So apparently my first post was deleted or not approved for some unknown reason so I will post this here. My pythus fighter's doesn't work with FAW, my Chimera (the ship I bought a lifetime subscription for) gets stuck in the two modes and won't transform back, my Andromeda and Yamamato ships separate and won't go back together or the saucer disappears all together and just wanders off on it's own out of the fight. I've spent thousands of dollars on ships and keys, etc.. and have gathered nearly a 100 ships in this game for them just to not work. I was even interested in the new (to console) miracle worker mega bundle but WHY would I buy anymore ships in this game? I help others where I can and teach them about ships and builds and have encouraged other to buy certain ships to meet their needs, but why should I keep doing this when I get nothing in return? Not even these glitches getting permanently fixed. Even my sheshar sometimes will split and not come back together and anyone and everyone knows what it took to get that ship if you have TRIBBLE drop rates like I do. It is extremely frustrating when you build a level 70 fleet and put hundreds of hours along with your hard earned money into a game just for it not to work. I don't believe I will be buying anything else in game until what I have actually starts working. Really sucks when I had builds already laid out to use on the new miracle worker ships.