D Promo rather than an Infinity Box thing... eh... Cryptic still needs to be able to make money to make more content. There are two ways people can get this ship anyways.
Spend real money
Grind out ECs
While neither one is well liked by people... it keeps the lights on and, while harder than lockbox ships, is still relatively available to many. If someone wants it, they can try to get it. Its not as if it is a REQUIRED thing.
Interesting point though.... how DOES one make an effective build in this scenario? I mean, to quote Chief O'Brien, when you try doing two things at once you wind up doing neither very well.....
Well, the EMH/EMC is a lot like the Science ship/Tactical ship. Both don't do it at the same time, but both are able to transition from one mode to another
I don't think Cryptic is at all stuck of forced with any ship to stick them into the game in a way that makes them the most expensive ships possible.
Cryptic has stated several times in the past that the reason there is no C-Store T6 Connie is because CBS said no, as they wanted the ship to be rare, due to its iconicness. Likewise, we know many of the tailor restrictions are due to CBS's arcane rules.
If you look, all of Cryptic's releases follow a similar pattern
A. Ships one can get by leveling, and C-Store ships, are all ships the factions would logically be able to get their hands on and fly in normal circumstances in-universe.
B. Lockbox ships are ships from mostly enemy, but sometimes friendly, factions that the factions wouldn't normally be flying, but could conceivably get their hands on.
C. R&D ships are generally unique, and/or highly iconic, ships that the player factions REALLY shouldn't be flying in any sort of normal circumstances. Be it due to temporal reasons(Such as the 26th century capital ships), true uniqueness(there is only one Annorax, and only one Son'a collector), or something similar.
Ill try to limit it just just this post to keep the topic going to far off track, but it does pertain to RD boxes in a way so Im just putting it out there.
I know this was the reason Cryptic gave, but I fail to believe it for a second. CBS, led by Les Moonves since 2003 hasn't given two hoots about anything Star Trek related except licensing of products. I don't believe at all that CBS cares what we fly in STO, what I believe they care about is getting their cut for canon ships, and I bet the Connie probably cost a pretty penny (why do you think the JJ and Disc Enterprises are different looking? licensing fees). What it does sound like is something a corporation charging you roughly $300 bucks for a single character ship would tell you is the reason for why they HAVE to gouge you on it. It's CBS.. not us.. now pay us.
I mean seriously? CBS is worried to many players will be flying around in Son'a collectors ships, or Enterprise-Js, but we can fly as many Starfleet Battlecruisers and Scott Class Miracle Worker cruisers as we please? Temporal raiders are a'ok for all factions but the Enterprise needs to be limited heavily? You think any of these licensing people know what these ships are outside of the the Enterprise being something they own and charge for?
Come on now.. How much more realistic does this sound?
we want to make the enterprise in our game.
Cool it's gonna cost you X to make that ONE ship.
Ok fine *jump some years* Hey we want to make that Enterprise T6 thats cool right since we paid for it?
oh no..that license allowed you access for that one ship.. that's another ship it's gonna cost you X+Y
now.. uhm.. ok so how do we do this.. I know RD box it..
I'm often reminded in situations like this of an aquitance of mine that worked at the local grocery store (dating myse but early 90s). People would often complain to him "why are eggs so expensive??" and his reply, I swear to God was "Well since Saddam put that trade embargo on Organic chickens prices are just outta control all over" If they believed him or not the conversation ended.
I actually like the ship.. if it was C-Store, I would probably get it. As soon as I see it comes from an R&D Box though I just automatically lose interest.
I don't understand the point of making this an R&D ship - it's a reskin of the lockbox ship with a minor gimmick attached. The scaling aspect is fairly irrelevant for any ship that isn't account unlocked. Why put it in the hardest and/or most expensive RNG box when its almost identical to a more easily obtained ship?
If you look, all of Cryptic's releases follow a similar pattern
A. Ships one can get by leveling, and C-Store ships, are all ships the factions would logically be able to get their hands on and C. R&D ships are generally unique, and/or highly iconic, ships that the player factions REALLY shouldn't be flying in any sort of normal circumstances. Be it due to temporal reasons(Such as the 26th century capital ships), true uniqueness(there is only one Annorax, and only one Son'a collector), or something similar.
Playing this game since alpha and beta, I have opened far far too many lockboxes and the best I have ever gotten out of them is a Very Rare and never a ship. That's it. So there is no way I will be getting a ship out of these R&D Boxes. So zero incentive to me to even try. It's something like a 0.5% chance they say to get one. My experience shows those numbers are not correct, at least when it comes to me.
Though, for those who will take the dive, good luck.
Haven’t been given a whole lot of reasons to actually spend money lately. This is a double whammy. Not interested in the R&D packs and their odds of winning and not interested in anything ST:D.
