Hey guys,
The experience of browsing the STO forums on mobile isn't really up to snuff, so we're going to try something new. Later today, the experience will change pretty drastically. Please take a look, and let us know what you think in this thread.
•I can't Manually save drafts for my posts
•Notifications for favorite threads are at the bottom of the page rather than the top. And that just seems utterly useless.
•It feels watered down and harder to navigate.
I personally liked the old way so much better. I understand that I as a singular person can't have enough sway to have it changed back but I would prefer to be able to browse easier as I am stuck in a car for the next few hours.
Yeah, not liking this.
OK....signed in now. Not liking all the navigation being on bottom of the screen. I mean, I don't want to scroll down to the bottom past everything to see if there is anything in the inbox or if there are notifications.
The badges you are using for the Categories page is gigantic...but the text saying what the badge is for dinky....plus no descriptions. Where did mark all read go?
On Recent Discussion list..why is the navigation bar white with tiny gray text on it....hard to see.
I am on a Kindle Fire tablet.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
It's not intuitive on how to use and there's no option for scrolling through pages when messaging.
As clunky as it may have been, please bring back the old version.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Off the top of my head the thing that could improve the experience would be removal of sigs as there are some which are vastly larger than the average reply.
Why do you feel the need to revamp or update things? You say its not up to snuff but don't specify in what way.
Just please, whatever you do, don't turn it into a forum version of the obnoxious (and largely useless) lander that got inflicted on the game.
There is a "Full Site" option under the Menu. Thank God!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
And I now have a Drafts 'Folder' that has like 67 drafts from years gone by.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
This is on Android 7. Seems to me there's one or two glitches, for some reason there's a banner blocking half the toolbar.
Honestly, I could accept the old site just fine, I just want to be able to use proper BBcode on the phone.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Well that was horrible experience please roll back the changes. The new forum is almost unusable. It was more difficult to read, more difficult to navigate and unintuitive. I could not do half of what wanted and what I did manage to do took longer and more clicking which is the opposite to what a mobile forum is meant to be.
One reason I say it’s near unusable is I am unable to see past page 2 in any thread as there are zero page numbers or next page buttons, unable to view full site from the top either.
Unable to see if a thread has been updated or see last person to post, time last post or page numbers. I kept wasting time clicking on threads that had no new posts as I was unable to track anything.
Often on break I switch between news page and forums which is a nightmare on the new forum.
With the old forum I could half read a thread from the PC and then within very few clicks continue reading later in the day from where I was on the mobile. That’s not possible in the new forum.
The old forum took me 2 clicks to get to the thread I wanted and the page I wanted. That was easy to navigate and simple. The new forum is way more complicated.
This is even worse then the terrible new queue UI.
Gonna try one more option today, if you guys still hate it, we'll just go back to the original.
•There is still no save draft button
•The post button is too close to the buttons that lead back to other parts of the thread. And on mobile it can lead to a lot of misclicks... And losing posts too since we can't manually save drafts...
•I don't see a place for notifications.
I do gotta thank you for trying new things but neither of the two test ones seem to be optimal... My vote is to go back to the old ways. Back to what we had before. Maybe in the future we can agree on a better one. But right now it's best to let well enough alone. Thank you for opening this to debate rather than force the change on everyone.
I went back to the full site.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
The full page version was working before the mobile tests. I have been unable to view the forums on my mobile devices for 24 hours now. If it helps I can take a photo and post it. For me at least on my mobile the forum is now 100% unusable .
afe bet I can delete all the games I downloaded
The Reply and Views columns take up an inordinate amount of space (like 50% of the horizontal plane!) so there's a lot of wastage there.
A few other things:
Preferred the old version tbh.