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Anson Mount will not be returning for Season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery

redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
"According to sources close to the series, both Hell On Wheels alum Mount and Romijn had strictly one-year deals; the duo had been contracted only for Season 2 arcs as part of a plan to sync up Discovery with the original Star Trek lore by the end of the new series’ second season heading into Season 3."


It seems the captain's chair of the Discovery is a rotating one.


  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    At the end of Season One, they were on their way to Vulcan to pick up their new captain. Pike assumed temporary command during an emergency. Kinda figured he was only there for S2.
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Oh, I was hoping there was a chance that Rebecca Romjin's Number One might make the move to Discovery. But it was predictable that Pike would only be around for this season. After all, established canon so far suggests that he commanded the Enterprise until Kirk took over, and having him gone for multiple seasons on Discovery seems a stretch.

    It will be interesting to see who will be the next Captain then. Isaacs and Mount set a pretty high bar, IMO.
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  • hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,771 Arc User
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  • ilithynilithyn Member Posts: 903 Arc User
    I remember pretty much being called delusional and having people in this forum jump down my throat about a month ago for saying exactly this would happen. I feel vindicated. Pike was never supposed to last beyond a season. We might see Spock again, him being Michael's brother and all, and this being her show, but Pike was always a one and done.

    As for who the new captain might be:
    1) Mystery person they were originally supposed to pick up on Vulcan (though considering this crew's leanings for rebelliousness and mutiny I'd personally ask for a reassignment asap).
    2) Saru fast tracked.
    3) Michael. She was close to getting her own command at the beginning of the series and she's been doing a lot of the growing she needed to fulfill a command position. The shift in dynamic between her and Saru to her once again outranking him could be an interesting watch.
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,914 Community Moderator
    I can see the potential for Pike making appearances every once in a while though. So far everyone seems to like him.
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  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    ilithyn wrote: »
    I remember pretty much being called delusional and having people in this forum jump down my throat about a month ago for saying exactly this would happen.
    I don't remember that happening. However, I remember youtubers speculating Pike wouldn't make it to Season 3 because it's too TRIBBLE too last that long, maybe you were caught in the cross-fire.

    It seemed always likely that, since the Captain isn't the focal character of Discovery, they'd replace him often. At least after the precedent with Lorca in Season 1 (I wouldn't have assumed so at the start of DSC.) And Pike is obviously not a Captain that can stay on DSC for long, because he is the Enterprise's Captain until Kirk takes over.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,509 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    hm, didn't a couple of those conspiracy theorists on Youtube mention this, like, four months ago??
    Anyone who watches the show knew this when the Season One finale aired. As I mentioned earlier, it was laid out in dialog that Saru was not being promoted to Captain, but would command Discovery on her way to Vulcan to pick up the captain assigned to the ship. They received a distress signal from Enterprise, and in the Season Two opener Pike used an obscure section of Starfleet regulations to assume temporary command "for the duration of an emergency" - said "emergency" being a) finding out what the Red Angel was up to and b) finding Spock. Since b) has been accomplished and a) is the goal of this season, of course the ship's proper captain will take over in Season Three.

    That doesn't require anyone to have watched YouTube, and if it was only "predicted" a few months ago by these 'Tubers, they're a bit behind the curve...
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    > @ilithyn said:
    > I remember pretty much being called delusional and having people in this forum jump down my throat about a month ago for saying exactly this would happen. I feel vindicated. Pike was never supposed to last beyond a season. We might see Spock again, him being Michael's brother and all, and this being her show, but Pike was always a one and done.
    > As for who the new captain might be:
    > 1) Mystery person they were originally supposed to pick up on Vulcan (though considering this crew's leanings for rebelliousness and mutiny I'd personally ask for a reassignment asap).
    > 2) Saru fast tracked.
    > 3) Michael. She was close to getting her own command at the beginning of the series and she's been doing a lot of the growing she needed to fulfill a command position. The shift in dynamic between her and Saru to her once again outranking him could be an interesting watch.

    Why would anyone call them delusional, it was obvious that Discovery was a temp job for Pike, he was Discovery's rebound Captain. I have to ask anyone shocked by this, what part of temporary assignment confused them?

    I will say Nerdortic was silly fir saying he was fired, when anyone who was paying attention to Episide 1 of season 2 should have seen this coming. Still at some point they need to stop playing musical chairs with the Captains chair and make either Saru or Burnham Captain.

    This doesn't mean TRIBBLE Pike is one of the best Captains, he is, its just I knew this was coming.
  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    ilithyn wrote: »
    3) Michael. She was close to getting her own command at the beginning of the series and she's been doing a lot of the growing she needed to fulfill a command position. The shift in dynamic between her and Saru to her once again outranking him could be an interesting watch.

    For the sake of the ships crew I hope not. She almost got everyone killed by refusing to follow Pike's order to airlock Airiam, and if she had been the captain she wouldn't have given that order. Putting her in the captain seat is sentencing her crew to death. Although we aren't talking about real people here, so I guess it's not that big of a deal =P

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  • theboxisredtheboxisred Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    Mount mentioned some time ago that he was out of work. I just assumed his contract was up and filming Season 2 was complete.

    What I find interesting is that Saru should not be captain because he has become an unknown quantity and Burnham should not be captain because she is a known quantity.

    I doubt this was intentional because it makes for interesting character explorations.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    Detmer for captain.​​
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