I consider myself new sense its been about 3yrs sense I last played i'm looking for help or being pointed to a general leveling build for my tactical romulan captain general skill and trait allocation that will serve me on any ship i will get as I level (which will probably be the core ones you get well leveling) and with what ever weapons i choose to do. Any help will be greatly appreciated Thank You.
As for gear, that also doesnt matter until around level 50, just use whatever gear you get from missions, they'll be more than adequate.
Oh ya, and when you start fighting Romulans, stay far away from them. All of their ships have skills that can insta-kill low level players at close range. They're the only enemies you need to watch out for while you level.
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
If you would like assistance while leveling..Friend me and Ill join you on your missions when were both in game (JacobsA@odinforever20000) on 5p-12a PST (tomarrow I can be on anytime.)..Only thing my Kdf loves more than Killing..Is killing Romulans.
There really is no "BEST" energy type..Pick what you like and roll with it.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
Edit: If you started your ToS toon during the event which ended quite some time ago and have a temporal transponder there are (were) some unique rewards attached to achieving certain goals.
For the Fed running an escort class beams versus cannons is a matter of personal preference mostly. The narrow firing arc of cannons isn't really a problem with an escort. That being said, beam skills for BoFFs all run one tier lower than cannon skills. A ship with LtCom as the highest Tac seat can utilize all beam skills, whereas you must have a ship with a Com Tac seat to use all cannon skills. I believe both of the escorts you mentioned have a Com Tac seat so, at least with those ships, cannons vs beams is again, a matter of preference. One side note on that however, good beams are available for "free" in both mission reward sets, and rep sets, cannons, not so much.
The same applies for your choice of Rom ship, basically an escort class, has the Tac seating to utilize all beam or cannon skills, with the added bonus of a combat cloak.
As far as focusing on a specific Captain, that's a personal call. I have way too many several toons and I tend to play whichever one interests me on any given day. Fed/Kdf/Rom, with Tac/Eng/Sci for each, all with access to each type of ship, keeps me from getting bored doing the SSDD routine. Since you asked about ease of missions, if you haven't hit them yet, your Rom is going to encounter Candle in a Hurricane, and Last Stand (I think it's called), both of which are quite difficult for an inexperienced player. Get some practice doing hit and runs and practice aggroing just one or two ships from a group, luring them away from the rest and then killing them....or get some help. Feds don't have to deal with anything even close to comparable.
Anyway, I am lvl 36 KDF and haven't been able to unlock an episode since 21. My mission list only the first Dyson is unlocked but it won't let me in system. hails only have the dailies in them. I systematically went to every open to me planet, space station, in alpha and beta. Looked online approached the people who give the missions. Nothing.... then I read something about promotion missions but nothing in my hails and unless I am missing some entrance in the great hall nothing there as well. I can't get patrol missions, fleet missions will start but won't go past that. Escorts I can call them they show up and won't follow can't interact with them nothing. Fix the satellite, same thing.
Am I missing something? I've only been playing for 5 days but haven't gotten a mission since Tuesday.