Both my Level 65 Federation Characters no longer have the "Breen Invasion" listed on their Available tab.
I only have two Fed characters that I can check. The rest of my Level 65 characters are on the Klingon side...they have "Cold War" listed under J'mpok.
My Temporal Recruit needs those "Cold War" missions to complete her Temporal Probe objectives in her Temporal Transponder.
ADDED: "Lost Dominion : The 2800" Since rdellaripa23 has reported this issue on his Level 65 Fed aligned Romulan character.
ADDED: "Specters" and "Lost Dominion: The 2800" since vervas1 has reported the issue with his Level 65 KDF aligned Jem'Hadar character.
ADDED: "Specters" and "Lost Dominion: The 2800" since zkyleach has reported the issue with his Level 65 KDF Aligned Romulan.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
BTW...they were there the night before the Patch of November 1....because I was looking at the Temporal Recruit progress and wanted to make sure she could get to the Breen stuff.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I am going to take a guess you didn't read my OP, nor the complete title to this thread?????
I am actually doing "The Lost Dominion" one, right now.
Are they locking missions in the Available tab behind each other, now, too? There is no reason to lock out missions on the Available tab at all. They don''t have the Episodes in the correct sequences, last time I looked closely.
Eh, strike that... that is not Klingons have it in their "Available" tab listing.
Post edited by where2r1 on
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
OK.... Frtoaster says to try talking to the Ambassador on Deferi. So, next time I am in the game...I will go fly to Deferi with one of my Federation characters.
Though, why is this even happening?
Update: Talking to Ambassador Surah on Deferi does not have the Breen missions.
Is there another Ambassador Surah somewhere else in the game?
Post edited by where2r1 on
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Overview: Breen Invasion Story Arc....
Not showing up in "Available" tab for Level 65 Federation players.
The "hand off" mission, which should be "Cold WAR", is not listed under Quinn in the "Available" tab.
Ambassador Surah mission giver is not in the "Available" tab until we can interact with Quinn.
This was a change with the patch on November 1, 2018....where the Breen Story arc was locked to Level 65.
KDF side is OK. "Cold WAR" is listed under J'mpok for Level 65 players.
Post edited by where2r1 on
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Overview: Breen Invasion Story Arc....
Not showing up in "Available" tab for Level 65 Federation players.
The "hand off" mission, which should be "Cold Call", is not listed under Quinn in the "Available" tab.
Ambassador Surah mission giver is not in the "Available" tab until we can interact with Quinn.
This was a change with the patch on November 1, 2018....where the Breen Story arc was locked to Level 65.
KDF side is OK. "Cold Call" is listed under J'mpok for Level 65 players.
Cold Call shouldn't be offered by J'mpok or Quinn, it should be listed under Ambassador Surah for everyone. Cold War is the handoff mission, Cold Call is the first mission in the arc.
This is an MMO, not a Star Trek episode simulator. That would make for a terrible game.
Cold Call shouldn't be offered by J'mpok or Quinn, it should be listed under Ambassador Surah for everyone. Cold War is the handoff mission, Cold Call is the first mission in the arc.
Sorry...going round and round with this, I got the names of the missions confused. LOL!
Yes. it is "COLD WAR" that is the handoff mission. My mistake...I will fix it on my post.
Oddly, at the very bottom is Temporal Agent Phillip Crey, offering me "Once and Future Agent". I just hailed and completed that mission was Daniels showing me the Temporal Timeline map which should be the start to "Yesterday's War" story arc in the EPISODES listing.
This character has 4 story arcs to unlock (New Romulus, Dyson, Delta, and Iconian) before she gets to "Yesterday's War"...all of them are still gray, so I can not do those missions without more fiddling around.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Breen Invasion Story Arc is not in "Available" tab for Level 65 Federation characters, who have not done it, yet.
This was a change that came in with the patch of November 1, 2018....
Missions handoffs for "Cold War," "Spectres," and "The Lost Dominion" now require level 65.
"Cold War" and "Lost Dominion" was available for Federation players BEFORE this. I am not sure about "Specters" because it was completed on this character, previous to the changes.
The "hand off" mission, "Cold War", is not listed under Quinn in the "Available" tab.
See Picture:
Ambassador Surah mission giver is not in the "Available" tab until we can interact with Quinn "Cold War".
See Picture:
KDF side is working correctly. "Cold WAR" is listed under J'mpok for Level 65 players, who have not done it.
