LOL...not sure when is the last time we heard from Mr EP (exec producer) tbh cannot even remember who is him since we did change a few times post Dan Stahl.
Am a day one lifer, i remember Craig, Dan, Brandon, but after that took a few years break and just recently come back. I remember the EP making post and roadmaps all the time, not sure what happened, but it doesn't bode well that for someone who keeps up with the game as much as you do (over 2000 post), doesn't even know who the EP is.
> @lordgyor said:
> > @bubblegirl2015 said:
> > It's only April and it feels like players are not very active in STO. With the last nerf of colony sims now is even hard to team up for anything. 14.5 was just an April's fools joke of content IMO. Heck even forums seem boring these days.
> >
> > Is there anything else planned to make it worthwhile to even play STO until ViL gets around? Anyone knows of anything else besides summer event coming up? Can't wait for anything FUN to get injected here... not just same old FEs with different shinies till your eyes bleed from grinding.
> There are tons of foundry missions.
Oh boy, play someone’s fanfic for **** gear, only ok spec points and a pittance if dilitium.
P,S: why does the quote feature suck so bad?
LOL...see the above to see how bad the "quote feature" is horrible indeed in this version of the forums.
Really, my fleet is deserted again and now hit worse with the recent Colony sim provision nerf. Oh well there is always foundry.
Am a day one lifer, i remember Craig, Dan, Brandon, but after that took a few years break and just recently come back. I remember the EP making post and roadmaps all the time, not sure what happened, but it doesn't bode well that for someone who keeps up with the game as much as you do (over 2000 post), doesn't even know who the EP is.
Knock it off. — StarSword-C
LOL...see the above to see how bad the "quote feature" is horrible indeed in this version of the forums.
Really, my fleet is deserted again and now hit worse with the recent Colony sim provision nerf. Oh well there is always foundry.
Original STO beta tester.