Posting this here before Support as this seems to be the more frequented area.
Has anyone else had the game eat dilithium on them? I withdrew 5,000 zen from the exchange - toggling the withdraw all option and setting the dilithium value to 0, but when I clicked okay the game emptied my Exchange dilithium balance. I had 11,615,000 dilithium in my Exchange account and the player cap for toons is 10,000,000. Since I already had dilithium on my toon the excess simply vanished. That translates to roughly 8 months refining lost through a game flaw or bug. Needless to say I'm rather unhappy! I've lodged a bug report but somehow I don't think I ought to hold my breath hoping for my lost dilithium back, or the flaw to be fixed. Anyone else experienced similar woes?
(I do wonder how many players actually have that many resources, that they could be effected by this... I'm sure I'd be surprised at how high the number is.)
edit: but yes, the exchange should have a 'safety' on it, that won't withdraw beyond the cap. This isn't like just earning more EC or unrefined Dil on a capped account while playing.
From reading it, it sound like what you're saying is that you toggled the "Withdraw All" option off - set the Dil entry to zero but then toggled "Withdraw All" back on?
If that's the case, that was your mistake as as soon as you recheck that box, the system no longer looks at what numbers are in the entry boxes, it juts takes everything out - and like others have stated, if you're at the 10,000,000 cap, your SOL and it's not a bug.
If however, you toggled "Withdraw All" off, manually entered numbers for Dil and Zen, and kept it unchecked when you hit the OK button <--- That is a bug with the manual Withdraw feature, and a nasty one for any players at the Dill cap when withdrawing if you have Dill in the window.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Hopefully support can help you.
It's not a bug that the game lets you do something stupid, just like it lets you discard a gear item you forgot to set protected or (like I did once) delete an email with an attachment. It's less-than-perfect UI/UX design but not a bug.
The problem is that every day spent idiot-proofing the UI to save the one player is a day not spent on a new fun feature or important bug fix that will benefit thousands of players. Priorities mean the one-player-helped fixes often stay at the end of the to-do list, at least at my employer (which is not Cryptic).
Agreed, it's poor design and the OP has a right to be upset.
People will pile on, because it's their nature and it's what they do.. but personally, I hope the OP is able to recover his resources. Halfway descent design would have just left the over flow in the bank or at least popped up a warning asking 'are you sure?'
The fact that people defend this as working as intended or perfectly acceptable just silly. Rather it was the users mistake or not, it's poor design under any conditions.
You got to do what the artful dodgers do. Set up Storage Mule Characters and transfer items, Dilitium, EC, etc. to them. It is the STO equivalent of setting up phoney holding companies in the Cayman Islands.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yes the game tells you in one screen that dilithium above the 10 million cap is lost, however I didn't want to withdraw dilithium and it should not be possible to withdraw over the cap. I lost dilithium because the game did something I didn't want it to do.
I'm no Warren Buffet, I'm just another poor STO player. Any player with 1 toon and an 8 month old account will have accrued what I lost. Any player with 6 toons and an 8 month old account could run into similarly lose dilithium.
No I didn't toggle the Withdraw All back on, at least I'm not aware of doing so. Whether it was toggled without me being aware of it I can't say.
False parallel. It would be more accurate to say that I sought to transfer a gallon of milk from one bottle into another, and somehow ended up getting 5 gallons of water at the same time despite my water bottle only having 4 gallons of space.
An overflow option or a block on withdrawing funds over cap would be fine - same as you can't accept rewards for missions once your inventory\overflow bag is full. The problem in this case is that I wasn't trying to get dilithium yet lost a tonne when the excess overflowed.
Needless to say this experience has rather a souring effect on my view of STO.
Is this just by doing Admiralty or fully capping out those characters? Because it seems like a pretty big stretch to me that 6 characters + 8 months = DL overcap loss.
I admit I've never run into that myself, but that's mostly because I had been working on personal C-Store projects and converting to zen. Only time I had anywhere around even 1 mil DL was when I was saving up for the Enterprise MACO outfit. I love that outfit, but 1.7-2 mil for a character unlock is excessive. Honestly I wish it was available for GPL. I got pyramids built out of all the latinum I got and nothing to spend it on! And not just any pyramids either. I'm talking the Great Pyramids of Giza!
