Im a huge Star Trek fan like any other. Right now it's 2018, and Cryptic should start working on releasing new features for this game. Star Trek Online has been around for 8 years and they were doing good for the first 4 years and now they are starting to focus less on content/features and they are focusing more on lockboxes (Gambling) in which I strongly disagree with this approach. I wouldn't mind if they start adding more c-store stuff. Star Trek Online 2018 deserves to be a little bit more clear approach and give take this game to the right direction.
But anywho, the things they should starting doing is:
1. More indepth of the models of starships
2. A better character creation screen, more hairstyles, more uniform templates (updated templates as well)
3. Revamp species traits
4. Revamp sound effects
5. Add un-equip all on starships
6. Add un-equip all for ground characters
7. Gun points on starships should be accurate like the Tv series (for example weapons should never fire from warp nacelles)
8. Klingon and Romulan factions deserve their on Ai voice overs.
9. Update the interface HUD, (I like to view more things than to have the HUD cover some parts of the screen)
10. Add more ship interiors
11. Last but least, add Random PvE and PvP matchmaking so it increases getting into the match quicker (and all the maps can be played)
So far I haven't seen Cryptic doing anything but only releasing a featured episode once every 2-4 months, if they want more ideas then this would be helpful to them.
Best Regards,
P.S Does anyone know what Cryptic Studios is doing?
Not really. Most recent discussion on this: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1238358/why-are-calls-for-more-content-not-better-received#latest
> 1. More indepth of the models of starships
Already being done, including revisions to some old models
> 2. A better character creation screen, more hairstyles, more uniform templates (updated templates as well)
More character customization is always a good idea. I also support letting us use "off duty" uniforms all of the time, and for boffs not just the captain
> 3. Revamp species traits
Traits were revamped last year(?) to split apart space and ground, giving everyone twice as many active traits. You can now also unlock extra trait slots with fleet credits.
> 9. Update the interface HUD, (I like to view more things than to have the HUD cover some parts of the screen)
On PC there is the UI editor to customize size, location and visibility.
> 10. Add more ship interiors
That would be nice, but Cryptic has said that they do not sell well enough to pay for creating them.
> 11. Last but least, add Random PvE and PvP matchmaking so it increases getting into the match quicker (and all the maps can be played)
Just join 4 queues and go with the one that pops first.
Working on a full blown expansion to be released this summer.
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I have. I started playing this game 2011 (though haven't played that much since the game had less stuff back then), when the Romulan expansion got released that's when I started to play the game daily and still playing it now.
I do consider lockboxes Gambling because when you gamble you fork over your money in hoping for to get something in return. Plus it's randomly generated and if you get lucky or not. Who knows, you might spent hundreds to thousands of dollars for lockboxes... it's more than the most expensive thing in the the game (lifetime subscription). Might as well buy a brand new PC or gaming console.
I only open those things for LOBI.
And I rarely need Lobi...so, guess what? I don't need luck or RNG on my side.
Opening "presents" is fun....but it is for special days and special things. LOL!
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
I think the OP meant the traits that come innately with your species of choice. Leadership with Humans, for example.
Sorry OP, but you are flogging a dead horse. Lockboxes are NOT gambling in the legal sense, they are a 'guaranteed prize raffle', meaning for your $1.12, you will ALWAYS get something. The only 'gamble' with STO's boxes is what prize you're going to get with your Lobi prize! To satisfy the legal definition of gambling, you have to gamble a 'real world stake' for the chance to win a 'real world prize' AND there is a real chance that you will lose EVERYTHING you stake! Considering you can win the latest T6 ship for just $1.12 rather than paying $30 for a C-Store Ship, plus another $5 for the Fleet Module, if you won on the first draw, you'd be screaming with delight! And having won numerous ships myself from buying keys, yes I can consider myself lucky.
