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New Character Ship Choices

rosvikrosvik Member Posts: 26 Arc User
I don't know if this has been proposed in the past. (I've also edited this several times)

I think it would be great if when starting a new character you have a choice of what kind of ship to start with. For example, a Gorn or Nausicaan character could choose to start out commanding a Gorn or Nausicaan ship vice the Klingon Bird of Prey. A Vulcan may choose a Vulcan-designed ship to start out with vice the standard Miranda. When your new character is assigned as First Officer to the tutorial ship, you get the option of taking the 'standard' Miranda class vessel or a race-appropriate vessel (and it doesn't have to be the race of your character). If your Vulcan character picks a Vulcan vessel, it is still crewed by the same people as the Miranda. It's just a Vulcan designed/built ship that you happened to get assigned as First Officer to.

Or, as another person suggested, instead of choosing the tutorial ship, let the player simply have more ships (Vulcan, Andorian, Bolian, Gorn, Nausicaan, whatever) to pick from when its time to pick Tier 1 and on vessels. It's a great way for people to really customize their character and make them more unique. Also, considering the number of people who have Breen and other ships from lockboxes and events, asking to have ships designed by member worlds of the Federation / KDF makes perfect sense to me.

This doesn't mean a race-appropriate ship has to be manned exclusively by that race. A 'Vulcan' ship is just a ship designed and built by the Vulcans that is commissioned into service as a Starfleet vessel. That ship would have a variety of species as crewmembers, as it is a Starfleet ship. Of course, the player is always free to acquire B/O's of whatever race they want, for whatever reason they want. After all, it's THEIR character and THEIR ship!

I am assuming that the different members of the Federation and KDF design and make their own ships which are subsequently used by their respective factions. The intent is to give players an opportunity to either start with or later on choose a race-specific ship just for variety.

I know there isn't much emphasis put on beginning content, but what about creating a few missions for new characters that are related to their race? So a Vulcan, Human and Andorian would have a few missions tailored to their particular race. Again, just a way to kind of 'spice' things up at the low end so starting a new character isn't always the same thing.
Ancient Vulcan proverb: "If you are what you eat, then 'Jerk' must be a very popular food on Earth"
Post edited by rosvik on


  • smooshy#7462 smooshy Member Posts: 233 Arc User
    rosvik wrote: »
    So a Vulcan, Human and Andorian would have a few missions tailored to their particular race.

    I'd think they'd be too busy walking into bars.
  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    More ships from different species would be fun, but not as a starter ship. You start out as a Starfleet officer, under a very experienced Starfleet captain even. If would make little sense to have the mission take place in a Vulcan ship just because you (first officer at that point) are a Vulcan among Rigellian, Caitian and Human officers while being under the command of a Denobulan captain.

    I do like the idea of more different starter missions though. Maybe they could even create some for various enemy species that are known to have subfactions within them that don't necessarily oppose the Alliance or are even allied with it (Voth, Undine, Cardassians, Cooperative for example). Then it would make sense to offer the option to play a Vulcan, Andorian, Cardassian or Cooperative ship in those new low level episodes and then I think it would be a very fun idea.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,574 Arc User
    rosvik wrote: »
    I don't know if this has been proposed in the past.

    I think it would be great if when starting a new character you have a choice of what kind of ship to start with. For example, a Gorn or Nausicaan character could choose to start out commanding a Gorn or Nausicaan ship vice the Klingon Bird of Prey. Subsequent ship choices could include ships from their particular worlds that are the equivalent of their Klingon counterparts, just for variety. Same thing with the Federation side. Your new Vulcan or Andorian character may wish to start out with Vulcan / Andorian ships at first. This would help making new characters more unique.

    I know there isn't much emphasis put on beginning content, but what about creating a few missions for new characters that are related to their race? So a Vulcan, Human and Andorian would have a few missions tailored to their particular race. Again, just a way to kind of 'spice' things up at the low end so starting a new character isn't always the same thing.

    Way, way too much work to be honest, and for no gain. Sorry to put it so bluntly. You'd be talking over 40 tutorial and starter missions at least.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • mneme0mneme0 Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    I'd settle for more variation in mission dialog.
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    I like the idea :sunglasses:

    However... As so correctly mentioned:
    More ships from different species would be fun, but not as a starter ship. You start out as a Starfleet officer, under a very experienced Starfleet captain even. If would make little sense to have the mission take place in a Vulcan ship just because you (first officer at that point) are a Vulcan among Rigellian, Caitian and Human officers while being under the command of a Denobulan captain.

