Hi Guys,
Not sure if I am in the right spot but I have two issues that just started happening.
I am trying to buy training manuals for my boff's. I have like two commander manuals for my engi that are showing up in the list that can be bought. Aceton Beam and Eject Plasma. Where are all the other commander manuals like reverse shield polarity 3 for example. It does not even show up in the list from the vendor.
I don't know if this is related or not but I tried typing in game chat to see if I could get an answer and for some reason everything I was typing was opening up hotkeys. I don't remember every detail but I WAS in the chat box, what I was typing was being entered, but it was also opening up the hot keys. Like when I tried typing the letter o the friend or find team page opened up. Sorry forget what that was set to.
I logged out, and still had the issue. I exited completely and am still having the issue.
1 Buy them from the exchange.
2 Buy a Boff from the exchange with the ability you want, and use it to create a manual.
3 Craft or find someone willing to craft it for you.
4 Run the mission that gives you the manual, (Very limited abilities I think 3 or 4 total.)
As for the hotkey thing I find it happens when I believe I am in the chatbox but I actually am not. Might be a glitch that didnt register I was in chat.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite