The new accolade for collecting presents in the Kramp'lhri battle, "Mine, Mine, Mine!", originally only stated that you needed to collect 33 of each color of present. I was running it pretty regularly and had collected about 25 of the red presents and over 33 of each of the other colors. During the 12/14/2017 update a fix was made to the accolade to show the numbers of each color present collected. When I logged in post patch I looked for the accolade to see what my actual progress was but the accolade wasn't listed in either the completed or in progress categories. I then participated in a Kramp'lhri fight and collected a couple more presents. When I again checked for the accolade now it showed in the "in progress" list but it only showed the presents I had collected in the last fight. All of my previous progress was reset to zero. The same thing happened on another character I had been grinding the accolade on.
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