So this maybe just me but i dont like the scale DS9 is at the moment in game externally
DS9 Was never as big as it is atm
And personally i want it to be its original size
As you can see from these 2 images the games DS9 is oversized
Ds9 show: Ds9 with defiant in game: Now i understand from a community perspective for a player hub DS9 would be dwarfed by the number of player ships
But ds9 as it stands is too big it should be IMO its original size
I would say however if you gents haven't been on Tribble yet, the scaling issue should seem like a drop in the bucket compared to the epicness that will be the new DS9 revamp.
Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
If ESD is smaller than the canon one, imagine what Starbase 74 would be like if it was added to the game at its canon size. The thing dwarfs ESD.
DS9's size has never been consistent in the show in the first place. Initially the concept gave it at a diameter of 1'024m, the visual departement worked with a size of 1'609m. A compromise was then made and its official size is now 1'451m.
Upscaling the station for gameplay purposes is fine by me. Seeing the station at its original size right next to a Universe class starship which is 3'200-3'600 meters long would be rather ridiculous.
I personally don't understand the complaining. What does the size matter to gameplay?
You sure it wasn't because Kurland felt a bit small next to the other stations?
I love the interior now on Tribble....but boy, does it feel cramped now they've made the interior to scale!
Whic probably highlights how ridicilous fast video game characters can run.
Still, at least it's populated unlike that Ghostown of an Engineering on the even more cramped Galaxy Interior.
Actually, ESD never appeared in TNG. The only times it appeared after the movies was 1 time in Voyager (though it was never seen from the outside and may or may not be the same facility) and a single shot of it under construction in Discovery.
I don't mind DS9 exterior in-game. I think it actually suits it AND makes sense. As for Ship scale, as far as the Dev's have said, they are actually to scale.
The problem with interiors, especially with ships, was with the 3rd person camera. To get it to work without disappearing through the walls, they had to make the interiors much larger than intended.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
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That's actually Starbase 74, orbiting Tarsas III.
There was also Lya Station Alpha, Starbase 84 & Starbase 133 in TNG that were the same type of Spacedock but the original Earth Spacedock never appeared.
Agreed. Canon size would be too small given how much bigger our ships are and also because of the camera issue they mentioned on stream. But right now the fact it is too large is smacked in your face. Taking it down a bit would seem reasonable and it wouldn't seem so obviously disproportionate.
And isn't the Defiant a bad example for scale? I think it grew/shrunk onscreen throughout the run of DS9. In that picture, it looks more massive than the Excelsior.
And I was pretty obviously talking about in-universe. Stock footage is irrelevant when talking about something in-universe; that footage was not used to represent ESD, therefore ESD does not appear in TNG.
You're replying to someone who missed to the point of the post he was replying to.
The refit connie barely fits thru the space doors of ESD (it had to be fully out of the dock to be able to turn) and the connie has fairly narrow profile so it's much longer then it's wide. Now if we take the accepted length of GCS at about 650 m, then the GCS is wider then the connie refit is long and unlike with the connie the GCS is fairly wide compared to its length. We know that Enterprise-D barely fit thru the space doors of SB 74 so either Enterprise-D Shrunk to be shorter then the connie refit to fit thru the ESD sized doors of SB 74 or SB 74 is much larger then ESD (in-universe that is, any other comparison is just irrelevant).