    I do like the idea of more different starter missions though. Maybe they could even create some for various enemy species that are known to have subfactions within them that don't necessarily oppose the Alliance or are even allied with it (Voth, Undine, Cardassians, Cooperative for example). Then it would make sense to offer the option to play a Vulcan, Andorian, Cardassian or Cooperative ship in those new low level episodes and then I think it would be a very fun idea.

    Given the amount of playable races under the Federation banner, having race-specific ships is either going to mean a lot of new ships (and as the devs still haven't given us a T6 Nova, or even a New Orleans at any Tier, so I doubt they would want to have to come up with that many new unique ships (which would be flown for free) or, a lot of generic ships where the only difference is the color of the hull-plating (which would be seriously Weak)

    However, if there was going to be more race-centric ships, the after-tutorial dialogue and situation could be modified, to where The Character doesn't retain command of the tutorial ship, but would instead be given command of a race-appropriate ship (although that's not how Starfleet works, and even mono-race ships, such as the Intrepid and the T'Kumbra, are still standard Federation hulls) (equally, I'd rather that after the tutorial, The Character be assigned as helmsman to a new ship, and only officially be given command, once they reach the rank of captain, but of course,mthat would need even more re-writes of the game...)

    But purely on the notion of seeing different ships; yes, that would be fantastic :sunglasses:

    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • rosvikrosvik Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    More ships from different species would be fun, but not as a starter ship. You start out as a Starfleet officer, under a very experienced Starfleet captain even. If would make little sense to have the mission take place in a Vulcan ship just because you (first officer at that point) are a Vulcan among Rigellian, Caitian and Human officers while being under the command of a Denobulan captain.

    First, thank you all for your great feedback. I really appreciate it!

    What I am thinking of is giving the player a choice of ship type, or let the game choose one. When I said 'Vulcan' ship I didn't mean a ship crewed exclusively by Vulcans. If a Vulcan player chooses a Vulcan ship for the tutorial, it's just a ship designed and built by Vulcans and commissioned into Starfleet service which the player happens to get assigned to for the tutorial. As a Starfleet vessel, that Vulcan ship can easily have Rigellian, Caitian, and Human officers and be commanded by a Denobulan or Andorian captain. It may have more Vulcan crewmembers assigned to it than other species, or not.

    Silverlobes brought up an interesting idea where the character doesn't retain command of the tutorial vessel, but is instead offered command of another race-appropriate vessel. In this scenario, the player would be given the choice of picking a race-appropriate ship (and it doesn't have to be that characters race, either.... a Vulcan player may choose an Andorian vessel).

    It is a way of giving characters an expanded choice of ships to command. While I'm sure Starfleet would require all ships built by various worlds for Starfleet conform to certain uniform standards, they could still be different enough to make it interesting.

    The same thing would apply to the KDF side. I see no reason why a Gorn, Nausicaan or Lethean ship would not have some Klingon crewmembers, officers or even a captain. They are all serving the Empire, after all. Yet I don't think it would be unrealistic to see the occasional Gorn, Nausicaan or Lethean ship crewed predominantly by that species. The thing is, it would be nice to be able to start a Gorn character who has the opportunity to command a Gorn designed/built vessel, regardless of the species of the crew.

    I hope I cleared up my intentions on that.
    Ancient Vulcan proverb: "If you are what you eat, then 'Jerk' must be a very popular food on Earth"
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Seeing how you take over a ship when your captain dies (unless the new intro mission changed that part too?) the tier 0 ship should be the Miranda. I could see your tier 1 ship you get being from your race, but seeing how you are Starfleet that wouldn't make alot of sense.

    If they ever made a real 3rd faction, that could be the Independent faction and they could lump all the non-Fed ships into that one. But I don't think the game could handle a real 3rd faction. The KDF already gets less ships than Fed, I can't see another faction getting treated any better.
  • feralaffferalaff Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    Maybe would be easier to just allow to use different skins.
    But having played "the start episodes" 5 times (3 romulans and 2 feds). I certainly DON'T want to begin again another time.

    The story is nice, but since it is straightforward i prefer to do other things in game instead of replay again.
    It was not funny to replay all the game with the temporal recruit...i did that for the bonus, but not funny (especially because it was fed locked only).
  • rosvikrosvik Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    Seeing how you take over a ship when your captain dies (unless the new intro mission changed that part too?) the tier 0 ship should be the Miranda. I could see your tier 1 ship you get being from your race, but seeing how you are Starfleet that wouldn't make alot of sense.