See Pic:
Note: All pics are from Level 65 characters who have not ever started nor ever completed the Breen Invasion stories.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I'm having the same issue on my Delta Romulan-Fed. I got to level 65, and the Spectres episodes showed up in Available, but I can't find the Breen Invasion episodes, but I'm not seeing the 2800 episodes, either. I feel like there's some story requirement that I haven't met yet, but I haven't found it yet.
Yes, noticed a regression in cold line/war myself, for an allegedly eligable char at level 65, though it was a repeatability issue for me and already allegedly solved (in a questionable way) so I believe it's likely an "easier" thing than other quests
like the NR collection quests on vestam, atlay, phaeos and hawel/Whole nimbus replayability or installation 18 issues since AoD.
Still the cold war regression is linked to the recent patch and possibly level 65 chars. No idea how it goes for 1st play though.
Can't give more accurate info ATM.
Seems like a product of the streamline/conditions in patch (for an example, of all things, level 65 chars! were affected instead of more allowed to play or replay cold war/line). And possibly plenty of unthought situations or factions/states/ways/order and times of playing
The char I related to is KDF "newer" delta level 65. KDF don't have galaxy at large.
(it did/get and skipped the TFO. Nimbus is a new line and so is cold line. NR line done and still problematic. It played the lines already.)
Another thing I recalled - just adding since some may have troubles with. In case you have the cold war, you can go (or make primary and then transwarp to it. If transwarped you might want to turn your ship ~180 degrees IIRC 1st) and approach VERY VERY close to defera - there is some tiny thing/area on the minimap so focus it to see and go to it (not beeming down) and then it's solved when you are really at/close to that tiny area.
I'm having the same issue on my Delta Romulan-Fed. I got to level 65, and the Spectres episodes showed up in Available, but I can't find the Breen Invasion episodes, but I'm not seeing the 2800 episodes, either. I feel like there's some story requirement that I haven't met yet, but I haven't found it yet.
It will not hurt to check and see if you can get "Lost Dominion: The 2800" to unlock by completing "Specters". And "Breen Invasion/Cold War" by doing "Lost Dominion: The 2800" and see if it works on your character.
Though I don't see why they would start locking missions behind other missions in the "Available" tab. They are no longer "required". That is why they are there, after all.
EXAMPLE: if someone wants to get the Jem'Hadar space stuff for visuals on their ship...they should be able to access those missions without having to go through all the rest of it.
EXAMPLE: If someone wants to do "Specters" What Lies Beneath/"Bonnie Kin", say for Halloween creepies, because someone was talking about it. They shouldn't have to do all the rest of the missions in that arc to access it.
The missions in the Available tab should be a free for all Level characters.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Revisiting my 2 Federation Level 65 is of the TOS variety, the other is a Ferengi.
The TOS is a Temporal Recruit... does not have the "Cold War" hand off mission in her Available tab.
Finished the "Lost Dominion: The 2800" already...that is in her Available tab under the Replay banner.
The Ferengi, on the other hand....has finished nothing, uh...maybe the low end tutorial stuff.
She does not show the hand off missions for "Breen Invasion" or "Lost Dominion" in her Available tab.
This matches what rdellaripa23 is seeing on his Fed-Romulan.
I am not sure how many Level 65 Federation characters exist that did not finish these stories already.
So, this bug is effecting a very narrow part of the players...that is until more new characters get up there. LOL!
Note to self: Try to work on the two Fed Aligned Jem'Hadars and get the mission journal unlocked for them. That will give me a couple of more Fed characters at Level 65 to peek into.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
OK...first day in a few days I been able to sign on the computer.... thanks to being sick...
(and getting behind on Thanksgiving OMG it is next week...I don't have my tree done must do that this weekend.....!!!!! Yadda yadda...I would be lucky I may have time this weekend to DOFF.... )
( took my computer all of 30 seconds to patch. Thank you Cox Comm!)
OK..on the Ferengi: "Breen Invasion" nor "Lost Dominion" shows up in the Available tab....
And on the TOS character....still no "Breen Invasion" hand off mission, either.
BTW...TOS character is a Temporal Recruit and there are Temporal Probes to find in the Breen missions and requirements in the Temporal Transponder Device that are connected to completion of the Breen story Arc.
So, looks like they still are working on this.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The patch notes said Specters, Lost Dominion and Breen Invasion unlocks at Level 65. No other requirements should be attached to those missions in the "Available" tab.
