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Bug: Keybinds allow two actions to be triggered at once!

ihatepwe735ihatepwe735 Member Posts: 337 Arc User
Keybinds that are set to trigger a whole bunch of skills.

Sample Keybind:
/bind numpad0 "+TrayExecByTray 9 0$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 1$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 2$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 3$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 4$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 5$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 6$$ +TrayExecByTray 9 7"

When keybinds like this are used, STO executes each command in the keybind in sequence, and consequently tries to execute each TrayExecByTray skill. To ensure that keybinds are not unbalanced, the first TrayExecByTray skill reached that executes a valid skill initiates a global cooldown preventing further TrayExecByTrays that contain combat skills from also triggering their action.

However sometimes the GCD doesn't trigger properly and STO will try and queue _all_ the remaining TrayExecByTray calls that are not on an individual cooldown, resulting in the last executed TrayExecByTray being executed.

Observed Behaviour
+TrayExecByTray 9 0 and +TrayExecByTray 9 7 both execute on a single button press (assuming they are not on cooldown)

Expected Behaviour
Only +TrayExecByTray 9 0 should execute (if not on cooldown).

This is not only annoying as it can cause skills to execute out of order, but it gives PvP players who use skillbinds an advantage as they can execute multiple skills per button press.
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