I'd say it becomes really powerful around 350-400 (400+ being the target on a maxed out epg/ctrlx build) My Current WiP wizard sits at around 350 and pulls in about one third/half of the full Starbase 1 range. But whatever you do, make sure to push EPG for GW. Otherwise it won't do much, as well as certain Temporal abilities for your boff which makes the whole thing viable to begin with.
If you want i can give you some pointers here later today. But rule of thumb: aim for more than 350 and you'll see a huge increase in usefulness (same with the 500 EPG thing, at that point (including the R&d trait that enables crits it becomes REALLY powerful)).
Thanks for advice, I have around 350 EPG so to boost EPG I may have to sacrifice some CTRL X as a lot of my consoles are Exotic damage + abilities such as Deplhic Tear and anchor. I guess I could sacrifice my Isocinetic cannon x3 piece for a few more EPG consoles.
Not really necessary: to make this quick here are some pointers:
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
since my other post disappeared for some reason: westmetals put up some good stuff there. Except with the BOFFs: to really getting the best out of it ONE romulan op and the rest should be Human K-13 officers (One can be the android at the same vendor - it just trades one thing for another with a bit of a higher cap) - but i think before anyone can really make any suggestions regarding a complete build/setup there are 3 questions i'd like to ask
1. What ship are you flying/do you want to fly?
2. Do you have a good amount of EC and what would be the maximum you'd like to invest (this will be necessary for the right traits) [Pointer: The Eternal Class is the #1 for sci at the moment if you really wanna optimize your build]
3. Do you have problems with needing to get lobi/c-store ships - how far do you want to push it? (you can get it all via EC and Dil - but can take a long time).
If you can answer all of those we can give you something more specific. Also for the DOFFS: The first two are correct, one torpedo officer is fine but shouldn't be on reload rather than crtd (which scales with your exotic-crit severity once unlocked via the R&D lvl 15 science trait), Another one should be a Technician (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,689Community Moderator
If you're working towards a Megawell build, you want as close to 400 ControlX as possible. 250 is respectable though and should work on most ships you can run GW3 on.
Building anything like a Megawell is going to take investment. If this is going on anything more generalized it won't be as effective to try and push any higher. At least in my opinion. But anything OVER 400 is generally a waste as you won't make the pull radius any larger after you hit 400, and the pull strength is pretty strong at that point too so... again... anything over 400 is a waste.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
DOFFs: "Amsoti" (chance for grav well victims to have engines knocked offline), an aftershock gravity well DOFF, and 3 torpedo cooldown DOFFs....
Its only for a second the engines are kncoked off line.
A Deflector Officer (Chance to reduce the recharge time for Deflector abilities) might be a good followup until they get improved Gravity well.
400 CtrlX is generally where the strength maxes out. Note that a GW's "pull" is actually listed as its repel value it's just a negative value rather than positive.
Now to fully make use of a GW i'd say you want some CrtlX for the pull & hold but also some EPG for the damage component. So with that in mind it's quite possible to get both those skills to 300 and leave some space fora bit of drain as well. That should give you a pretty nasty GW but also the extra EPG will help things like torps and other sci powers than run off it that you may be dumping on your hapless targets stuck in the well.
The engine offline doff i found to be a bit meh, it barely lasts seconds and tbh you can get a better engine offline effect by dumping an spread of PEP torps into the targets as the cloud disables movement and does damage.
Curious where you're going here. The ship has 2 tac, 2 sci, one eng officers (the way I have it set up). So you would be proposing that I need the K-13 tac and eng officers? Why? Possibly with one of those taking the place of either an SRO or a JHV, the other definitely a JHV?
Actually, on that specific setup i'd go 2x SRO, 2x K-13 Human, 1x K-13 Android. Not sure about the JHV, didn't get the big pack so i sadly do not have access to them, if thier bonus damage counts as all damage their trait would certainly be superior, even if the crit buff they have is lower then sro? again sketchy on that, only have the wiki to go on there unless it's the same as the player trait.
