So let's look back at tuesday's
patch notes for a moment, one line in particular under "Powers and Items":
Resolved an issue that prevented Target Subsystems from working with Turrets.
So this morning I got around to refitting my drain build with a turret/cannon loadout, and taking it out for testing. As you can imagine from the thread title, I determined that the turrets were
not in fact adding stacks to the debuff, the dual cannons seemed to be the only weapons inflicting stacks.
Now I specified that I did not test this yesterday as it's possible that this morning's patch broke it, but either way it's not working as stated in the patch notes.
I've tested it after each of last week's patches and today's patch, on the off chance it just didn't make it into the notes; as with last week, dual cannons can inflict Target Subsystem stacks just fine, but turrets do not.
As of my testing today, cannons in general appear to have lost their ability to use Target Subsystem. (Edit: I seem to have derped that test, they do still work, but turrets still don't.) And for a bonus, Plasmonic Leech no longer appears to inflict drain on enemies, so now it's totally worthless! Well done!
If it's not obvious by now, I do intend to keep bugging you about this (these) issue(s). You said you were changing/fixing this at the beginning of the month, and haven't even added it to the known issues section of the patch notes.