I am stuck on this PvE story mission, Enemies In All The Usual Places. Specifically the two Hirogen Ajax battleships by the Trakia system communications array. They are really hard to defeat, and I only know that keeping a distance of 8 to 9 km from them helps a bit. Any closer and their tractor beam turrets snare my ship and cut through my shields. Any tips to defeat them quickly without destroying myself?
Though the bigger issue is most likely my bad ship loadout configuation. The gameplay at
https://youtu.be/I2XD1AE7xjk makes it look easy. My character is a level 59 Fed science captain, ship is a Solanae Science Destroyer. If you want me to post my weapons, deflector, shields, etc. too let me know.
Sci consoles: Universal - Photonic Displacer, Shield Refrequencer Mk XII [ShHeal], Emitter Array Mk XI, Shield Emitter Amplifier Mk X
Eng consoles: SIF Generator Mk XII, RCS Accelerator Mk XI, Energy Signature Dampener Mk XII [SSRep]
Tac consoles: Vulnerability Locator Mk XII [Beams], Tetryon Pulse Generator Mk XII, Variable Geometry Detonators Mk XI
This is only for my ship loadout mind you; the DOFFs and BOFFs and all skills are not included and will take me another hour minimum.
Actual loadout differs as there seems to be two versions of the Solanae Science Destroyer and I picked the wrong one (less one Eng console and plus a Tac one).
And be aware that Tetryon chews through shields too. Standard Tet proc is extra Shield Damage.
Hirogen, however, use Destabilizing Tetryon, which leaves a DoT shield drain.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I like 2 shield heals and 2 hull heals if i can slot the, , EPTS1 and HE 1, ST 2 ET 2 if i can slot them.
Some items can be acquired from level 60 missions, but the gap is small.
I have focused on beam arrays since they are easier to master and added a bit of bulk with engineering/science consoles.
This should keep you alive while getting used to the build and allow you time to experiment with builds and equipment.
The set from melting pot comes to mind.
Missions to play for equipment:
This is something quick thrown together so perhaps others will have additional suggestions.
Thanks for your post questerius but doing all the stuff in that post won't be fast with my work schedule. I can check back in several months...