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Dranuur fleet item issues

danpmkdanpmk Member Posts: 44 Arc User
While documenting the new Dranuur Colony fleet items for the wiki, I noticed a number of issues:
(I originally posted this last week, but it seems my thread didn't go through? In any case I updated it for the Nov 2nd patch, which fixed one of the issues below, but not the others.)

Singularity Cores: On both the Elite Protomatter Singularity Cores (Isolated and Sustained), and also on the older Spire Elite Thoron-Infused Singularity Cores, two modifier options that are ostensibly supposed to be available are missing: [AMP] [OLoad] [SingA] [SSS] [WCap] and [ACap] [AMP] [Jump] [SingA] [SSR]. Instead, the options [AMP] [Res] [SCap] [SingA] [SST] and [ACap] [AMP] [SingA] [SSS] [Wave] appear twice. I believe this is unintended because [CON] [OLoad] [SingA] [SSS] [WCap] and [ACap] [CON] [Jump] [SingA] [SSR] are available, and [CON] [Res] [SCap] [SingA] [SST] and [ACap] [CON] [SingA] [SSS] [Wave] are not listed twice, and all other [CON] options have [AMP] equivalents. It appears to have been a copy-paste error on the Thoron cores, which appeared again when they themselves were copied as the basis for the Protomatter cores.

Secondary Deflectors: The Colony World Secondary Deflectors have a few issues:
  • The modifier names are incorrect. The one that boosts Hull Capacity is [Def] and the one that boosts Shield Capacity is [Acc]. The [EnDmg] one was fixed to [ProjDmg], at least.
  • The base name is that of a generic secondary deflector, not having "Protomatter" in it as expected.
  • The descriptions are unmodified from the Strategic Secondary Deflectors.
  • The ones with [CtrlX] [EPG] [SA +Dmg] are duplicated per type and special mod, leading to 9 superfluous entries in the store.
Overall, it looks like their alteration after being copied from the Strategic Secondary Deflectors was never completed. (Previously reported as bug #4589506)

Engines: Elite Fleet Protomatter Impulse Engines have an incorrect description, referencing the Fleet Efficient engines. The Combat and Hyper engine descriptions are correct, however.

Projectile Weapons: All Elite Fleet Dranuur projectile weapons have 3 mods (should be 4 at Ultra Rare) and no innate mod to make up the difference, which makes me think they are supposed to have a Restorative Protomatter-related proc (like the energy weapons) that is just missing entirely right now.

Ground Weapons: They all have "Weapon Proc" appended to the end of the item name. I assume this represents their Restorative Protomatter proc and is supposed to be invisible.

I found no issues with the Tactical Consoles, Matter-Antimatter Warp Cores, Deflectors, Shields, Energy Weapons, Personal Armor, Personal Shields, Kit Frames, Kit Modules or Training Manuals (so far anyway).

Might be issues:
  • If the wiki was correct, Spire Advanced Fleet (Matter-Antimatter) Plasma-Integrated Warp Core used to have the mod option of [Trans] [A->S] [WCap], and the Elite variants had that available with [AMP] or [EWS] like normal. Was this removal intended? If so, those options should be restored to the Advanced cores, as well as the Elite Spire and Protomatter warp cores.
  • All Lukari boffs and all KDF Kentari boffs have Superior Resiliency, but for the Federation Kentari ones, the Tactical and Science boffs have Superior Teamwork instead. The Fed Engineers have Superior Resiliency, however. I would not expect a difference between Fed and KDF boffs in this instance. (Previously reported as bug #4589534)

Non-Dranuur issues:
It is corporeal.


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