I just got tribble last night. I Was hoping to log in, and be able to pick up a few different ships i would like to test BEFORE i spend hundreds of real money to get them. However, it seems the only way to get ships, is to transfer them in from holodeck.
I have already wasted months of real world time getting ships and tons of hanger pets. Only to find out those hanger pets are not worth squat.
Am I missing something?
Actually, you're in luck. You can't test C-Store ships on tribble but you can buy lock box, promo and lobi ships off the exchange on holodeck. You can then transfer that character to tribble and open the box to test the ship. If you like it, great, open it on holodeck. If not, go back to holodeck and sell the ship instead to minimize any loss.
> Oh well. I was hoping. I have found so many things that in game are either broken, do not work right, or sound great, but in reality are just gimmicks. Like the Amarie ship trait. Trait says it will bring the enemy shields down for 14 or so seconds. Never have i seen shields go down for that long.Usually just a couple of seconds. Hanger pets that when launched, crawl towards the target before engaging it, making them utterly useless. The next ship i want is one of teh rarest in teh game, and costs over a billion. Wanted to try it out with my build before committing to another super expensive, broken ship.
It says 5 seconds for Resonance. Not 14. Not sure where you got that number.
Fleet Pralim drain 299, reverberation offline 12.5 sec
When in orbit, around ESD. I brought up the traits window while in my primary drain Vonph, and my Pralim. When reading th description of reverberation. It clearly states. Shield subsystem offline for X seconds. Those amount of seconds CHANGE based on the drain stat of the ship.
Would you like screen shots? Or would you just prefer to ask one of your fleet mates that has this trait to verify?
It is reasons like this I was hoping to test my next ship.
I have gone into CCA with my Elite Callistos. I make a pass on the Entity. As I leave the 10km range I launch my second wave of Callistos. I watch as they SLOW boat, at a snails pace, until they get into range and then begin firing. I have hit recall, and they just continue firing at things too.
So no, Cold, and Soul, I am not just trying to "made up bug". Check for yourself.
Except that you're forgetting about subsystem off-line resistances. If AI or player has that, it will shorten the amount of time offline.
No, I have not forgotten that. Which is why I am sure most shields never stay offline that long. But the point I was making, was cold and soul were saying that i was making stuff up, because it is 5 sec not 14.
But that is what brings me back to the original point of the thread. I wish that we could try the ships out. Had i been able to test out this trait. I never would have bothered getting a billion ec ship. I could have gotten something else that works better, or a different ship.
Or, they could save everyone a ton of time and effort, and just make the ships/keys/boxes avail on the server. Seeing as some ships/boxes are only avail even on holodeck for tens of millions of ec. or not avail at all.