    If they ever made a real 3rd faction, that could be the Independent faction and they could lump all the non-Fed ships into that one. But I don't think the game could handle a real 3rd faction. The KDF already gets less ships than Fed, I can't see another faction getting treated any better.

    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    Ancient Vulcan proverb: "If you are what you eat, then 'Jerk' must be a very popular food on Earth"
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    rosvik wrote: »
    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    True, I can't say that vulcan/andorian ships can't be 'starfleet' ships. I don't think the shows ever mentioned anything about that, except maybe ENT, but that was pre-Fed so... :/ But I can't say I ever saw a non-human ship in Starfleet either in any of the shows.

    I always thought of Vulcans/Andorians/etc. making their own ships but ran them separately as homeworld/ 'national' guard type units while they let the silly humans in Starfleet run around being the galaxy's policemen. ;) At least in ENT, Vulcans and Andorans didn't seem too enthusiast to wander far from home. Vulcans especially.

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  • rosvikrosvik Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    rosvik wrote: »
    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    True, I can't say that vulcan/andorian ships can't be 'starfleet' ships. I don't think the shows ever mentioned anything about that, except maybe ENT, but that was pre-Fed so... :/ But I can't say I ever saw a non-human ship in Starfleet either in any of the shows.

    I always thought of Vulcans/Andorians/etc. making their own ships but ran them separately as homeworld/ 'national' guard type units while they let the silly humans in Starfleet run around being the galaxy's policemen. ;) At least in ENT, Vulcans and Andorans didn't seem too enthusiast to wander far from home. Vulcans especially.

    Another thing I thought of right after I made my post (as usual). Look at the number of Starfleet captains in command of vessels designed and built by the Breen, the Cardassians, and other races, from lockboxes and events. ESD is surrounded by them. To me, having players being able to choose ships built by Federation-member worlds makes more sense than allowing Starfleet captains to fly ships from non-Federation worlds! In wartime, captured ships are either studied or used to provide training (today you cadets will engage an actual Klingon vessel! It's manned by us, but will use their tactics, etc). Or they may be used on special ops missions; sneaking into the enemy interior for recon, dropping off and picking up spies, etc. But I seriously doubt they would be given out as ships to command.

    In the end, its just giving players the ability to 'role play' more, if they choose, by picking ships besides the 'standard' Starfleet types.
    Ancient Vulcan proverb: "If you are what you eat, then 'Jerk' must be a very popular food on Earth"
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,574 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    rosvik wrote: »
    rosvik wrote: »
    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    True, I can't say that vulcan/andorian ships can't be 'starfleet' ships. I don't think the shows ever mentioned anything about that, except maybe ENT, but that was pre-Fed so... :/ But I can't say I ever saw a non-human ship in Starfleet either in any of the shows.

    I always thought of Vulcans/Andorians/etc. making their own ships but ran them separately as homeworld/ 'national' guard type units while they let the silly humans in Starfleet run around being the galaxy's policemen. ;) At least in ENT, Vulcans and Andorans didn't seem too enthusiast to wander far from home. Vulcans especially.

    Another thing I thought of right after I made my post (as usual). Look at the number of Starfleet captains in command of vessels designed and built by the Breen, the Cardassians, and other races, from lockboxes and events. ESD is surrounded by them. To me, having players being able to choose ships built by Federation-member worlds makes more sense than allowing Starfleet captains to fly ships from non-Federation worlds! In wartime, captured ships are either studied or used to provide training (today you cadets will engage an actual Klingon vessel! It's manned by us, but will use their tactics, etc). Or they may be used on special ops missions; sneaking into the enemy interior for recon, dropping off and picking up spies, etc. But I seriously doubt they would be given out as ships to command.

    In the end, its just giving players the ability to 'role play' more, if they choose, by picking ships besides the 'standard' Starfleet types.
    rosvik wrote: »
    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    True, I can't say that vulcan/andorian ships can't be 'starfleet' ships. I don't think the shows ever mentioned anything about that, except maybe ENT, but that was pre-Fed so... :/ But I can't say I ever saw a non-human ship in Starfleet either in any of the shows.

    I always thought of Vulcans/Andorians/etc. making their own ships but ran them separately as homeworld/ 'national' guard type units while they let the silly humans in Starfleet run around being the galaxy's policemen. ;) At least in ENT, Vulcans and Andorans didn't seem too enthusiast to wander far from home. Vulcans especially.