The day before the patch, those were in.
I think that Mission Journal is much more complicated than it needs to be.
Also, Specters used to unlock Traelus System mission which was a daily for low level characters for collecting Dilithium. And that one for Deuterium. So, that one should not be Level 65 it should be more like Level 25 or so.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Wow, I guess I have not looked at my KDF aligned Jem'Hadar character at all. Too busy with too many other things, I suppose. LOL!
But at Level 65, my Jem'Hadar KDF aligned....she is missing "Specters" as well as "Lost Dominion" hand off missions under J'mpok in the Available tab. Oddly, "Cold War" IS listed. LOL! Crazy.
I need to put a fire on getting the regular missions unlocked on that Jem'Hadar Fed aligned so we can get the whole picture, there. @veruvas1 says his Jem'Hadar Fed aligned worked fine.
You know what we haven't been able to check is a Romulan KDF aligned who is Level 65 and did not do any of those mission arcs that got moved.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Update on the Federation Jem'Hadar Level 65 on PC.
I finished the last Gamma Quadrant mission "Home" on her just a few minutes ago. Doing this should unlock the "regular" Federation missions for her.
In her Available tab she is missing "Specters", "The Lost Dominion" and "Cold War".
I am not sure what else. LOL!
I am going to take her through the Klingon War Episodes and see what happens.
I have to go find that list of missions that is required for Fed to unlock things in the Mission Journal.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Update on the Federation Jem'Hadar Level 65 on PC.
I finished the last Gamma Quadrant mission "Home" on her just a few minutes ago. Doing this should unlock the "regular" Federation missions for her.
In her Available tab she is missing "Specters", "The Lost Dominion" and "Cold War".
I am not sure what else. LOL!
I am going to take her through the Klingon War Episodes and see what happens.
I have to go find that list of missions that is required for Fed to unlock things in the Mission Journal.
Is "Second Wave" or any of the lost dominion's mission appear in " J -> In Progress"? (could be more than one in some special cases) If not, maybe one of those will be in "Available" somehow?
-In that case, could be the wrapper done and you can continue quest by quest?
Similarly regarding other lines, but that line was the most apparent one to me when I checked my chars.
Ah nevermind. Jemm. Maybe need to skip/do (you decide) all the way up until some point. including TFO.
Especially take and do "Galaxy at Large" by talking to Quinn (you may skip or do to its point in Klingon's War line) - it's a must for fed (maybe KDF have some similar enabling/info dialogue without this quest, I don't remember) Yes, I know you are level 65 so one requirement is out
Sadly I can't help with list beside saying 1st quest in line - non skip-able normally, AND TFO - which must be done or skipped, and Galaxy at Large - which you should be doing by talking to Quinn - and sometimes a quest regarding shuttle... I would also think tutorial, special mini faction line possibly (Rom/TOS/Jemm - as you already did), choosing faction (as you did)/its related quest are likely needed. KDF have also 3 quests after tutorial lines which are a must. 1st quest in NR line is a must as well (careful - see note)*. There may be others.
(if one were Rom one would also check neutral no more and price of neutrality just in case even if price of neutrality doesn't fit the theme. ALONG WITH "DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN". Roms MIGHT have a few more mandatory quests early in the story, right after choosing a faction and doing neutral no more. (unsure regarding the bigger picture for example but there may be such quests but irrelevant to your Jemm))
Additionally you probably want to do Escalation, Circles within Circles, Supply Woes. Kobali front then talk to the general in Kobali. It may be enough. SOME chars POTENTIALLY might have to do some Kobali quests IN ORDER by the Kobali wrapper if wrapper ITSELF isn't YET skip-able. But I think you usually can advance in Delta line after this. I don't know and am not accurate here, but it might vary between chars - sometimes it's skip-able sometimes an act or so may be needed. (I don't know the details) Anyway, skip/do all the way down, quest by quest, until blocked* then do the blocking quest.
*Sometimes skipping might not be the best idea - I suspect it bugged my chars in NR so they can't site-to-site transwarp.
Also, especially new AoD chars won't likely to want to skip things, they may miss some things as I understood by doing such.
Must skip/do quest by quest in all lines from top to button. For wrappers/Kobali/NR/Delta or Dyson starting quests you must "attend" as well as at least some if not all 1st quests in lines. (for NR zone you need to speak according to instructions with people on the stage once you have Aid New Romulus quest and are in NR and after cutscene, can't instruct on that area since my newest chars are messed up in that regard (site to site transwarp/transportation system quest) despite finishing the line, having all transportation points and having the t5 rep reward.)