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Yes the potential is there i'm not arguing with any one and i did say stop me if i'm wrong. My math is not what it once was. Regardless of the potential any one has in making this amount of dil caution and taking that extra step when nearing or at cap on the currency is a wise precaution.
And even given this potential to utilize it and move it to one part of the account is using a means not made for it. In any case it was simply my 2 ec of thoughts on this and to any one that in the future may encounter this issue. And may be prevent a unfavorable outcome. Such as the OP has had. Feel free to accept, ignore, or disregard my post as you see fit.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Freaking awesome. Very well put
This left me wondering why bother withdrawing that Dil on a character with soooooo much already? Does the OP not have other characters he could've stored it on?
This is incorrect. I had nearly the same thing as the OP occur, on the 19th. In my case, I wanted to withdraw some Zen. I toggled off Withdraw All, I backspaced over the numbers in the Dilithium line (so I didn't type in 0, but I did blank out the line).
I double-checked my Zen balance, hit Withdraw... and everything came out of the Exchange in one shot. No warning, no "This will exceed your Dil cap", nothing. There is also no listing anywhere that I can find that even *says* there is a 10 mill refined Dil cap (per character). This lost a little over 1.9 million Dil.
I immediately screen capped the exchange history, my logs, my balanced etc and sent them to Cryptic with a ticket on their support website. That was the afternoon of Wed. Dec. 19. No reply as yet.
(Edit: the game may well have provided a warning at some point in the past. It didn't on the 19th)
Apparently the details escape some people.
You can have over 10 million dil in the Exchange (I did)… you just can't withdraw over 10 million refined dil onto one character.
I specifically state that I had never seen anywhere, a posted limit of 10 million refined dil per character, NOR any warning that the withdrawal would exceed a 10 million limit. I specifically TURNED OFF the Withdraw All button and CLEARED the Dilithium line... I was withdrawing ZEN. The OP was ALSO withdrawing ZEN, with Dil set to 0 and All set OFF.
Maybe we could stop with the "Zomg you FOOLS you KNEW the limit and yet you withdrew your FAT RICHES anyway!" ignorant replies (ignorant of the actual facts/situation that is), and perhaps focus on the issues of:
- Maybe the current exchange process has a flaw?
- Maybe the ability to withdraw over your apparently non-advertised cap needs to be adjusted?
- Maybe Support should take less than 5 days to respond to a potentially buggy loss of game currency?
Things like that, you know.
(Edit: PS - if anybody has screen caps or links for these references they are making that "You knew the limit" and "The game clearly tells you you are exceeding the cap" from the current patch, that might actually help address the situation.)
Here is a ideal. To prevent this from happening again change the exchange to be a one way transfer. In other words if you use zen for dilithium lock the dilithium out of the exchange. If you sell dilithium lock the zen from entering the exchange again. They already lock zen to a game and keep it from being usable in others. And dilithium is set already to be standard or fleet or reputation.
I see no reason it cant be added as a exchange only dilithium as well. This would leave the exchange usable for what it was intended to be and save everyone from the possible loss of wealth do to attempting to use the exchange as a dilithium transfer from one toon to the next.
Now feel free to disregard my post but. I some how find it hard to see some one playing a single toon gathering and refining dil and not using any in the course of 3 years to even close on the cap for a toon.
This is my thoughts that lead me to a conclusion that the base of this issue was caused by moving dil from one toon or set of toons to this toon in the first place.
If the OP was buying dilithium to use in game i do not see any need to buy more when one has 8 mill refined dilithium as unless i'm mistaken i don't know of any item that cost in excess of 2 million
In any case the possibility of a player making vast amounts of dil on using several toons in a short time is reasonable. But unless you are using the exchange to transfer all that dil to a single toon you are still caped at the refine limit on each one. And that places no one near the cap to start with.
Over all i don't see this being a major issue needing dev time to take care of when content and bug fixes are of more use to the community.
Unless some how i am under a great misunderstanding and everyone has vast excesses of dilithium needing some safeguard enacted.
It shows as as tool tip in 'Assets' Inventory screen when you hover your cursor over it.....and I'm sure it does say elsewhere, but that escapes me.