    Each race that is a member of UFP/Starfleet generally has their own ships for homeworld affairs, as they only get into the organisation once they have warp capability. However, NONE of those ships are considered Starfleet vessels. Starfleet vessels are designed by members of all the worlds, not just Humans. The fact you can fly some of them at higher Tiers doesn't make an excuse to ignore this fact. The fact as a Human, I can fly a Tal-Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, which is Romulan, or a Kobali Samsar, doesn't mean that they are Starfleet vessels. These are just 'perks' (not to be confused with an excuse) provided by the Dev's.

    The tutorial starts you off in Starfleet, on a Starfleet Vessel, so having you start off in your own species' ship would only be possible if they made dozens and dozens of starter missions, which, as I said earlier, would never happen because of the amount of work involved.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • silverlobes#2676 silverlobes Member Posts: 1,953 Arc User
    leemwatson wrote: »
    rosvik wrote: »
    rosvik wrote: »
    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    True, I can't say that vulcan/andorian ships can't be 'starfleet' ships. I don't think the shows ever mentioned anything about that, except maybe ENT, but that was pre-Fed so... :/ But I can't say I ever saw a non-human ship in Starfleet either in any of the shows.

    I always thought of Vulcans/Andorians/etc. making their own ships but ran them separately as homeworld/ 'national' guard type units while they let the silly humans in Starfleet run around being the galaxy's policemen. ;) At least in ENT, Vulcans and Andorans didn't seem too enthusiast to wander far from home. Vulcans especially.

    Another thing I thought of right after I made my post (as usual). Look at the number of Starfleet captains in command of vessels designed and built by the Breen, the Cardassians, and other races, from lockboxes and events. ESD is surrounded by them. To me, having players being able to choose ships built by Federation-member worlds makes more sense than allowing Starfleet captains to fly ships from non-Federation worlds! In wartime, captured ships are either studied or used to provide training (today you cadets will engage an actual Klingon vessel! It's manned by us, but will use their tactics, etc). Or they may be used on special ops missions; sneaking into the enemy interior for recon, dropping off and picking up spies, etc. But I seriously doubt they would be given out as ships to command.

    In the end, its just giving players the ability to 'role play' more, if they choose, by picking ships besides the 'standard' Starfleet types.
    rosvik wrote: »
    I am going under the assumption (and I may be wrong) that Vulcans, Andorians, etc, design and build their own ships which are subsequently commissioned into Starfleet service, and become Starfleet vessels. So having these other ships available as choices is not giving them ships of a 3rd faction. They are already part of either Fed or KDF. That's how I see it. Thanks for the feedback!

    True, I can't say that vulcan/andorian ships can't be 'starfleet' ships. I don't think the shows ever mentioned anything about that, except maybe ENT, but that was pre-Fed so... :/ But I can't say I ever saw a non-human ship in Starfleet either in any of the shows.

    I always thought of Vulcans/Andorians/etc. making their own ships but ran them separately as homeworld/ 'national' guard type units while they let the silly humans in Starfleet run around being the galaxy's policemen. ;) At least in ENT, Vulcans and Andorans didn't seem too enthusiast to wander far from home. Vulcans especially.

    Each race that is a member of UFP/Starfleet generally has their own ships for homeworld affairs, as they only get into the organisation once they have warp capability. However, NONE of those ships are considered Starfleet vessels. Starfleet vessels are designed by members of all the worlds, not just Humans. The fact you can fly some of them at higher Tiers doesn't make an excuse to ignore this fact. The fact as a Human, I can fly a Tal-Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser, which is Romulan, or a Kobali Samsar, doesn't mean that they are Starfleet vessels. These are just 'perks' (not to be confused with an excuse) provided by the Dev's.

    The tutorial starts you off in Starfleet, on a Starfleet Vessel, so having you start off in your own species' ship would only be possible if they made dozens and dozens of starter missions, which, as I said earlier, would never happen because of the amount of work involved.
    This is why I suggested that any switch to 'native ships', take place after the tutorial :wink: Example:

    Quinn: You did well out there. You kept you head, remembered your training, and kept your crew safe. The damage sustained from the Borg, will put the ship in dry dock for some time to come, but there are postings available on other ships. In recognition for your outstanding performance, the choice of assignment is yours.


    I agree though, the amount of work involved to get that many different level-up ships; that ain't happening :lol:
    "I fight for the Users!" - Tron

    "I was here before you, I will be here after you are gone. I am here, regardless of your acknowledgement or acceptance..." - The Truth
  • soullessraptorsoullessraptor Member Posts: 353 Arc User
    Early game? Nah.
    Now, getting more late-game craft from the various races? Yes. Feds have, what, a quarter of their races represented? They've got Andorian, Vulcan, Human, and Caitian, right? KDF has all of their member races, as of now (Klingon, Gorn, Nausicaan, Orion, and Ferasan). Romulans (obviously) have all TWO of theirs, as well as a third (Suliban).
    So yeah, be interesting to see more variety of ships as far as the Federation races go.
  • mneme0mneme0 Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    KDF has all of their member races, as of now (Klingon, Gorn, Nausicaan, Orion, and Ferasan).

    Letheans. *shudder*

  • soullessraptorsoullessraptor Member Posts: 353 Arc User
    mneme0 wrote: »
    KDF has all of their member races, as of now (Klingon, Gorn, Nausicaan, Orion, and Ferasan).

    Letheans. *shudder*

    Oh, right! Those guys.
  • tyler002tyler002 Member Posts: 1,586 Arc User
    Rather than the option to choose a diferent starter ship, I wouldn't mind if they added the ship customization to the character creation phase. Give the option to tweak the ship hull, windows, colour markings, ect.

    While at it, also adding the ability to pick the registry when you choose the ship name.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Just buy different starter ship in the C-Store.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    edited December 2017
    That's what I did, also picked up a freebie awhile back on my main acct. The starter ships aren't all that expensive (500z, one month stipend for lifer, very little cash or a few weeks playing Arc quests).
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    For a starter ship, the very first ship you get is really only meant to give you a basic understanding of ship combat and so on. Such as having 1 of each of the 3 class of bridge officer power. That's really all the first ship is for. You've got the tier 1 ships you can pick up from the cstore but they're really only there for their console and to give a little something extra or to allow you to fly a different type of ship imo. They don't usually add ships at the lower end save on rare occasions that I've seen. An example being the Constellation class ships like the Stargazer. Reason being is they don't often sell alot, at least from what I've ever seen. While I wouldn't mind seeing more variety of ships they would better be suited for higher end.
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Online volunteer Community Moderator
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    Only thing I'd like is the ability to pick one of my tier 1s instead of the Miranda.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,714 Arc User
    they could do it by only dreating one ship.. a tellerite frigate. you can scale donw the existing 5t4-5 vulcan andorian gorn and naussican ships but you would have to limit it to the core races and not the truill betazed ect
    We Want Vic Fontaine
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  • fleetcaptain5#1134 fleetcaptain5 Member Posts: 5,051 Arc User
    Early game? Nah.
    Now, getting more late-game craft from the various races? Yes. Feds have, what, a quarter of their races represented? They've got Andorian, Vulcan, Human, and Caitian, right? KDF has all of their member races, as of now (Klingon, Gorn, Nausicaan, Orion, and Ferasan). Romulans (obviously) have all TWO of theirs, as well as a third (Suliban).
    So yeah, be interesting to see more variety of ships as far as the Federation races go.

    Yeah since lower tier ships are only used for a limited time, it may make more sense to focus on end-game ships for different species.

    Though perhaps they could make Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite etc. shuttles. A T1 ship is very similar in hull points, boff abilities and console slots etc. compared to shuttles.

    By designing more shuttles, they could answer to the requests to get more of those in the game, while also providing people like the OP with the ability to fly the early missions in a species-specific craft. They could base the shuttles off of fighters in the case of the Tellarite flight-deck cruiser, there's already an Andorian one and maybe they can do a combo thing like the Vulcan ship has: combining a shuttle with a T5 or T6 ship.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    Honestly, if they are going to do any kind of optional starter ships... they need to let us pick at character creation. Including C-store starter ships such as the Connie or NX. In fact I'd like to get that choice anyway, put it on the page we name the ship, make it a drop down box.

    It would unfortunately require creating a huge number of new ships. Say a choice of 3 total free starter ships for each faction, the current one plus 2 new, so an additional 8 would need to be offered. 2 each for Fed, KDF, RR, & TOS, they could concievably save some work by "downtiering" some existing designs, for instance TOS could start with a T1 Vulcan or Tellarite ship.

    At the cost of more work they could monetize the choice of starter ships, and add 1 or 2 more T1 c-store ships for each group. Again using TOS they could re-release the Andorian Light Escort (saving work).
    Why would it require creating any new ships? They could just add a menu in the character creator to let you pick one of the existing C-Store T1 ships if you've bought some.

    A large number of T1 ships is unlikely to be profitable. Except for iconic canon ships like the Connie, most people aren't going to pay for a ship they'll fly for maybe half an hour before switching to a T2.
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