Since it disappeared for some strange reason, here it is again:
-Some objects flicker - usually objects that have an/are an animation (the solar flares from stars flicker and don't render properly in sector space, or the waterfalls behind the main building on Colony Holding, for example)
-Some EPG/Temporal/Science abilities (like Temporal Anomalies caused by the clickie from Paradox Dreadnought console) have a square/box around them in space combat, making it look really awful.
-The rifts in UAA don't look right either. Seems almost ANYTHING THAT USES A PARTICLE EFFECT is having problems in this update (Singularity ship explosions, Plasma torpedo explosions, Subspace Vortex, and so on and so forth...). Edit: The Tzenkheti Battlezone also has something weird going on with the planet rings making energy animations (weapons, explosions, energy fields) invisible on the other side of the ring
-Borg Assimilated Engines trail in sector space looks different/changed/not WAI
-Occasional RANDOM crashes to desktop occur (seems most crashes occur on map transfers).
-"Quick Menu", accessible by holding the X button has the order of options thrown around with "Visit Shuttle Bridge" as the top option, instead of "Chat" that was top until now, making it really inconvenient (people want Chat at the top) , plus the order of things makes it look really disorganized
-Equip consumables from inventory was removed as well for some strange reason.
i dont know about all of those bugs but i would say that the undine assault advanced or normal is acting a bit strange with the errant rifts disappearing and stuff and while firing off torpedos they act or sound a different way than they normally would as well and when try to close the errants enemies come out of no were and not the ones that come out of errants but random ones coming after you just before you close them and right after the right after i understand but just before i dont nothing is around you one minute and then the next a swarm of enemies are around you while your going after errant rifts normally that doesnt happen . the UI and graphics ARE JUST ALL screwy with the undine assault at the moment
I had a random map transfer "CTD" (crash to desktop) happen yesterday on PS4, so I can confirm that at least some of the time, map transfers cause crashes.
Also, the Dilithium refining button seems to have a 3- or 4-second delay between hitting X and the Dilithium refining. It was nearly instantaneous before the patch. (I'll make a separate post on that.)
I can verify those issues as well on PS4. Myself along with several other players crashed earlier in a Colony Invasion simulation with the error code CE-38700-8. Crashes have also happened while changing characters. Also at some point instances were added to the fleet colony map that would save us from failing the simulation if more than 20 people entered. That has also been removed with the Season 14.5 update.
Also, the Dilithium refining button seems to have a 3- or 4-second delay between hitting X and the Dilithium refining. It was nearly instantaneous before the patch. (I'll make a separate post on that.)