The reasoning behind that is that depending on the ship (and therefore console layout) you'd want to hit the 400 ctrlx while maintaining maximum epg which is just more optimal if you're setting it up with those (very expensive) officers at least on the eternal and draanur lukari vessel. Like i said, it was just a pointer until we'd know more, obviously, different ships = different setups.
Also as for the Engine Offline Boff, that one has a reason, yes it's only for a second but it greatly enhances your chances to pull everything in a bit quicker, and that proc happens more then you'd prob notice, however i haven't really tested the deflector officer for that and what generally works better, on paper though, at least from what i have tested myself the engine one seems a bit more useful, but i'll test it when i have the time.
The engine offline doff can be a huge help if your up against players (who fly through gravity wells like they are not there for the most part) or if your running with less CtrlX, but I wouldn't say it was mandatory. If your running with or near 400CtrlX then you may be served better by a projectile weapons officer, damage control engineer or gravimetric scientist in that slot.
I have to say its refreshing to see how the community has come around to Megawell builds. There was a time when a thread like this would have been full of people advocating the sacrifice of CtrlX to squeeze on as much EPG as possible.
To address the OP's original question. the answer is content dependent. For some ques a small well is perfectly good enough, other ques have enemies so spread out you need a massive well. But at 400 CtrlX a gravity well III reaches its cap with a diameter of 24km. Once your at 400 there is no reason to add more, the additional pull strength you get is so minuscule you will never notice it.
A 24km Gravity well gives you a lot of leeway to make mistakes. The larger the well the less you need to worry about targeting just the right ship at just the right time to capture all the possible targets.
If your queuing for random missions with pugs a Megawell build (24km Gravity Well build) gives you the ability to carry a sub-optimal team through the largest range of content.
It is also worth noting that going big dose not mean going week. My Mega-Well build regularly puts other damage focused captains to shame through the blessings of enemy multiplication and direct to hull damage.
Worth pointing out that a 24km wide Grav Well will not only grab a lot of ships (max 30 i believe) but will also grab A LOT of aggro.
So use such a monster carefully unless you can deal with the consequences. Dropping a big GW like that in HSE for example can be catastrophic as everything on the map tries to shoot you back at once and vapes you.
Worth pointing out that a 24km wide Grav Well will not only grab a lot of ships (max 30 i believe) but will also grab A LOT of aggro.
So use such a monster carefully unless you can deal with the consequences. Dropping a big GW like that in HSE for example can be catastrophic as everything on the map tries to shoot you back at once and vapes you.
Its fine if your ready for it. You start by poping heals with passive resist bonuses (which also buff your exotic damage thanks to research lab consoles) prior to doping the murder ball. Then once all the science is down you high tail it it for five to ten seconds.
The science keeps killing without you, so you can drop in and out of weapons range as needed to drop more murder whilst minimizing exposure. Just dont stick around in the middle of all the cubes and you wont pop... too much. Keep aware of where they all are and try not to be in range of more then one or two, if you can do that you can be fine.
I highly recommend competitive engines and emergency power to engines one on any Mega Well Build. That said, on a lucky run I can sit around for a bit and keep firing, but only if I get lucky and don't face a succession of crits. It also helps that my fleet mates do their share and help draw some of the agro with their own murder balls.
Yeah having a tank nearby to draw fire is good help. Let’s you hammer the distracted enemies with a bit less fear of being murdered. The worst offenders are easily the Borg though as if you get the attention of 2-3 Spheres those shield neutralisers will leave you a sitting duck. But I do need to look at when I hit off my heals though as sometimes misfires and lag means they are next to useless.
My question was... what if any is the benefit to this sort of build from the K-13 tac or eng traits? (Only the sci officers have the one with sci stats). Or was your "4x K-13" assuming a build with four science officers? And I'm not clear on the K-13 android BOFF either....
