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Age of Discovery: First thoughts... (Possible Spoilers)



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    captyoung01captyoung01 Member Posts: 311 Arc User
    Thought the story arch (After Tutorial) Was good, a few mentions of Kirk and Constitution Class Ships was a nice touch, the tie in of what happened to the U.S.S. Glenn I thought really carried the story through.

    There were very few things in the first season that I liked. Harry Mud, The Mirror Universe and the look of the Enterprise when she appeared (When compared to the JJ Enterprise) That being said, I was very disappointed that we could not get Mirror Universe alternates of the Discovery Uniforms (Also adding to the disappointment of not having Uniforms appropriate for the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought). A T6 Constitution in accordance to the appearance of the Discovery Constitution for sale or as Model Skin, and like our Jem'Hadar creations, there is no real benefit of making a new Character. And one I may add that I cannot focus on right at the moment as I am still in the process of meeting Rep and Gear requirements for a Delta Klingon, Jem'Hadar and Romulan Character. At most I just upped the AOD Character to level 10 for Summer/Winter events. Until above mention characters are at a point where I have them up to par, I will not be able to play with an AOD. Cryptic is just moving to fast for new Character Creations.
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    talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    1 silly stupid question. I thought tue Discovery herself was the only testbed of the spore drive. Or was it on every freaking crossfield ship?

    Cause apparently it's on all of them now. And Also I thought because of the registry number denoted where in the line a ship fell. But Tilly calls the Crossfield class a new class?
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,407 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Do we have spoiler tags here? Because the ultimate fate of the Glenn is one of the reasons the Spore Drive was abandoned, but I don't want to spell it out for people who might still watch the first season.
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    talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    > @somtaawkhar said:
    > talonxv wrote: »
    > 1 silly stupid question. I thought tue Discovery herself was the only testbed of the spore drive. Or was it on every freaking crossfield ship?
    > Cause apparently it's on all of them now. And Also I thought because of the registry number denoted where in the line a ship fell. But Tilly calls the Crossfield class a new class?
    > You should watch Discovery. The Discovery was one of two ships, the other being the Glenn, that were testing the spore drive.
    > the Glenn being the ship the Discovery gets the Tardigrade from, and the ship that helps us out in-game.

    I must of missed that. I am only human.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    jonsills wrote: »
    Do we have spoiler tags here? Because the ultimate fate of the Glenn is one of the reasons the Spore Drive was abandoned, but I don't want to spell it out for people who might still watch the first season.

    Not really, Discovery solved that problem in time to save the day in the very next episode. The reasons Starfleet abandoned the spore drive haven't been revealed yet.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,407 Arc User
    I was thinking more of what happened when the Glenn hit a cosmic string (which, existing in only two dimensions, is essentially undetectable until it's too late) while traversing the mycelial network. It's... not a good thing. Not something you get to recover from, either.
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    At least one potential reason has already been revealed. The only way to make it work properly is through illegal genetic modification, Admiral Cornwall tears Lorca a new one for this on the show.

    That might deter Starfleet from pursuing the tech, but do you think the Romulans or Ferengi or Borg would care? If Stamets and Straal discovered the network, surely they would too eventually.

    I feel like in order for everyone, everywhere, to reject spore drive, it has to prove either too dangerous to use (as in, no sane person would risk going anywhere near it ever again) or the ability to access the network must literally be cut off forever. Both are possible, but I feel like the latter is more likely given how everyone spoke benevolently about the network.
    jonsills wrote: »
    I was thinking more of what happened when the Glenn hit a cosmic string (which, existing in only two dimensions, is essentially undetectable until it's too late) while traversing the mycelial network. It's... not a good thing. Not something you get to recover from, either.

    Again, Stamets found a way to prevent that as stated in episode 4. The only apparent danger was from faulty destination coordinates.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    ihateboisihatebois Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    desekayar wrote: »
    Plus, hooray for more time travel! Said no one... ever...

    Things I like about AoD:
    *Warp In/Out is awesome, should be applied to entire game.
    *Disc Phaser Beam effects are also awesome and should be applied to all cannon weapons throughout the game (no more cannon rounds chasing enemies)

    Things I don't like about AoD
    *Only 2 species to choose from (where are the Andorians and Tellarites since they were FOUNDING MEMBERS!? And no Kelpians?! WTF?)
    *Essentially an incomplete expansion (3 missions and then *poof* time travel (yet again)).
    *Australian accents poorly done. Everyone sounds like they are from Broken Hill. Most of us don't all talk like that.
    *Cryptics overall obsession with not bringing new content to progress the Star Trek story. We honestly don't care if the game and the show can run side by side, we want post-Nemesis content!
    *Tutorial is recycled.

    I could go on, but i won't.

