Hello everybody,
I don't know if this bug has been already reported but anyway, here what happened.
I was in Q'nos system with my temporal ship, the U.S.S. Pacific.
The Pacific was equipped with the Jem'hadar shield and I wanted to mount my new competitive shield that I had in the inventory.
To do so I double clicked on the competitive shield thinking that this would equip that shield and unequip the Jem'Hadar.
Instead the Jem'hadar shield was still visible as icon on the ship, it didn't go in the inventory and it disappeared from the "Equip" window
(the other jem'hadar shield you can see belong to the "D.V. Fighter").
The equip window instead shows the competitive shield equipped.
The Jem'Hadar shield was not unequipped, I am not sure which shield was working at that point.
I tried manually to drag and drop the icon of the jem'hadar shield on the inventory. I also removed the Jem'hadar shield
from the fighter and then I took a new screenshot:
Again, something is wrong. The image of the shield is empty but the equip window shows that the competitive shield is equipped.
I realize that it's a bit hard to explain but it's a bug, I did my best to describe it but if you have any question don't hesitate to answer to this post.