Ah yes, i somewhat skimped over that. Right now, currently i am looking at either the draanur or the eternal (two of the best and the ones i'm focusing on myself) as an example, so yes, those would all be k-13 due to the slight crtlx increase there which opens up new options for EPG in other places. The Android-Engineer is an optional pick, if you want to swap around some stats, it's one of those that can be picked but doesn't need to.
But like i said before, it really all comes down to the ship, builds can vastly vary depending on it and dramatically more so for sci then tac (from my experience at least).
But I do need to look at when I hit off my heals though as sometimes misfires and lag means they are next to useless.
And if your lucky the heal or immunity that failed to go off before you popped doesn't go on cool down any way... They really can be ineffectual. Best way to deal with it is to hit them in advance, if the heals aren't going to work any way, you may as well benefit from their resistance bonus.
I also run threatening stance. I figure that even the best tank is not going to pull much hate off me once the murder ball goes down so I may as well get the minor resistance bonus from running it.
But the best way to manage aggro in the more difficult elite cues is to hit and run. You may not be able to run from the torpedoes and cannon shots forever, but you can buy time for your abilities to come off cool-down with power to engines, evasive, and competitive engines.
If you come up with any other ways to compensate for being hated by 'All of the things' Then be sure to share them. I could always use more.
Something I’ve had varying success with is there’s a doff that gives your torps a chance to placate targets on impact. Sometimes that’s just enough time to get those extra few km distance to escape or get CD’s done.
You still didn't answer my question though. The K-13 tac and eng BOFFs (including the android) don't give Control, so... why?
I did, like i said, i was using the eternal/draanur as an example (the ones i'm familiar with) and those have the matching boff seatings, the tactical like i said SRO or VJHD. For the ternal it's 1 lt. cmd universal (science then), 1 ensign science, 1 Cmd. Science/Temporal, one lt. cmd tac/temporal and 1 lt. cmd eng seating wise, so 3 science officers, 1 tac that is used for temporal (split with the other science/temp seat) and one eng on which you, yes could chose the VJHD if you have access to it (again you need the 12k zen pack - not many people have that) or simply experiment, the k-13 android is an option there depending on the stats you'd want to get, otherwise the eng slot really doesn't matter.
For the Draanur Science Vessel its: lt. Tac (useless slot wise), Eng/Temp (same as above, passive wise), Cmd Sci, Lt. Sci and Lt. Universal (sci).
Can't check the specifics right now since i'm not at home so i can't log into the game, but will edit this post after i have double checked exactly why i chose that one stat wise (again, i had my reason but since it's tetriary i don't have it memorized at the moment) But to get to the point: It's an option, nothing else.
No, you didn't, and you didn't here either. You appeared to suggest using the K-13 tac and eng officers, and I don't understand why, since the stats they give do not appear useful for this build. I guess you just completely missed that that was the point of the question.
Apologies if i didn't express my point correctly, was in a bit of a rush last few days but finally got to double check what i meant with it: On the ENG boff: Unless you have access to the vanguard jem hadar officers, it shouldn't matter too much since there is no other officers that is specifically extremely useful for that slot. The reason i would chose the k-13 android over any other is the slight boost of +15 impulse expertise and +15 EPS (the jem hadar engine makes the eps somewhat useless but again i haven't found a sound alternative other then having access to the 12k zen pack.) So what i WAS saying is this: it's optional for those not having access to vanguard jem'hadar boffs to slightly boost mobility and maybe add a miniscule amount of EPS if you're not using the Jem'Hadar Reputation Engines (gamma reputation).
If you do have an alternative for that slot that i was simply blind toward, do let me know (i'm talking options available for everyone, which was the whole point of my alternate suggestion.)
Again, apologies if i did not make that clear enough.
Not really necessary: to make this quick here are some pointers:
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
Not really necessary: to make this quick here are some pointers:
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
Not really necessary: to make this quick here are some pointers:
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout.
Check again. a top tear science ship requires just four things.
5 science console slots.
A lieutenant commander Science Officer (or universal).
A commander Science Officer (or universal).
