For about three days now, I've been trying to collect Protomatter Containers and Lukari marks for use in the various Lukari Reputation projects.
Since I was running a bit low on Lukari marks, today I decided to really put in some effort to get a successful run.
These were the causes of the failures:
Tzenkethi Queue: When 2 of the Tzenkethi bases were destroyed, at least 2 members of the team quit because it was getting too difficult due to enemy ships increasing their numbers around the allied Starbase, followed shortly thereafter by a third.
Tzenkethi Red Alert: One of more satelites gets destroyed, allowing a Protomatter torpedo to reach the planet and cause a failure/no reward ending.
Day 1: Nobody queued for the Tzenkethi Queue which provided the Protomatter Container.
Day 2: Queue Quitting when it got difficult.
Day 3: Both quitting and Protomatter fail condition.
Day 3 was especially frustrating, because I spent 2 hours trying to get just one daily box of Lukari marks before conceding it wasn't going to happen.

Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad

I only queue public for Tzenkethi Front with at least 1 wing-man I can count on. That way we can also utilize the +/- threat mechanic to steal and deliver bombs quickly.
My suggestion to you would be to join DPS Bronze and ask for private teamed runs. While the map itself does not require much DPS in advanced it requires a bit of teamwork which you could organize there.
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Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Yep, just not your obvious pug choice. The payout is fair and since it is a not time gated mission it directly corresponds with a team’s performance in there, especially on elite.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
My observation from the last couple of times I tried to do those queues is yes.
The majority of people don't seem to know that: 1)the smaller ships reinforce the shields on larger ships, so you have to kill them; 2)The fore shields are the weakest and where you need to concentrate fire to kill quicker; 3)And the most irritating, if you hide under the lip of the stations right next to them, you can blow them up and take minimal damage without being interrupted by TZ ships hitting you, so don't necessarily need a second player to take the threat.
If everyone learned these three things, the queues on ADV wouldn't be too tough.
The enemies in PvE also seem to be a lot tougher at level 65 than they were at 60, in my experience. This is probably for the best - level 50 reputation gear was still good enough at level 60, and the upgrade system was only used by hotrodders trying to prove how high they could get their DPS meter scores in the eight year old Infected Space instance. When more players catch on and start bumping their gear up to Mk XV, the instances will get a lot easier for everybody.
Do Events.....currently that is raising birds and monkeys on Risa...and turn them in for Lukari marks. The Breach que also pays out in marks of your choice. I've gotten five toons to Level 5 in Competitive PVE...and 3 of 5 in Lukari...without ever running a que in it by this method. To mimimize aggravation, grind one all the way first so they can use sponsorship tokens to level up the others quicker. Fighting Tzenkethi ques is a serious chore without a competent team, so I don't.
This is the problem I have noticed with the Tzen'kethi Battlezone, max I've seen is like 6 people and those were not in there long enough to make a difference (I'm thinking some people give up because they don't look at the instance numbers), and this is multiple days/nights of observation through a week. And Gravity Kills? I've not seen anyone queue for that forever, even though it is an interesting queue, it's just not something that works without teamwork. Also had a horrible Tzen'kethi Front Normal Queue that went horrid in terms of taking a year and day to finish...and most surely is due to varied Levels people are at, and maybe scaling as some have called about. Good Luck Queuing up Dranuur Beach Assualt with PUG.
If you want Lukari Marks, the best queue to deal with is Dranuur Gauntlet because it seems time based more than not, and really depends what enemy is spawned in (assume you will loose everything with Voth, Undine, Tzen'kethi and Vaadwaur, especially on advanced if not DPS maven...or people thinking that their Tac power needs to arm a satellite that needs to be the TRIBBLE Shield). Or, do the Normal Queue Tzen'kethi Red Alert assuming your PUG/team knows what it is doing when defending satellites, and shooting the torps down, it seems best tactic for some groups is to focus on eliminating the Attacking Tzen'kethi, killing out all the waves of them as they have I guess 5-6 per Satellite, then going for the torp Battle Cruiser groups with chance of some of their ads having come to you at the satellite for ease of dealing with them, also FAW/CSV/TS/Pets help.
To avoid the horrible time(hehe) consuming Battle of Power Over 5000, and sometimes Days of Doom runs... Miner Instabilities is honestly the fastest to run IMO, everyone bashes ground but honestly it's pretty much best way for Temporal Marks.
For your Chroniton Buffers... Badlands Battlezone. Yes!, That is right, the Mirror Invasion Zone! You will literally be overburdened by the Chroniton Buffers from it (along with the Terran Gravimetric Inducers). Much like how if you want Voth Cybernetic Implants or Isomorphic Injectors at once, where Undine Space Battlezone is the go to for your Cyberpunk Biohacking Addiction! (And if you need 2 Ancient Power Cells or 2 Iconian Probe Datacores at once per 20 hours the Two Kobali Prime Ground Battlezone "At the Gates" "The Last Stand" missions, otherwise do the queues for them.)
As for the Tougher: yes, because it seems when you have people at various levels the player scaling can handicap some, and some people have newer characters or returning due to VIL, so some is Gear at Mk XV and some is the NPC scaling...also Some enemies are using more powers that they never had before, or didn't use much, and are more aggressive.
As someone who's first ship choice is a Raider, it feels... weird shooting my opponents in the face. Honorable space combat is conducted by sneaking up on your opponent and stabbing them in the back.
I think Cryptic needs to change this unnatural mechanic to better suit my playstyle.
Hello rubber banding my old friend, time to bounce around the battlezone again, where are all my bug reports going?, out of love with this game I am falling, As Cryptic fail to acknowledge a problem exists, Shakes an angry fist, And from Support all I'm hearing are the sounds of silence.
On another note, extreme Crt Damage isn't the thing. It's the constant "Declines" on quene up's that are just as frustrating too.
Getting Terran Task Force gear for my Klingon made a Badlands Battlezone fan out of me. It's just hard during the Risa event, from what I've seen. When I'm on, there just aren't enough players there. They'll come back.
I doubt they have forgotten. They simply want everyone to open their wallets and upgrade to Mk 15. Mk 16 icons are already prepared so we know that will come when the flow of cash dries up.
With that said, I got 10 people together for the BZ yesterday and we almost managed to beat it. But while we were working on the final area, another one flipped and we could never catch up to that last one. Just a couple of more people and we would've beaten it. An observation made by @e8333 was that no friendly NPC ships assisted in defending after capture. They all got stuck in each other and did nothing which is why it's so darn difficult to keep the zone captured.
"-Grind is good!" --Gordon Geko
Accolades checklist:
It seems all the Pros are too easily distracted by that and aren't making time for the Queues.
I don't do Dranaur Gauntlet and would prefer not to do Tzenkethi Red Alert because they don't award a Protomatter Container for completion.
Given that I have so few Lukari marks remaining, I don't have enough of an surplus available for conversion.
And I tried it once, it can only be done every 20 hours, so it would take 5 days to acquire enough for a gear item.
About teaming channels, the last two I was a member was an unpleasant experience due to member hostility, so I'm not prepared to consider joining any others.
In my personal experience, it doesn't make a difference anyway, since the players only choose to go to the easiest/most popular queues and automatically ignore all requests for gameplay assistance that aren't related to those.
Bees like honey, they don't like vinegar.
Everytime someone makes a character that is an copy of an existing superhuman, Creativity is sad