Before you go blowing your money load on a cheaper pack, remember that every year cryptic makes a new 9-ship mega-bundle pack at the time of the anniversary. Don't believe me, go look up when the dysons came out, when the T6 command cruisers hit, when the T6 flagships hit, and when the T6 multi-mission science vessels came around. All came out in february, and the earliest we could see them is next week. So if you feel like you need to spend money on a flash sale just because, you may find something more appetizing next week.
T6 Kumaris would be tempting.
PSA: Before you go blowing your money on a more expensive pack yet to be released, pick up a cheaper pack NOW and wait to pick up the SUPER OBVIOUS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT upcoming pack in a few months when it's on sale.
I'd find a pack with the Kumaris tempting.
i've heard rumors that kumaris are in it, at least for feds, not sure what kdf would get though, which is my main
Perhaps KDF/Rom would get unique ships with a similar mindset? Bird of Prey/Med Warbirds?
In the past, I have bought multiple Vesta's, Dyson's and Kumari's and I've always ended up using just one of these. In the case of the science ships that was the one with most science console slots, in the case of the Kumari the one with most tactical slots.
So when the T6 Vesta's came out, I only bought the Brigid class. I'll do the same with a possible new Andorian ship pack.
With so much stuff being universal nowadays (boff slots, console slots, consoles themselves) it makes even less sense for me to buy the same ship three times.
Usually those consoles aren't really worth the slots they fill up for me.
New ships? Mmm....
*Spore drives out*
Yeah, it's a consistent pattern which can be taken as read for any anniversary. The 2nd first set the pattern with the Bort+Oddy combo which was later followed by c-store analogs. 3rd anniversary just had the Ambassador and Kamarang (at that point Cryptic hadn't set firm precedent). But from the 4th and on (ie. with Dyson) there's been a nice routine which, judging by the flavor of the Bajoran console and setup of that surprisingly punchy ship, could be very interesting this year (ie. escort pack. They don't always have to follow the same class but if they don't this time it would seem like a missed opportunity.)
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Personally i more like Dyson Sci Destroyers than the Kumari.
(i buyed the Dysons after the first series of T6 were released, but currently i still did not buy the Kumari)
The escort pack would also match the rumors of the T6 kumari, so that all adds up nicely.
> smooshy#7462 wrote: »
> avoozuul wrote: »
> The last two ship packs were T5 ships getting T6 treatment and the last two T5 packs are the Dyson Destroyers and Kumari escorts, I think it's very likely going to be the Kumari's this time.
> T6 Kumaris would be tempting.
> i've heard rumors that kumaris are in it, at least for feds, not sure what kdf would get though, which is my main
Perhaps a Lethan version as Lethans are the only KDF only race that doesn't have a ship of their own yet. Fersans have an escort, Orions Blackguard FDC, Nausicans have their destroyer, Klingons tons of ships. That leaves Lethans (KDF only), Talaxians (Fed and KDF), Joined Trill (Fed & KDF).
Wouldn't be the first time.
Perhaps a RR/Fed/KDF hybrid Escort?
Many good ideas here.
The lack of any Lethean ships existing in canon is a good thing indeed. Generally speaking the devs have designed some great ships, while staying true to the general ideas behind a faction's design.
The Romulans have a wide variety of ships that are still distinctly Romulan; even the Federation has many ship designs that can clearly be recognised as such even when the designs are still very different from anything we have seen on screen (Jupiter, the Miracle worker ships to name just a few examples).
Some more adventurous mixing could take place indeed. As long as they clearly state that they're hybrids, I'm curious where such mixes between Vulcan and Romulan ships would take us. And maybe mixes between other species' ships.
Doubtful if they keep with the mega pack that they do., and that would make more sense when we get closer a full on united faction over a alliance like we have. Also a hybrid class ship is harder to see with how the Dyson favored when it came out. I would not mind seeing it though get another try.
I have to ask the show runners the same question Guy Fleegman asked in Galaxy Quest: "Did you WATCH the show?"
You'll be waiting a long time then 'cuz there has never been a 50% "C-Store" sale. The Arc Store is a different matter though, but it does not take Zen, you need to use your credit card for those sales.