Irrelevant to you but some quests beside wrapper seem to have a hidden requirements - allegedly such as Kobali ACT I/II/III missions.
Ah nvm. Jemm. Maybe need to skip/do (you decide) all the way up until some point. including TFO.
No worries. Chrian posted a list for Federation on another thread already, I just have to find it.
Plus I have no time right now..... I need to get my Christmas tree and house decorated and get some shopping done! Plus, my lights set up outside.
And Q's Winter Wonderland is starting, soon! I like doing WW! No missions during WW. LOL! You, too...take a break for WW...Get your characters Tardigrade Sweaters!
We can check after there is a patch....not before.
"Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Happy holidays Hope you enjoy it. I wish we were celebrating it here in my place but even without that I know it's a very nice holiday
mind you if you skip on NR line (after 1st quest) you might bug your char's ability to use site to site transwarp, just trying to avoid this!
And also galaxy at large you better do (pre for wrappers I think, beside your level) - WHEN you want and having time for this, ofc.
And good luck I will join winter event as well I like the snow atmosphere (I don't like failing the race again and again due to disability/limitation/difficulties though. But they seem to have a no opponent thing for such if failing too much in a raw) and I like sliding the lake too - unlikely to quest much or at all during it.
I will take some break though wish to advance my recruits a little more... One done (Delta KDF), the rest are close. and Jemm needs way too many actively added spec points to complete - but I am relatively very close as well, still far in time. BTW I am not very effective in questing etc.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I'm going to take a guess that is is your problem.
I am going to take a guess you didn't read my OP, nor the complete title to this thread?????
I am actually doing "The Lost Dominion" one, right now.
Are they locking missions in the Available tab behind each other, now, too? There is no reason to lock out missions on the Available tab at all. They don''t have the Episodes in the correct sequences, last time I looked closely.
Eh, strike that... that is not Klingons have it in their "Available" tab listing.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Though, why is this even happening?
Update: Talking to Ambassador Surah on Deferi does not have the Breen missions.
Is there another Ambassador Surah somewhere else in the game?
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Not showing up in "Available" tab for Level 65 Federation players.
The "hand off" mission, which should be "Cold WAR", is not listed under Quinn in the "Available" tab.
Ambassador Surah mission giver is not in the "Available" tab until we can interact with Quinn.
This was a change with the patch on November 1, 2018....where the Breen Story arc was locked to Level 65.
KDF side is OK. "Cold WAR" is listed under J'mpok for Level 65 players.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Cold War is listed under Quinn, but probably only after you've done Spectres, and maybe Lost Dominion, which should also come from him
Cold Call shouldn't be offered by J'mpok or Quinn, it should be listed under Ambassador Surah for everyone. Cold War is the handoff mission, Cold Call is the first mission in the arc.
Sorry...going round and round with this, I got the names of the missions confused. LOL!
Yes. it is "COLD WAR" that is the handoff mission. My mistake...I will fix it on my post.
Both have been completed, already:
Notice in the picture that both of the Specters and Lost Dominion is listed as replay.
Here is what is listed under Quinn:
Notice that Cold War is not here.
Here is the rest of the missions in the Available tab:
Ambassador Surah is not listed at all.
Oddly, at the very bottom is Temporal Agent Phillip Crey, offering me "Once and Future Agent". I just hailed and completed that mission was Daniels showing me the Temporal Timeline map which should be the start to "Yesterday's War" story arc in the EPISODES listing.
This character has 4 story arcs to unlock (New Romulus, Dyson, Delta, and Iconian) before she gets to "Yesterday's War"...all of them are still gray, so I can not do those missions without more fiddling around.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Breen Invasion Story Arc is not in "Available" tab for Level 65 Federation characters, who have not done it, yet.
This was a change that came in with the patch of November 1, 2018.... "Cold War" and "Lost Dominion" was available for Federation players BEFORE this. I am not sure about "Specters" because it was completed on this character, previous to the changes.
The "hand off" mission, "Cold War", is not listed under Quinn in the "Available" tab.
See Picture:
Ambassador Surah mission giver is not in the "Available" tab until we can interact with Quinn "Cold War".
See Picture:
KDF side is working correctly. "Cold WAR" is listed under J'mpok for Level 65 players, who have not done it.
