I cant seem to access the terran empire uniforms on my Jem Hedar vangaurd character. I can however use them on my other bridge officers that aren't jem hedar, like even the cardassians. This bug should be fixed so my Jem Hedar captian can wear the terran empire uniforms, I cant even use the discovery uniforms on the c store even though im FED aligned. anyone else have this problem ?
Jems can only use Jem uniforms as far as I know. Sort of how Roms can only use Rom uni's, despite their alliance. This should be better documented than it is, but... *shrug*
Also, only Feds can use the Discovery uniform because it too is limited to the Fed faction. Allies do NOT get to wear the faction specific uni's. Though there have been bugs in the past that did allow Jems to wear Fed uni's, but if a Jem is currently wearing one of the Fed specific uniforms, I think if they even visit a tailor it resets them to a base Jem uni. I could be wrong.
Anyway, yeah, if something even has a hint of being Fed related, chances are no one else will be able to use it, not even allies.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.