    1.5 out of 5 stars
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    kikskenkiksken Member Posts: 664 Arc User
    w00q wrote: »
    I'm beginning to think that AoD in Startrekonline does not adhere to Star Trek Canon.

    In the AoD Tutorial, major inconsistencies that stick out like a sore thumb:

    1) Holodeck in AoD tutorial (Holodeck technology came out during TNG)

    2) Star Wars-style holographic communication in AoD ??
    I think Star Trek Canon never featured any of this holographic communication?
    It is from a different reality, a sort of new mirrorverse, with it's own ew type of mirrorverse, this now actually defining the fact there is a multiverse in Star Trek.

    The weapon that the cute gall used created a temporal type gateway, through wich they were thrown.
    Daniels picked these up from the gateway, drop them in our universe/timeline as the cute gall dropped here as well...

    Up to us to find her and get married.
    Klingons don't get drunk.
    They just get less sober.
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    kikskenkiksken Member Posts: 664 Arc User
    People, most of you seem to ignore the fact that absolutely nothing from Discovery is related to STO and it's universe.
    Technology (some even better then what we have here atm), totally different mirrorverse, totally different storyline, totally different AND UNKNOWN characters AND DEEDS (Q'ulah NOT been sung about??? She's a bloody hero, to name ONE sitaution, or the destruction of the ships in the first few eps, also DARNED word to be sung about!, or no data from the Fed side and 'alliances'???. Seriously... you REALLY need to start getting it by now.), and on and on and..

    The ONLY thing that is similar, that would be SPACE!
    Not even the ship types (Fed, Klingon, other) were known (basic ones I mean) in the normal STO databanks.

    And some still go on about they been from our past?

    Klingons don't get drunk.
    They just get less sober.
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,407 Arc User
    Kiksen, you seem to ignore that DSC is IN THE PRIME TIMELINE. That's been stated, over and over, by the only people with the authority to determine it. Further, the supposed "technological differences" between DSC and TOS are matters of aesthetics, not technology, and are due in large part to the fact that the show is no longer being filmed in the 1960s at a video resolution that most of us would today find unacceptable for a crayon drawing.

    Get over it.
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    chelly#7549 chelly Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    I really enjoyed the Discovery tutorial and episodes. Yes I wish there was more but I hope they do expand more on it soon. I don't even like the show all that much, it is fine but I am waiting for the library to get it on dvd.

    I really enjoyed the graphics and the new design of the academy/ships they did for that era. I don't mind too much the reskin of the tutorial, it is different in some ways. I liked it alot more then the normal fed tutorial. I tend to like more ground based games anyways. Though my all time favorite tutorial is the TOS one.

    Time travel, I was not really surprised by it. You would have to expect it since the majority of sto takes place 2209 etc. Though I wish they had done more episodes in the discovery era like they did with the tos one.

    I am looking forward to seeing more of what we do with the J'Ula/discovery captain stuff. It does seem like a very interesting story arc to me.

    I was disappointed by the lack of other aliens to do, I find doing a normal human and vulcan kind of boring. Vulcans are basically humans with pointy ears. I play sto/swtor to be something different.

    I watched someone's playthrough as a vulcan and that was very interesting I thought. They did tool the dialogue to fit the species. Also i like the facial expressions they have started doing. Though the wide eyed thing got a bit old. (my toon did it alot)
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    talonxv wrote: »
    The entire arc is a shorter TOS styled arc with a reskinned Fed Tutorial.

    And the end of the arc once again Daniels drags you to the 25th century and once again you're right back in Federation proper like TOS captains.

    What a gyp and totally lazy. The tutorial was a beat by beat rehash of the Fed Tutorial.

    But cheap starting package and the tier 1-4 ship, I might hate that clqss but 7 weapons locked and cocked at tier 1 ship, good god. Wish I could reskin that for other ships!

    DSC could of done what I wanted TOS to do, an anthology series covering missing parts of Star Trek lore, but I knew it would not be.

    I am loathe to call this an actual expansion. Major dud.

    There isn't even a true AoD Recruitment Event. So, making an AoD toon is rather pointless.
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    shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    danalee wrote: »
    I have found the 'production' value has gone up quite a bit. I really enjoy the extra cut scenes that aren't simply 'watch me walk over here', facial animations are new to me and I find myself enjoying them (maybe for all the wrong reasons). Maps seem to be better made to me, more detailed with character to them. Glad they used the new Klingon look as it'd just be weird otherwise. Wouldn't mind some explanations of what in the world Klingons are doing to themselves in the future.... took until Enterprise for us to have the whole story on TOS vs Movie+TNG Klingons.