Yeah, I question Cryptic's decision to go all in on Discovery content, it's practically asking for a divided fanbase. It would be fun to have your game develop alongside a TV show and having both add new depth to the story. But Discovery has been so controversial Cryptic should have just let it be and focused on post-Nemesis content, which is what most people want anyway. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It hasn't been 'controversial' in the least.
It's been a successful show with a small group of loud mouth blow hards complaining at every turn while the bulk of us enjoy the new content. It's been like this every time a new Star Trek series has been released going all the way back to TNG.
Now everyone go out and buy R&D Packs so I can keep playing for free.
Well said.
Any content would potentially lead to a divided fanbase; for example I found the DS9 content great fun even though personally it's my least favourite Trek show and I hated the whole Dominon War arc.
DSC is only controversial to a very vocal collective of people who go well out of their way to try and shout loudest. Everyone else seems happy the show exists and is merrily watching and playing along.
Can anyone explain to me how I see the same players get 3x or more promo T6 ships in a row!!!!!
Well, randomness is random... it's always possible to get three ships in a short period... but if you're seeing a specific ship being obtained, the answer there is that the public notification happens when the R&D box is opened not when the R&D box is obtained... you open the R&D box and select a ship, then get that ship in a box, at which point the world is notified.
You may simply be seeing someone who gathered up boxes then opened them all in rapid succession once they decided which ship from the selection list will net them the highest returns on the exchange.
They must be pumping in some serous IRL cash to be purchasing enough packs to be getting 3 or more T6's like that to begin with. I still find it rather suspicious that I am a lifetime member and have purchased hundreds of lockboxes and R&D promo packs and have NEVER gotten a T6 yet!!
BTW I Invested about 100 € today without any luck, it was the last time I invested money for your promos 😠 and the Lobi ships I'll get now for my the lobis arent really a good deal for 100 Euros......
Much better to ignore the lying BS the server spams at you. It's just a cheap tactic to try and lure in the unwary, weak willed or just stupid.
Some might be legit but others are just handles drawn from the pool of accounts, such as my F2P account that apparently won a ship while I know for a fact it wasn't online.
There was a time today where 'winners' were spamming so frequently that there were seven in a span of less than 10 seconds.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
They must be pumping in some serous IRL cash to be purchasing enough packs to be getting 3 or more T6's like that to begin with. I still find it rather suspicious that I am a lifetime member and have purchased hundreds of lockboxes and R&D promo packs and have NEVER gotten a T6 yet!!
Gear wise... probably don't be so specialized. While it is true that a more generalist build will not perform as well as one that is specialized, it does mean more of a focus on flexability.
I can see people sticking to either Science or Tactical mode to maximize potential. But maybe the true strength isn't in sticking to one or the other, but finding a way to use both to your advantage.
It will be a rather nice challenge for some of the build masters in the game to come up with something that plays to the strengths of a ship that can transform like this. AND it has the added benefit of NOT having fused cannons that can't be removed like the Dysons.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
It hasn't been 'controversial' in the least.
It's been a successful show with a small group of loud mouth blow hards complaining at every turn while the bulk of us enjoy the new content. It's been like this every time a new Star Trek series has been released going all the way back to TNG.
Now everyone go out and buy R&D Packs so I can keep playing for free.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Heavily, heavily agree... But how about releasing some c-store ships too soon devs? Not TRIBBLE though, Dysons would be lovely...also I find it incredibly disgusting that it took you guys needing to scrape the ideas bargain bucket of yesteryear to finally fix the Dysons despite it being the gimmick, nay, point of the entire pack!
On a different note, RnD boxes are really really poor disguises for even worse rewarding lockboxes - Either increase their worth with phoenix style kits (but better) or y'know... ADD MORE ITEMS TO CRAFT!
...Seriously, a non winner gamblenD box has less worth than a standard lockbox with a low level reward (module, xp tokens, ect)
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I don't think Cryptic is at all stuck of forced with any ship to stick them into the game in a way that makes them the most expensive ships possible.
I think its far far far far FAR more simple "Hey.. this is the main ship right? yeah... lets charge a ton for it these people will buy it" and people do.. because Cryptic keeps doing it.
There was no need for the TOS Connie to be RD lockbox but you know it fetched them a ton doing it that way. Big Dreadnoughts? stuck in the RD packs.. They would again have no issue moving those ships in the Cstore... BUUUUUT selling what 3 bundles is more than a single ship purchase.. so RD pack it.
I think to often we go "oh woes poor Cryptic they have to stay in buisness somehow!" without realizing that yes.. they need to make money but they often gouge the bajesus out of the playerbase.
The only thing I can say really is thankfully no ship i REALLY want has been part of the RD packs
Well, the EMH/EMC is a lot like the Science ship/Tactical ship. Both don't do it at the same time, but both are able to transition from one mode to another
Ill try to limit it just just this post to keep the topic going to far off track, but it does pertain to RD boxes in a way so Im just putting it out there.
