ok it happens
lost my own fleet because i press the wrong button on screen
so the fleet leeder was out !
and it was his silly doing.... in a moment of not looking
my quest is here
Why has that FLEET LEAVE button nothing like a SECURITY QUEST ???
i mean you cant clear a mail or get something out of exchange
without to answer a damm security answer
but one of the most importent Button ingame reacts on touching in a wink of an eye....
nice do ! mr HUD Designer
atleast an ever funny thing wich ruins the day.
that has to be changed !
put an security qest in here
Of course leaving a Fleet accidentally can be corrected. Unless it is a solo Fleet and you don't even have a second alt in there to invite yourself back, or you are the Fleet leader and are the only one in the Fleet allowed to promote someone to Fleet leader. Accidentally leaving the Fleet in those cases is pretty much irrevocable. Then again, to me anyway, both of those cases are more of a lack of ... foresight ... on the players part and while they try, game devs can't always dream up every possible scenario and plant safeguards to protect players from themselves.
Even in those cases there is a chance you can get support to correct your mistake.....