See Pic:
Note: All pics are from Level 65 characters who have not ever started nor ever completed the Breen Invasion stories.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Can't give more accurate info ATM.
Seems like a product of the streamline/conditions in patch (for an example, of all things, level 65 chars! were affected instead of more allowed to play or replay cold war/line). And possibly plenty of unthought situations or factions/states/ways/order and times of playing
The char I related to is KDF "newer" delta level 65. KDF don't have galaxy at large.
Another thing I recalled - just adding since some may have troubles with. In case you have the cold war, you can go (or make primary and then transwarp to it. If transwarped you might want to turn your ship ~180 degrees IIRC 1st) and approach VERY VERY close to defera - there is some tiny thing/area on the minimap so focus it to see and go to it (not beeming down) and then it's solved when you are really at/close to that tiny area.
It will not hurt to check and see if you can get "Lost Dominion: The 2800" to unlock by completing "Specters". And "Breen Invasion/Cold War" by doing "Lost Dominion: The 2800" and see if it works on your character.
Though I don't see why they would start locking missions behind other missions in the "Available" tab. They are no longer "required". That is why they are there, after all.
EXAMPLE: if someone wants to get the Jem'Hadar space stuff for visuals on their ship...they should be able to access those missions without having to go through all the rest of it.
EXAMPLE: If someone wants to do "Specters" What Lies Beneath/"Bonnie Kin", say for Halloween creepies, because someone was talking about it. They shouldn't have to do all the rest of the missions in that arc to access it.
The missions in the Available tab should be a free for all Level characters.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I doubt that, too. Because it is OK on my KDF side and I skipped all the TFOs over there.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The TOS is a Temporal Recruit... does not have the "Cold War" hand off mission in her Available tab.
Finished the "Lost Dominion: The 2800" already...that is in her Available tab under the Replay banner.
The Ferengi, on the other hand....has finished nothing, uh...maybe the low end tutorial stuff.
She does not show the hand off missions for "Breen Invasion" or "Lost Dominion" in her Available tab.
This matches what rdellaripa23 is seeing on his Fed-Romulan.
I am not sure how many Level 65 Federation characters exist that did not finish these stories already.
So, this bug is effecting a very narrow part of the players...that is until more new characters get up there. LOL!
Note to self: Try to work on the two Fed Aligned Jem'Hadars and get the mission journal unlocked for them. That will give me a couple of more Fed characters at Level 65 to peek into.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
(and getting behind on Thanksgiving OMG it is next week...I don't have my tree done must do that this weekend.....!!!!! Yadda yadda...I would be lucky I may have time this weekend to DOFF.... )
Currently patching:
Where there is some news about some juggling of missions in the Journal. So, lets check it out.....
( took my computer all of 30 seconds to patch. Thank you Cox Comm!)
OK..on the Ferengi: "Breen Invasion" nor "Lost Dominion" shows up in the Available tab....
And on the TOS character....still no "Breen Invasion" hand off mission, either.
BTW...TOS character is a Temporal Recruit and there are Temporal Probes to find in the Breen missions and requirements in the Temporal Transponder Device that are connected to completion of the Breen story Arc.
So, looks like they still are working on this.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The day before the patch, those were in.
I think that Mission Journal is much more complicated than it needs to be.
Also, Specters used to unlock Traelus System mission which was a daily for low level characters for collecting Dilithium. And that one for Deuterium. So, that one should not be Level 65 it should be more like Level 25 or so.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Patch on November 20th, 2018...nothing mentioned of the Mission Journal fixes....
Status of Level 65 character's "Available" tab, by Faction:
Romulan Fed-Aligned: "Cold War" and "Lost Dominion" mission arcs missing (by @rdellaripa23 Thanks!)
Starfleet Ferengi : "Cold War" and "Lost Dominion" mission arcs missing
TOS Starfleet Temporal: "Cold War" mission arc missing. ("Lost Dominion" arc is completed and is in Replay list)
Jem'Hadar KDF-Aligned: "Specters" and "Lost Dominion" mission arcs are missing (by @veruvas1 Thanks)
Jem'Hadar Fed-Aligned: "Specters", "Lost Dominion" and "Cold War" mission arcs are missing.
Note: veruvas1 is on XBox. I verified on my KDF Jem'Hadar on PC.