    Forgot to mention it in my initial reply in this thread, but I completely agree with this. Production value really seems to have been "upped" quite a bit and I absolutely love the new cut-scenes and facial expressions and reactions of our characters. Really adds to the immersion and the character I made looks sooo cool in those scenes. Love 'em, hope this will be a new standard in missions as we go forward, since it really brings some value and a new perspective on the gameplay.
    danalee wrote: »
    I love the starter ship... didn't even use the walker class because I like this little baby so much. Eventually though I will switch. The shield graphics are great, the weapons, the whole thing. Well done. Love the ground weapons as well. I was very happy to notice ship hull texture options too!

    Me too! I think the Malachowsky Class looks really cool and it's very well visually designed. I used the starter ship all the way to level 10 before I switched to my scallable Walker Class, even though the Walker Class is actually one of my favorite ships in the game and Star Trek. Really like the little thing, I hope it gets T6 treatment since the design is already there and it's good quality. I hope that if anything, they'll make it a skin for the T6 Miranda (forgot the actual name of the T6 ship atm :D ) so DISCO characters would have one more C-Store option besides the Europa Class, since the Walker & Crossfield are tougher to get.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    There isn't even a true AoD Recruitment Event. So, making an AoD toon is rather pointless.

    Since when is a recruitment event necessary in order to make new characters? :confused:
    TBH, personally, I'm glad there isn't one as I'm free to go about my old school leveling of a new character.
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    torchwood1968torchwood1968 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Ok for new players that is not good, but for others we have played 99% of the content, over and over again. They should have stated exactly what DSC episodes were for. Don't make it sound like its a "new chapter", then end up at the very same place. And also make it non re playable? I would have enjoyed a look around some more
    Its replayable, not sure what you are talking about.

    You can't go back to parts of the tutorial to explore areas, you can only redo the two missions "before the end"
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    Janeway said Holograms in the 23c were not as good sooooo holodecks do exsict in the 23c
    w00q wrote: »
    I'm beginning to think that AoD in Startrekonline does not adhere to Star Trek Canon.

    In the AoD Tutorial, major inconsistencies that stick out like a sore thumb:

    1) Holodeck in AoD tutorial (Holodeck technology came out during TNG)

    2) Star Wars-style holographic communication in AoD ??
    I think Star Trek Canon never featured any of this holographic communication?

    Well Janeway and Tuvok did say the 23c did have holograms that were not as good as 24c ones hence holograms did exist in the 23c just not as good soooooo it is canon

    DS9 had holo Communication then got rid of it, then brought it back, then stopped again whatever the plot needed it then Nemesis had it
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    themariethemarie Member Posts: 1,055 Arc User
    Ok while the production values are astounding, it is basically a reskin of all of the previous content.

    To the point where I could predict the dialog and story outcome of the tutorial -- because I've run the EXACT SAME CONTENT how many times now? How many? Too many.

    We know they can create original content they did it before with LoR. And it was a fun experience. This is literally the SAME as the all the rest but with a slightly different look. So here I am, railroaded through a battle, killed and brought forward in time. Exactly the same story we just played out. Exactly. But far shorter and less original.

    I think this is what ticks me off -- they could have put a dozen or so Discovery-era episodes together and let us play in that world for a bit before dropping us off at the top of the same tired story progression. That most of us have run to death by now.

    So over the next few weeks they'll drop an episode here and there where we travel back to the Discovery era to deal with temporal meddling. Exactly like another arc we just ran. And then there will be a neat little resolution and we'll be on to the next rehash of the same content.

    Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to stop with the microtransactions and go strictly free-to-play. And I encourage everyone to do so. Time to stop paying for a rehash of the same tired old content -- if they aren't going to produce a unique and interesting experience it's time to defund the game and let it wind down.

    How many more seasons of "Exactly The Same But Just Lightly Altered" are we going to put up with?

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    kikskenkiksken Member Posts: 664 Arc User
    themarie wrote: »
    Ok while the production values are astounding, it is basically a reskin of all of the previous content.

    To the point where I could predict the dialog and story outcome of the tutorial -- because I've run the EXACT SAME CONTENT how many times now? How many? Too many.

    We know they can create original content they did it before with LoR. And it was a fun experience. This is literally the SAME as the all the rest but with a slightly different look. So here I am, railroaded through a battle, killed and brought forward in time. Exactly the same story we just played out. Exactly. But far shorter and less original.

    I think this is what ticks me off -- they could have put a dozen or so Discovery-era episodes together and let us play in that world for a bit before dropping us off at the top of the same tired story progression. That most of us have run to death by now.

    So over the next few weeks they'll drop an episode here and there where we travel back to the Discovery era to deal with temporal meddling. Exactly like another arc we just ran. And then there will be a neat little resolution and we'll be on to the next rehash of the same content.

    Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to stop with the microtransactions and go strictly free-to-play. And I encourage everyone to do so. Time to stop paying for a rehash of the same tired old content -- if they aren't going to produce a unique and interesting experience it's time to defund the game and let it wind down.

