No matter which Fleet Member I select to promote, I always receive the error message "You cannot promote yourself in the fleet".
Could this be because when the fleet member list loads, I'm selected by default?
But why doesn't it register when I've selected somebody else for promotion?
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Possible workaround - your mileage may vary
If can't promote on Roster, go to the Settings tab (in fleet) and look at your rank's permissions.
(While there, do verify you have the relevant permission to promote either lower rank or in general)
If you have the right permission to promote that character, go back to Roster tab and there should be a promote button newly appearing there as you selected the character again.
Do try, you will get an error but the character should be promoted if allowed.
Other notes: I don't know the exact needed steps but this is what I tried. Also I don't know if only AoD characters are affected or if all are, and any other detail/possible limitation.
Another thing which may be worth adding - when a discovery character joined the fleet the char appeared nameless at join news. After this promotion, the character's name appeared in news. The character was, in that specific case, a discovery character. A previous invite to fleet didn't work until the tutorial was finished or something like that, and then the invite success but news showed an empty name char joined the fleet. THIS may be related to the issue described above. I don't know, as said, which chars are affected (discovery only or general) and under which conditions.
When trying to promote any fleet member in STO that isn't online, the game appears to try to promote the top-listed character instead.
It is seeming like you have to team with them to promote atm.
In my own Fleet...
That has my own characters in it...