Breen Invasion Story Arc and Lost Dominion Story Arc is not in "Available" tab for Level 65 Federation characters, who have not done it, yet.
This was a change that came in with the patch of November 1, 2018....
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
But at Level 65, my Jem'Hadar KDF aligned....she is missing "Specters" as well as "Lost Dominion" hand off missions under J'mpok in the Available tab. Oddly, "Cold War" IS listed. LOL! Crazy.
I need to put a fire on getting the regular missions unlocked on that Jem'Hadar Fed aligned so we can get the whole picture, there. @veruvas1 says his Jem'Hadar Fed aligned worked fine.
You know what we haven't been able to check is a Romulan KDF aligned who is Level 65 and did not do any of those mission arcs that got moved.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I finished the last Gamma Quadrant mission "Home" on her just a few minutes ago. Doing this should unlock the "regular" Federation missions for her.
In her Available tab she is missing "Specters", "The Lost Dominion" and "Cold War".
I am not sure what else. LOL!
I am going to take her through the Klingon War Episodes and see what happens.
I have to go find that list of missions that is required for Fed to unlock things in the Mission Journal.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Is "Second Wave" or any of the lost dominion's mission appear in " J -> In Progress"? (could be more than one in some special cases) If not, maybe one of those will be in "Available" somehow?
-In that case, could be the wrapper done and you can continue quest by quest?
Similarly regarding other lines, but that line was the most apparent one to me when I checked my chars.
Ah nevermind. Jemm. Maybe need to skip/do (you decide) all the way up until some point. including TFO.
Especially take and do "Galaxy at Large" by talking to Quinn (you may skip or do to its point in Klingon's War line) - it's a must for fed (maybe KDF have some similar enabling/info dialogue without this quest, I don't remember) Yes, I know you are level 65 so one requirement is out
Sadly I can't help with list beside saying 1st quest in line - non skip-able normally, AND TFO - which must be done or skipped, and Galaxy at Large - which you should be doing by talking to Quinn - and sometimes a quest regarding shuttle... I would also think tutorial, special mini faction line possibly (Rom/TOS/Jemm - as you already did), choosing faction (as you did)/its related quest are likely needed. KDF have also 3 quests after tutorial lines which are a must. 1st quest in NR line is a must as well (careful - see note)*. There may be others.
(if one were Rom one would also check neutral no more and price of neutrality just in case even if price of neutrality doesn't fit the theme. ALONG WITH "DARKNESS BEFORE DAWN". Roms MIGHT have a few more mandatory quests early in the story, right after choosing a faction and doing neutral no more. (unsure regarding the bigger picture for example but there may be such quests but irrelevant to your Jemm))
Additionally you probably want to do Escalation, Circles within Circles, Supply Woes. Kobali front then talk to the general in Kobali. It may be enough. SOME chars POTENTIALLY might have to do some Kobali quests IN ORDER by the Kobali wrapper if wrapper ITSELF isn't YET skip-able. But I think you usually can advance in Delta line after this. I don't know and am not accurate here, but it might vary between chars - sometimes it's skip-able sometimes an act or so may be needed. (I don't know the details) Anyway, skip/do all the way down, quest by quest, until blocked* then do the blocking quest.
*Sometimes skipping might not be the best idea - I suspect it bugged my chars in NR so they can't site-to-site transwarp.
Also, especially new AoD chars won't likely to want to skip things, they may miss some things as I understood by doing such.
Must skip/do quest by quest in all lines from top to button. For wrappers/Kobali/NR/Delta or Dyson starting quests you must "attend"
Irrelevant to you but some quests beside wrapper seem to have a hidden requirements - allegedly such as Kobali ACT I/II/III missions.
feeding the edit monster yet again
No worries. Chrian posted a list for Federation on another thread already, I just have to find it.
Plus I have no time right now..... I need to get my Christmas tree and house decorated and get some shopping done! Plus, my lights set up outside.
And Q's Winter Wonderland is starting, soon! I like doing WW! No missions during WW. LOL! You, too...take a break for WW...Get your characters Tardigrade Sweaters!
We can check after there is a patch....not before.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
mind you if you skip on NR line (after 1st quest) you might bug your char's ability to use site to site transwarp, just trying to avoid this!
And also galaxy at large you better do (pre for wrappers I think, beside your level) - WHEN you want and having time for this, ofc.
And good luck
I will take some break though wish to advance my recruits a little more...
Thanks...happy holiday to you and yours and happy New year, too.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin