sorry one more thing as i level up and do the missions on both my fed and romulon character i find the ground missions getting harder to do with out dying a couple of time. Whats a good mod and kit set up for tactical captains and ground abilities for my away team i had just ended up on both my guys running with the 1st 4 you get on my rom the 1 tac, 2 science, 1 engineer not sure if my fed guy is the same, for my kits and mods i was just equipping what ever i found so probably not the best tactic.
quick question I missed the 4 Year Anniversary Event is there still away for me to get Solanae Overcharged Warp Core or the Solanae Overcharged Singularity Core?
quick question I missed the 4 Year Anniversary Event is there still away for me to get Solanae Overcharged Warp Core or the Solanae Overcharged Singularity Core?
Yea..The T5 Dyson Science Destroyer is in the Lobi store.
soo 900 crystal or 300k plus EC on the exchange then? what warp core should i get in stead I'm probably going to eventually get the Iconian Resistance Starship Technologies when i grind out that rep but tell then whats my safest bet for a warp core?
I was wondering I know tactical captains are what all the dps builds I've looked at are but are there any that are science or engineer and if so could i be pointed in there direction?
quick question still a little confused by the equipment stats I'm currently using Preeminent Warp Core Mk x [A->E] [S->W] [SCap] for my warp core my question is what if any should I be using well I try and bring my Rep up to get the Iconian warp core and the other in the set? I'm currently using a Fed pilot escort I'd assume the shield abilities of the preeminent core is good but is there one thats better or is this ok for now i could get a higher mk for the preeminent?
So..It has kind of a long cool down..I like it better than the Sompeck for some things..But youll have to time it right. I run it on my Eng too over my Sci or Tac..They have better alternatives that are up far more often.
I don't know were this is asked and em to lazy to start a new thread. I've have managed to open a third crafting slot i've just been doing the upgrade one that give the big amount of xp but only have 2 guys to do the crafting does anyone have the name of or what i should be looking up on the exchange to buy more so i can use more then 2 R&D crafting slots?
You can get all the schools crafting doffs at your fleet's K13 holding. A google search for crafting doffs should bring up a list of what to look for on the exchange. In many cases it's cheaper to buy the item you want to craft vs an expensive bunch of doffs now that the market is saturated with many crafted items.
im thinking of doing a new guy to take advantage of the double xp, and was thinking of doing an engineer for my captain was wondering if i went mostly engineer side on the skill tree would i really be gimping my self ? was thinking of doing KDF flying a bird of prey probably was trying to get a build set up (skills, traits, consoles) that wouldn't gimp me in damage but be very tough.
How does the Account starship trait unlocks tab for the dilithium store work? On my fed Captain i bought the escort pilot bundle and have got the level mastery ability already, should i not be able to purchase that starship trait on the said tab in the dil store on any of my captains or is it faction restricted or something?
Ok thought of a better way to ask the question i did above if i got the Kor bird of prey for the level 5 mastery Withering Barrage would it be in the Account starship trait unlocks tab for my other captains to purchase or would I have to get those ships with that mastery trait for them as well? Having to have purchased 2 ships from the Z store?
Ok thought of a better way to ask the question i did above if i got the Kor bird of prey for the level 5 mastery Withering Barrage would it be in the Account starship trait unlocks tab for my other captains to purchase or would I have to get those ships with that mastery trait for them as well? Having to have purchased 2 ships from the Z store?
The ship is an account unlock for you KDF toons. The trait (when earned) is character unlock.
The account unlocks tab is for stuff that you have unlocked on FED/ROM only ships or Traits that do not appear on KDF ships.
Traits like
Advanced Firing Solutions
Tactical Retreat
Warp Shadow Decoy
...These are just examples of traits that are stuck to 1 ship..But when unlocked can be acquired through the Account starship trait tab.
I just bought a new ship today i took the equipment off my old ship and put it all on the new one it equips it all but my Iconian Resistance deflector dish and impulse engines how do i fix this? I asked in zone on earth space dock and got no response.
Anyone know of a website that has non canon alien races and how to build them with the race creator I've done some google searches and only been able to find one that list the canon races that are in game like the cardassian's and Jem'hadar.
Yea..The T5 Dyson Science Destroyer is in the Lobi store.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
The ship is an account unlock for you KDF toons. The trait (when earned) is character unlock.
The account unlocks tab is for stuff that you have unlocked on FED/ROM only ships or Traits that do not appear on KDF ships.
Traits like
Advanced Firing Solutions
Tactical Retreat
Warp Shadow Decoy
...These are just examples of traits that are stuck to 1 ship..But when unlocked can be acquired through the Account starship trait tab.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
I can sort you out with some traits and modules; mail me in-game if you like. "@altran3301" to make sure I can see it on all my characters.