Don't know if anyone else is having this issue as I did not see it on the forums but Gravity well is not working for me at all. Tykens rift does but gravity well fires off but never forms and does not effect any enemy ships.
Actually, I believe you have the same graphic issue I experienced lately; the Grav Well is there and you should be able to see its damage in the combat log. However, you can't see the graphics for it, which is TRIBBLE when you want to tractor-drop enemy ships into it... but not game breaking.
I tried updating my drivers but it did not seem to change anything. Restarting the game usually fixes it for me too.
I am not sure if there's a link, but sometimes I'll alt-tab out of STO quite a bite and it seems to occur more often when I abuse it, but I have no real data besides anectodal to back it up.
Suspect you are right on the alt-tabbing thing. Had those mission statues in "Horga'hn Hunt" on Risa stop glowing the other night after a lot of alt tabbing that evening.
I tried updating my drivers but it did not seem to change anything. Restarting the game usually fixes it for me too.
I am not sure if there's a link, but sometimes I'll alt-tab out of STO quite a bite and it seems to occur more often when I abuse it, but I have no real data besides anectodal to back it up.
Something to consider, still.