    How many more seasons of "Exactly The Same But Just Lightly Altered" are we going to put up with?
    Well this is mere the introduction...
    "Part one" even though it's hardly a part.
    It's not even a part of a parts part.

    Who knows, they still might baffle us?
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    The only thing I don't like about AoD is the way we get ported over to the 25th century. Daniels again? With new, specifically recorded voice over for this? Why not allow for some variety there? I mean, even if it HAS to be the Klingon mycelial weapon, why would Daniels bother? And why, oh why on Earth a "cover identity"? I WANT TO PLAY AS THIS GUY, THAT'S WHY I CREATED HIM! Being thrown into the future isn't THAT unusual in Starfleet, technically it isn't even time travel. Why can't we just be ourselves, with everybody nodding and saying "it is fortunate that you survived after all. Your performance at the defense of Starbase 1 is still Academy teaching material"?

    The "re-skinned" tutorial itself is allright to me. In fact, I headcanon this all into "this is the final holographic command training program exam", which hasn't changed much over the centuries.
    Because you are not from this universe, you are an anomaly.
    And yes, you got a "Cover Identity", but it is actually all you in there, just with altered dates and places.
    You went to school with the rest in our timeline, did the things you did in our time line, much covered up as Covert Ops or so, maybe Section 666, or whatever.
    It is still you, you got your name still, your qualifications, ranks, just... Borgified (read: adapted).
    Thus, you are actually you, your past is besides dates you, you are only in a different reality now.
    Klingons don't get drunk.
    They just get less sober.
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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    themarie wrote: »
    How many more seasons of "Exactly The Same But Just Lightly Altered" are we going to put up with?

    'We' generally has a funny way of applying to less forum ppl than one may think. :)

    Also, this is just the beginning of AoD. More content is being promised. I would have preferred a bit stronger opening myself, but I'll wait see what they'll come up with.
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    echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,914 Arc User
    themarie wrote: »
    Time to stop paying for a rehash of the same tired old content -- if they aren't going to produce a unique and interesting experience it's time to defund the game and let it wind down.

    We don't pay for content, never have and never will. All the content is already F2P. Only things from the C-Store costs anything out of pocket, or the LTS. And for the C-Store, if you're patient, Dil-Zen will pay for anything in there.

    The announcement blog clearly stated that that the tutorial will be similar and it was. It was also different enough to be interesting, to me.

    I've not spent very much on this game out of my own pocket, because I can't. Even my lifer was a gift from a very generous friend, but their gift has paid for itself over and over in more than just the stipend.

    Still, it's your decision and I'm not disputing that. I hope you have fun with the content you do play and all.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
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    psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    kiksken wrote: »
    Because you are not from this universe, you are an anomaly.
    And yes, you got a "Cover Identity", but it is actually all you in there, just with altered dates and places.
    You went to school with the rest in our timeline, did the things you did in our time line, much covered up as Covert Ops or so, maybe Section 666, or whatever.
    It is still you, you got your name still, your qualifications, ranks, just... Borgified (read: adapted).
    Thus, you are actually you, your past is besides dates you, you are only in a different reality now.

    Discovery is prime universe. Get over it.
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,407 Arc User
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    And why, oh why on Earth a "cover identity"? I WANT TO PLAY AS THIS GUY, THAT'S WHY I CREATED HIM! Being thrown into the future isn't THAT unusual in Starfleet, technically it isn't even time travel. Why can't we just be ourselves, with everybody nodding and saying "it is fortunate that you survived after all. Your performance at the defense of Starbase 1 is still Academy teaching material"?
    Because being thrown into the future IS unusual. Remember, your toon is the only one experiencing all this, so you're the only person who's been rescued from death by Daniels and recruited into his service. (The idea is similar to the method used by the two sides in Fritz Lieber's "Change War" stories, written back in the late '50s, where recruits were taken from the ranks of those who were about to die, so their removal from the timeline wouldn't affect anything else.)

    You were chosen because you died in a fashion that didn't leave a corpse. Changing that information could result in unacceptable changes to the timeline; the entire purpose of Daniels' organization, after all, is to ensure that temporal operatives of various factions don't TRIBBLE up history and make their future cease to exist (apparently, it's the best outcome of all the timelines they've investigated). They can't stop all the changes, which is why the "information packet" in the most recent blog posting notes that you may find discrepancies between official historical records and what you can remember them saying before. The concept is similar to a throwaway bit in David Gerrold's The Man Who Folded Himself, where the protagonist accidentally dropped a Coke bottle while visiting Herculaneum before the volcano, then found that President Robert Kennedy had ordered a crash program to investigate the possibility of time travel after archaeologists found it, so he had to go back and talk himself out of killing Sirhan Sirhan.
This discussion has been closed.