From buying keys and R&D promos, I have won:-
2 x Kelvin Connies,
1 x T6 TOS Connie,
1 x Sheshar Intel,
1 x Tal-Shiar Adapted BC,
1 x Crossfield,
1 x Elachi Escort,
1 x Jem'hadar Escort,
plus numerous T5 ships, from probably $300 of keys (which some people suggest that a player buys and sells them on the exchange to buy just 1 ship, leaving the seller a ton of EC to then buy keys. Only the ship seller benefits from this, not the ship buyer!). Add to that numerous ships I have bought with the Lobi!
However, Lockboxes in STO have only items that are not required to progress or play the game, and that are not required to make you competitive and you must remember that there is actually no need to be competitive either as there is no forced PvP.
Wrong...Game launched about Feb 2010 and first Lockbox started just after 2 years on Feb 2012. This game is MOSTLY a LOCKBOX oriented game ever since. Before this it was sub based MMO. Ever since it went F2P lockboxes keep profits stable for Cryptic. They also abandoned any new major storyline content just after LoR. The Delta expansion was probably the last major undertaking by Cryptic in terms of new content. Anything else has been a half a$$ approach since their major source of income continues to be lockboxes.
You mean a small number of new missions that they'll label as an expansion
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You're assuming that is ALL that is coming. Track record for expansions would indicate ships, outfits, and various other things both visible and behind the scenes.
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AoY had an absolutely pitiful amount of new missions. LoR and DR were better in that regard, but i expect it to be closer to AoY.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Lucky! From keys + R&D boxes (just an estimate, but I generally do ~30 keys each new lockbox, so I've probably done at least 300 over the years), I've gotten..... Herald Quas Cruiser. Plus, of course, lots of smaller prizes, and enough Lobi for several ships & costumes. All of it from Dil or EC. So, yeah... not really 'gambling'. Even if you are a lot luckier than me.
First, anything that comes out before the expansion doesn't count.
Second, where do you get 20 missions?? It's been awhile, but I remember 5 TOS exclusive missions, and 5 or 6 missions for everyone.
As for DR, I personally liked the concept of patrol missions, they provided additional short missions that helped flesh out the story.
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Some people love their "alternative facts" and "gut instinct" too much to accept reality. They decide "AoY wasn't a real expansion" or "had far fewer episodes" and try to live in that alternate timeline.
TOS Character Exclusives
1. TOS Tutorial (these are all, essentially, part of a single mission, and listing them all separately is nothing more than an attempt to inflate the numbers)
2. In the Shadow of Cestus
3. Painful Omens
4. Return to Babel
5. Tangled Webs
6. The Battle of Caleb IV
Available to all factions
1. The Core of the Matter
2. Vorgon Conclusions
3. Terminal Expanse
4. Temporal Reckoning
5. Ragnarok
So only eleven missions, one of which (TOS tutorial) is not replayable without creating a new character. Also, the TOS holding was not released with AoY, that came later. And non-TOS characters only got five new missions. Compare this with DR, which launched with six full length missions and roughly twenty-seven individual patrol missions, for a total of thirty-three missions in total, that's a huge downgrade. LoR, which is easier to compare to AoY since it too added a new mini-faction, had eighteen Romulan missions (three times what TOS characters got), some extra low-level Klingon missions, and the five mission Wasteland arc.
Facts are facts, AoY is the leanest "Expansion" STO has had to date, and there is little reason to believe they will go anywhere but down from here.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Have you even seen the show!?
Fireing from the incorrect hardpoints is canon.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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I think @somtaawkhar is looking at what STO wiki has in terms of the mission lists. Technically every tutorial is broken up into parts and count as separate missions according to them. Plus, you can add the 4 that they added before Agents of Yesterday too as being released early, since they relate to the overall story.
Expansions should not merely be judged based on the amount of story content they add to the game. They gave us new outfits, new ships, an alternative starting fed story with TOS feds (complete with old fashioned animations for just them) and as always, a new reputation and specialization tree to go with it.
STO is still about quality. Fewer missions allows them to make things much better for us (and trust me, I feel like the episodes in AoY were done very well).
Delta Rising might have had some forgettable missions, but didn't Voyager really have some like that too?
For AoY, see what I put above in my quote over Evilmark's comments.