Whats the maximum character slot an account can have?
Since i can't seems able to buy new character slot.
I still can buy them prior Age of Discovery. What changes? When?
If Anyone can answer this i would be very grateful. Thank you.
Note: After a while i relog to the game, somehow the character slot (2) able to be bought.
Maybe it related to my previous problem about missing character slot? ...
anyway i hope anyone can answer my previous question. Thank you.
Yup, 50 is the max number of slots you can buy, but you can go over that limit with the free ones they hand out from time to time. I believe there was one for Legacy of Romulus, one each for the Delta Recruit, Temporal Recruit and Gamma Recruit events, and another for Age of Discovery.
There may have been another at some point, as I've seen some folks say they have 56 characters, but I can't remember when it was or what it may have been for. I've been here since about 6 months prior to LoR and only have 55 characters so I missed something somewhere if 56 is the current 'cap'.
I do wish they'd increase it though as I'd like to buy the Elite Starter pack, but I can't since I'm maxed out on character slots I can buy.
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