I know this was the reason Cryptic gave, but I fail to believe it for a second. CBS, led by Les Moonves since 2003 hasn't given two hoots about anything Star Trek related except licensing of products. I don't believe at all that CBS cares what we fly in STO, what I believe they care about is getting their cut for canon ships, and I bet the Connie probably cost a pretty penny (why do you think the JJ and Disc Enterprises are different looking? licensing fees). What it does sound like is something a corporation charging you roughly $300 bucks for a single character ship would tell you is the reason for why they HAVE to gouge you on it. It's CBS.. not us.. now pay us.
I mean seriously? CBS is worried to many players will be flying around in Son'a collectors ships, or Enterprise-Js, but we can fly as many Starfleet Battlecruisers and Scott Class Miracle Worker cruisers as we please? Temporal raiders are a'ok for all factions but the Enterprise needs to be limited heavily? You think any of these licensing people know what these ships are outside of the the Enterprise being something they own and charge for?
Come on now.. How much more realistic does this sound?
we want to make the enterprise in our game.
Cool it's gonna cost you X to make that ONE ship.
Ok fine *jump some years* Hey we want to make that Enterprise T6 thats cool right since we paid for it?
oh no..that license allowed you access for that one ship.. that's another ship it's gonna cost you X+Y
now.. uhm.. ok so how do we do this.. I know RD box it..
I'm often reminded in situations like this of an aquitance of mine that worked at the local grocery store (dating myse but early 90s). People would often complain to him "why are eggs so expensive??" and his reply, I swear to God was "Well since Saddam put that trade embargo on Organic chickens prices are just outta control all over" If they believed him or not the conversation ended.
Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 65, Rom Sci
S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 65, Rom Eng
T'Lyra, LvL 65, Fed, Vul Sci
Ta'el, Lvl 63, Rom Tac
Sukima, Lvl 65, Fed Vul Sci
House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anointed Champion (Faith.)
Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator
That's fine.. there are plenty of suckers out there that will spend for it.
LOL. I nearly choked on my tea with that one.
I'm no fan of DISCO. However, I'll give the ships a fair shake if they have both the performance and the aesthetics I'm looking for.
Member - Houseclan t'Charvon (STO)
Shiarrael e'Tal'Aura t'Charvon, LvL 65, Rom Sci
S'aana ir'Virinat t'Charvon, Lvl 65, Rom Eng
T'Lyra, LvL 65, Fed, Vul Sci
Ta'el, Lvl 63, Rom Tac
Sukima, Lvl 65, Fed Vul Sci
House Miliskeera in exile (NW)
Sereska Miliskeera, Lvl 70 OP - Devotion (Just.)/Protection (Just.)
Shizlee Miliskeera, Lvl 70 DC - Divine Oracle (Right.)/Anointed Champion (Faith.)
Finithey Miliskeera, Lvl 70 HR - Stormwarden (Combat)/Pathfinder (Trapper)
Maya Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 CW - Spellstorm
Irae Sik-Miliskeera, Lvl 70 TR - Master Inflitrator
from sto reddit
trait is evidently
Terran Machinations
Tactical and Science Crosswiring
When activating Attack Pattern Bridge Officer Abilities: +30% Exotic Damage for 15 sec
When activating Control Bridge Officer Abilities: 10% Firing Cycle Haste for Energy Weapons for 15 sec
I actually like the ship.. if it was C-Store, I would probably get it. As soon as I see it comes from an R&D Box though I just automatically lose interest.
Though, for those who will take the dive, good luck.
Well said.
Any content would potentially lead to a divided fanbase; for example I found the DS9 content great fun even though personally it's my least favourite Trek show and I hated the whole Dominon War arc.
DSC is only controversial to a very vocal collective of people who go well out of their way to try and shout loudest. Everyone else seems happy the show exists and is merrily watching and playing along.
Well, randomness is random... it's always possible to get three ships in a short period... but if you're seeing a specific ship being obtained, the answer there is that the public notification happens when the R&D box is opened not when the R&D box is obtained... you open the R&D box and select a ship, then get that ship in a box, at which point the world is notified.
You may simply be seeing someone who gathered up boxes then opened them all in rapid succession once they decided which ship from the selection list will net them the highest returns on the exchange.
Some might be legit but others are just handles drawn from the pool of accounts, such as my F2P account that apparently won a ship while I know for a fact it wasn't online.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Also, what is the shield mod in Tac mode, and is there no more cool-down between tac/sci mode switching?
Welcome to the club, friend.
Tactical mode stuck on for last half so no Gravity Well III.
Perhaps they should fix this before releasing more of these mode gimmick ships?