A secondary deflector slot.
There are a lot of ships that meet these requirements. Now I will agree that the eternal class is at the top of the science heap, but the reason for that is not its boff seating or console layout. Its the yellow light, which is equivalent to having another console slot, maybe one and a half.
The best specialist seating when selecting a science ship is either temporal, for abilities that will proc the +20% exotic damage starship trait, or Intel for Ionic turbulence (Massive and reliable damage resistance debuff to toss into a murder ball).
A lieutenant commander tactical officer (or universal) is also a nice thing to have for plasma emission/gravametric torpedo spread 3s.
While the Temporal Multi-mission remains my favorite science vessel for a gravity well build other viable options include:
Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship
Fleet Nautilus Temporal Science Vessel
Palatine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
Hur'q Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel
Sphere Builder Edoulg Science Vessel
Na'kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel
Verne Temporal Science Vessel
Crossfield-class Science Spearhead
The above are all potentially 100k+ DPS Science build ships. But even those I didn't mention could get there with the best gear, traits, and a tactical captain.
Heck for kicks and giggles I put all my science stuff on a Fleet Theseus Temporal Escort once. Put its weapons power to the minimum and ran it just like my eternal. Had to bump the gravity well down from a level three to level 1, lost a science console slot, the secondary deflector and the hanger, but still put out 80k DPS with just science and torps, despite running as a fed science captain.
So the point is, if you want to do science, you certainly don't need to limit yourself to just two ships. I love the eternal, and the Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship is grate too, but if you like another hull better by all means fly it and have fun, it wont stop you from achieving high levels of performance.
What is necessary for top tear space magic isn't a specific ship to do it in, its expensive starship traits, doffs and consoles with which to boost your exotic damage and reduce your cool downs.
There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout.
Check again. a top tear science ship requires just four things.
5 science console slots.
A lieutenant commander Science Officer (or universal).
A commander Science Officer (or universal).
A secondary deflector slot.
There are a lot of ships that meet these requirements. Now I will agree that the eternal class is at the top of the science heap, but the reason for that is not its boff seating or console layout. Its the yellow light, which is equivalent to having another console slot, maybe one and a half.
The best specialist seating when selecting a science ship is either temporal, for abilities that will proc the +20% exotic damage starship trait, or Intel for Ionic turbulence (Massive and reliable damage resistance debuff to toss into a murder ball).
A lieutenant commander tactical officer (or universal) is also a nice thing to have for plasma emission/gravametric torpedo spread 3s.
While the Temporal Multi-mission remains my favorite science vessel for a gravity well build other viable options include:
Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship
Fleet Nautilus Temporal Science Vessel
Palatine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer
Hur'q Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel
Sphere Builder Edoulg Science Vessel
Na'kuhl Daemosh Science Vessel
Verne Temporal Science Vessel
Crossfield-class Science Spearhead
The above are all potentially 100k+ DPS Science build ships. But even those I didn't mention could get there with the best gear, traits, and a tactical captain.
Heck for kicks and giggles I put all my science stuff on a Fleet Theseus Temporal Escort once. Put its weapons power to the minimum and ran it just like my eternal. Had to bump the gravity well down from a level three to level 1, lost a science console slot, the secondary deflector and the hanger, but still put out 80k DPS with just science and torps, despite running as a fed science captain.
So the point is, if you want to do science, you certainly don't need to limit yourself to just two ships. I love the eternal, and the Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship is grate too, but if you like another hull better by all means fly it and have fun, it wont stop you from achieving high levels of performance.
What is necessary for top tear space magic isn't a specific ship to do it in, its expensive starship traits, doffs and consoles with which to boost your exotic damage and reduce your cool downs.
I personally prefer the T5U Dyson Science Destroyer but the others are good too :P
If you want i can give you some pointers here later today. But rule of thumb: aim for more than 350 and you'll see a huge increase in usefulness (same with the 500 EPG thing, at that point (including the R&d trait that enables crits it becomes REALLY powerful)).
