I have a KDF allied Rom that made it past "Tradecraft" before the glitch but is stuck because "Nimbus III" isn't activating for me.
The yesterday's war line (along with tradecraft) is hopefully to be fixed for romulans next patch - see the quote bellow. (your next quest is allegedly in that line) - as I shallowly understood, the developers already upload and applied the fix but it's not yet patched in our client, for that we should have to wait to next maintenance on Thursday (if all goes right)
Created my first STO character Sunday evening, hit Tradecraft Monday afternoon. Googled and found this is a long standing bug that seems to have gone ignored for how long? I submit a ticket expecting to have a GM push me past that mission as can be done in practically any other online game, but instead they pretty much tell me "yea, we know. sucks to be you."
I already have a very low opinion of Cryptic and Perfect World to begin with and this is my very first experience with them in STO? What. A. F*cking. Joke. Good luck ever getting me to pay a dime into this. I'll just coast through to experience the story and then peace out. I've got no patience for this sort of unprofessional сrap.
Created my first STO character Sunday evening, hit Tradecraft Monday afternoon. Googled and found this is a long standing bug that seems to have gone ignored for how long? I submit a ticket expecting to have a GM push me past that mission as can be done in practically any other online game, but instead they pretty much tell me "yea, we know. sucks to be you."
I already have a very low opinion of Cryptic and Perfect World to begin with and this is my very first experience with them in STO? What. A. F*cking. Joke. Good luck ever getting me to pay a dime into this. I'll just coast through to experience the story and then peace out. I've got no patience for this sort of unprofessional сrap.
Should be fixed after tomorrow's maintenance, assuming I understood well and that all goes right.
(Note: I am not a support/stuff person but saw a developer's post on that regard. I see it's actually quoted on the post above you.)
It was fixed allegedly, many could do the quest, but a player now reports an issue (a specific one? new? old? I have no idea) on other topic so no idea.
I don't know if this is fixed or not. I thought I would check. First I have to download the game to a new computer and that takes hours. * waits for slow poke download. Is reminded of the episode of James Olms remake of BattleStar Galactica, whre Lt. Treas - Starbuck- is waiting to go shoot some toasters and can't because a gimble needs to be replaced. She stars yelling at the deck crew to hurry up.
Empress Sela, was assimulated by the Borg drone named Tasa Yar! :eek:
The yesterday's war line (along with tradecraft) is hopefully to be fixed for romulans next patch - see the quote bellow. (your next quest is allegedly in that line) - as I shallowly understood, the developers already upload and applied the fix but it's not yet patched in our client, for that we should have to wait to next maintenance on Thursday (if all goes right)
I already have a very low opinion of Cryptic and Perfect World to begin with and this is my very first experience with them in STO? What. A. F*cking. Joke. Good luck ever getting me to pay a dime into this. I'll just coast through to experience the story and then peace out. I've got no patience for this sort of unprofessional сrap.
(Note: I am not a support/stuff person but saw a developer's post on that regard. I see it's actually quoted on the post above you.)
> Should be fixed after tomorrow's maintenance, assuming I understood well and that all goes right.
Already uninstalled.
Check when you are back I speculate it should be ok from your side, but can't be sure.
The NEW bug report/help request: https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline/#/discussion/1241919/tradecraft-part2