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
1. What ship are you flying/do you want to fly?
2. Do you have a good amount of EC and what would be the maximum you'd like to invest (this will be necessary for the right traits) [Pointer: The Eternal Class is the #1 for sci at the moment if you really wanna optimize your build]
3. Do you have problems with needing to get lobi/c-store ships - how far do you want to push it? (you can get it all via EC and Dil - but can take a long time).
If you can answer all of those we can give you something more specific. Also for the DOFFS: The first two are correct, one torpedo officer is fine but shouldn't be on reload rather than crtd (which scales with your exotic-crit severity once unlocked via the R&D lvl 15 science trait), Another one should be a Technician (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going
Building anything like a Megawell is going to take investment. If this is going on anything more generalized it won't be as effective to try and push any higher. At least in my opinion. But anything OVER 400 is generally a waste as you won't make the pull radius any larger after you hit 400, and the pull strength is pretty strong at that point too so... again... anything over 400 is a waste.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Its only for a second the engines are kncoked off line.
A Deflector Officer (Chance to reduce the recharge time for Deflector abilities) might be a good followup until they get improved Gravity well.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Now to fully make use of a GW i'd say you want some CrtlX for the pull & hold but also some EPG for the damage component. So with that in mind it's quite possible to get both those skills to 300 and leave some space fora bit of drain as well. That should give you a pretty nasty GW but also the extra EPG will help things like torps and other sci powers than run off it that you may be dumping on your hapless targets stuck in the well.
The engine offline doff i found to be a bit meh, it barely lasts seconds and tbh you can get a better engine offline effect by dumping an spread of PEP torps into the targets as the cloud disables movement and does damage.
Actually, on that specific setup i'd go 2x SRO, 2x K-13 Human, 1x K-13 Android. Not sure about the JHV, didn't get the big pack so i sadly do not have access to them, if thier bonus damage counts as all damage their trait would certainly be superior, even if the crit buff they have is lower then sro? again sketchy on that, only have the wiki to go on there unless it's the same as the player trait.
The reasoning behind that is that depending on the ship (and therefore console layout) you'd want to hit the 400 ctrlx while maintaining maximum epg which is just more optimal if you're setting it up with those (very expensive) officers at least on the eternal and draanur lukari vessel. Like i said, it was just a pointer until we'd know more, obviously, different ships = different setups.
Also as for the Engine Offline Boff, that one has a reason, yes it's only for a second but it greatly enhances your chances to pull everything in a bit quicker, and that proc happens more then you'd prob notice, however i haven't really tested the deflector officer for that and what generally works better, on paper though, at least from what i have tested myself the engine one seems a bit more useful, but i'll test it when i have the time.
I have to say its refreshing to see how the community has come around to Megawell builds. There was a time when a thread like this would have been full of people advocating the sacrifice of CtrlX to squeeze on as much EPG as possible.
A 24km Gravity well gives you a lot of leeway to make mistakes. The larger the well the less you need to worry about targeting just the right ship at just the right time to capture all the possible targets.
If your queuing for random missions with pugs a Megawell build (24km Gravity Well build) gives you the ability to carry a sub-optimal team through the largest range of content.
It is also worth noting that going big dose not mean going week. My Mega-Well build regularly puts other damage focused captains to shame through the blessings of enemy multiplication and direct to hull damage.
So use such a monster carefully unless you can deal with the consequences. Dropping a big GW like that in HSE for example can be catastrophic as everything on the map tries to shoot you back at once and vapes you.
Its fine if your ready for it. You start by poping heals with passive resist bonuses (which also buff your exotic damage thanks to research lab consoles) prior to doping the murder ball. Then once all the science is down you high tail it it for five to ten seconds.
The science keeps killing without you, so you can drop in and out of weapons range as needed to drop more murder whilst minimizing exposure. Just dont stick around in the middle of all the cubes and you wont pop... too much. Keep aware of where they all are and try not to be in range of more then one or two, if you can do that you can be fine.
I highly recommend competitive engines and emergency power to engines one on any Mega Well Build. That said, on a lucky run I can sit around for a bit and keep firing, but only if I get lucky and don't face a succession of crits. It also helps that my fleet mates do their share and help draw some of the agro with their own murder balls.
The worst offenders are easily the Borg though as if you get the attention of 2-3 Spheres those shield neutralisers will leave you a sitting duck.
But I do need to look at when I hit off my heals though as sometimes misfires and lag means they are next to useless.
Ah yes, i somewhat skimped over that. Right now, currently i am looking at either the draanur or the eternal (two of the best and the ones i'm focusing on myself) as an example, so yes, those would all be k-13 due to the slight crtlx increase there which opens up new options for EPG in other places. The Android-Engineer is an optional pick, if you want to swap around some stats, it's one of those that can be picked but doesn't need to.
But like i said before, it really all comes down to the ship, builds can vastly vary depending on it and dramatically more so for sci then tac (from my experience at least).
And if your lucky the heal or immunity that failed to go off before you popped doesn't go on cool down any way... They really can be ineffectual. Best way to deal with it is to hit them in advance, if the heals aren't going to work any way, you may as well benefit from their resistance bonus.
I also run threatening stance. I figure that even the best tank is not going to pull much hate off me once the murder ball goes down so I may as well get the minor resistance bonus from running it.
But the best way to manage aggro in the more difficult elite cues is to hit and run. You may not be able to run from the torpedoes and cannon shots forever, but you can buy time for your abilities to come off cool-down with power to engines, evasive, and competitive engines.
If you come up with any other ways to compensate for being hated by 'All of the things' Then be sure to share them. I could always use more.
I did, like i said, i was using the eternal/draanur as an example (the ones i'm familiar with) and those have the matching boff seatings, the tactical like i said SRO or VJHD. For the ternal it's 1 lt. cmd universal (science then), 1 ensign science, 1 Cmd. Science/Temporal, one lt. cmd tac/temporal and 1 lt. cmd eng seating wise, so 3 science officers, 1 tac that is used for temporal (split with the other science/temp seat) and one eng on which you, yes could chose the VJHD if you have access to it (again you need the 12k zen pack - not many people have that) or simply experiment, the k-13 android is an option there depending on the stats you'd want to get, otherwise the eng slot really doesn't matter.
For the Draanur Science Vessel its: lt. Tac (useless slot wise), Eng/Temp (same as above, passive wise), Cmd Sci, Lt. Sci and Lt. Universal (sci).
Can't check the specifics right now since i'm not at home so i can't log into the game, but will edit this post after i have double checked exactly why i chose that one stat wise (again, i had my reason but since it's tetriary i don't have it memorized at the moment) But to get to the point: It's an option, nothing else.
Apologies if i didn't express my point correctly, was in a bit of a rush last few days but finally got to double check what i meant with it: On the ENG boff: Unless you have access to the vanguard jem hadar officers, it shouldn't matter too much since there is no other officers that is specifically extremely useful for that slot. The reason i would chose the k-13 android over any other is the slight boost of +15 impulse expertise and +15 EPS (the jem hadar engine makes the eps somewhat useless but again i haven't found a sound alternative other then having access to the 12k zen pack.) So what i WAS saying is this: it's optional for those not having access to vanguard jem'hadar boffs to slightly boost mobility and maybe add a miniscule amount of EPS if you're not using the Jem'Hadar Reputation Engines (gamma reputation).
If you do have an alternative for that slot that i was simply blind toward, do let me know (i'm talking options available for everyone, which was the whole point of my alternate suggestion.)
Again, apologies if i did not make that clear enough.
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
First of all:
- get Exotic particle focusers with a HIGHER EPG then ctrlx rating (careful when buying) from the fleet research station.
- Get ONE Exotic particle field exciter (crafted) from the exchange - either with ctrlx (cheaper) or prefferably with EPG - don't bother with anything else.
- Keep the Delphic tear and anchor - those are part of the "crux" of any wizard builds.
- get the chronomatic Capacitor console (mission reward - one of the temporal war missions - not sure which one atm)
- Then get the Bajoran Deflector array (mission reward - Scylla and Charbydis) and re-engeneer it till you hit EPG on everything.
- Temporal 2 set (shields/Warpcore) = GREAT set bonus and an amazing Warpcore for sci.
- Gamma Reputation engine (always have full aux/engine power even at and after full impulse + some other neat bonuses and overall great stats)
- i would recommend the bio-neural gel-pack from the delta rep for CD reduction
Now those are just a few pointers like i said - general rule of thumb: EPG>Ctrlx <- but neglect neither. The most important source of CtrlX comes from Traits/Boffs. You want the K-13 Human boffs in all slot except tactical (you can chose whatever there, i'd suggest romulan male for the operative)
However another VERY important factor is DOFF Active duty officers. Stuff like the Gold Officer from the Gamma recruitment event (ground- but increases both ground and space all damage by 10%) as well as a Gravimetric Scientist (epic - needs to be epic = many aftershock GWs), a Matter-Antimatter specialist (Chance for gravity well to knock enemy engines offline <- very important), Technicial (increase exotic damage when using Emergency to auxiliary) and damage control engineer (chance to reduce recharge times for said emergency power to axiliary) <- those are all very important to get any GW build going. Not getting into traits/skills and specs just yet, need a few things answered before (see below).
However, it all depends on your ship: There are only 2 ships that can really go above and beyond when it comes to sci builds (with that i'm talking min-maxing post ViL for Fed) which is either the Draanur lukari science vessel, or the eternal class (31st century pack) - the reason for this is boff seating as well as console layout. So depending on your ship i'd like to as a few things first:
1. Which ship are you flying/do you want to fly
2. do you have access to fleet/zen ships?
3. Do you have ample amount of Energy Credits, because to really get into sci, you'll need some purchases i.e. personal traits/equipment
If you can answer me all those i can get you something more specific.
Apologies for the typos in a bit of a hurry atm, will be back later to go into a bit more detail as to why and how if you'd like to, otherwise those things should set you into the right direction for now. Also keep in mind, those are suggestions based on current meta builds (always different depending on ship) so take it with a grain of salt for now.
Check again. a top tear science ship requires just four things.
There are a lot of ships that meet these requirements. Now I will agree that the eternal class is at the top of the science heap, but the reason for that is not its boff seating or console layout. Its the yellow light, which is equivalent to having another console slot, maybe one and a half.
The best specialist seating when selecting a science ship is either temporal, for abilities that will proc the +20% exotic damage starship trait, or Intel for Ionic turbulence (Massive and reliable damage resistance debuff to toss into a murder ball).
A lieutenant commander tactical officer (or universal) is also a nice thing to have for plasma emission/gravametric torpedo spread 3s.
While the Temporal Multi-mission remains my favorite science vessel for a gravity well build other viable options include:
The above are all potentially 100k+ DPS Science build ships. But even those I didn't mention could get there with the best gear, traits, and a tactical captain.
Heck for kicks and giggles I put all my science stuff on a Fleet Theseus Temporal Escort once. Put its weapons power to the minimum and ran it just like my eternal. Had to bump the gravity well down from a level three to level 1, lost a science console slot, the secondary deflector and the hanger, but still put out 80k DPS with just science and torps, despite running as a fed science captain.
So the point is, if you want to do science, you certainly don't need to limit yourself to just two ships. I love the eternal, and the Lukari Dranuur Scout Ship is grate too, but if you like another hull better by all means fly it and have fun, it wont stop you from achieving high levels of performance.
What is necessary for top tear space magic isn't a specific ship to do it in, its expensive starship traits, doffs and consoles with which to boost your exotic damage and reduce your cool downs.
I personally prefer the T5U Dyson Science Destroyer but the others are good too :P
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.