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Bring back random rewards to Q's and special gear.

If you remember the old days with the omega STF runs, you got random prototype drops on each run. People complained because someone could run it one time and get the drop or 200 and not get the drop.Yeah that was frustrating, but when you finally got it, it felt awesome.

Perhaps they could create some special gear for each major Que and have a random drop, plus if you run it X number of times you still get it. They could even make the random drop not happen every run as in the old system, I believe someone in the team got the prototype drop needed for the gear.

Thoughs? Perhaps this could bring some life back to the q's with some nice unique gear created.


  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    If you remember the old days with the omega STF runs, you got random prototype drops on each run. People complained because someone could run it one time and get the drop or 200 and not get the drop.Yeah that was frustrating, but when you finally got it, it felt awesome.

    The latter did not excuse the former. It was just a slight upswing after a long downward slide into oblivion.

    Basically reputations fixed queue rewards; a given amount of work (as quantified through marks, dil, and EC) results in a given reward. If you add a randomized chance to earn rep project gear without inputs, you inject the system with the same old unhealthy battle against the law of independent probabilities (because why spend dil when you might get something for free? Spending resources for rep gear could easily become be a sad surrender once one's exceeded their tolerances for the RNG, a bad situation which we're free of now in simply having required costs.)

    What we have now is fine. I'd even call it good. If you want thrills, the lock boxes are well set to offer it. :)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    I've been saying they should put unique drops back for years.
    If you remember the old days with the omega STF runs, you got random prototype drops on each run. People complained because someone could run it one time and get the drop or 200 and not get the drop.Yeah that was frustrating, but when you finally got it, it felt awesome.

    The latter did not excuse the former. It was just a slight upswing after a long downward slide into oblivion.

    Basically reputations fixed queue rewards; a given amount of work (as quantified through marks, dil, and EC) results in a given reward. If you add a randomized chance to earn rep project gear without inputs, you inject the system with the same old unhealthy battle against the law of independent probabilities (because why spend dil when you might get something for free? Spending resources for rep gear could easily become be a sad surrender once one's exceeded their tolerances for the RNG, a bad situation which we're free of now in simply having required costs.)

    What we have now is fine. I'd even call it good. If you want thrills, the lock boxes are well set to offer it. :)
    Some of us would rather the game be a game and not work.

    And the point of unique drops is not to give rep project gear, but something new that can't be acquired anywhere else.
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  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    warpangel wrote: »
    Some of us would rather the game be a game and not work.

    Nice saying, but it means nothing (because it relies on an unspoken assumption of what defines a game). There are plenty of games that don't involve dice rolling (though plenty that do) and while you can say that STO lacks randomization in this one element there are other ways that STO involves does involve randomization to add spontaneity to gameplay (ex. crit calculation, lock boxes, many enemy spawns.) There's no definite need to resurrect a bad (ie. horrendously dysfunctional) system on top of it's popular successor (Cryptic wouldn't keep investing in new reps if people weren't consistently engaging with them) simply on the basis that the OP wants a very particular kind of thrill (in spite of available alternatives. Ex. CCA.)
    And the point of unique drops is not to give rep project gear, but something new that can't be acquired anywhere else.

    Which gets us right back to oblivion, it's of no help to the idea.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    Funny we have that now with the boxes but it seems to be OK and those are paid for items... Go figure....
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  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    warpangel wrote: »
    I've been saying they should put unique drops back for years.
    And the point of unique drops is not to give rep project gear, but something new that can't be acquired anywhere else.

    I'd much rather the developers spend their time doing something else than creating ultra-rare loot drops that you need to grind specific queues to have a slight chance of getting, someday.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,980 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    Funny we have that now with the boxes but it seems to be OK and those are paid for items... Go figure....

    It's the difference between buying a pack of trading cards and getting graded (even on a pass-fail basis) based on a teacher's dice roll. Queue rewards should be (largely) consistent because they follow from a single, well defined activity. Vary those too much, and the effort you put into the queue seems largely arbitrary and unjustified in that moment. You might fail with a lock box, but it's an immediate reflection on the purchase, not the game you just played (regardless, that remains a worthwhile activity. You might just spend your resources differently if you get fed up with the RNG.)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    aspartan1 wrote: »
    Funny we have that now with the boxes but it seems to be OK and those are paid for items... Go figure....

    You can get lock box, lobi, and R&D pack ships 100% gambling-free using the exchange.
  • newromulan#1567 newromulan Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    But most of your comments against are saying that the system was bad, however, this idea would not replace the Rep, just add some new unique gear with random chance or participation. The q's already exist. If you don't want the new gear, you don't re-grind the content. This could add some life to dead Q's
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    Would you rather have this than bug fixes or a new story episode with its own set of reward gear? I would not.
  • newromulan#1567 newromulan Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    > @davefenestrator said:
    > Would you rather have this than bug fixes or a new story episode with its own set of reward gear? I would not.

    Mmo are a grind. How many times do people run a new episode? How many times do you do those of episodes in a team? The team based play of STO is dying. I am just suggesting a way to put some incentives for replaying the q's
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    I actually think that having some rewards that are unique drops, or a project that you need specific items from a certain stf or group of stfs would be fine. Since you already have the consistent rewards of projects that need only the rep mark/elite mark/dil that come from any source really, but a unique drop that is specific from certain ques/stfs would actually give players more reason to que for other content. The reasoning behind that is that right now they would que that stf that has the best payout to time ratio, but with this there would be more incentive to do the other stf that have lower payouts yet have unique rewards player would want.

    One issue with the stf is that outside of the most profitable ones once you get what is in the rep projects you dont need to do those stf anymore, the draw an incentive is gone at that point to appeal to the players to actually que fo the content. I would definitely say that a rework of the reward system to make the stfs that have a lower payout to time ratio (that are from being longer or more complex compared to the easier/simpler ones) a higher payout would be nice too.
  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    But most of your comments against are saying that the system was bad, however, this idea would not replace the Rep, just add some new unique gear with random chance or participation. The q's already exist. If you don't want the new gear, you don't re-grind the content. This could add some life to dead Q's
    The base content of the queue sucks. If they were a little more entertaining, they would be more enjoyable to grind. Adding lottery tickets to queues won't help them suck less. Just increase the frustration, since you are doing garbage content for no reward.
  • newromulan#1567 newromulan Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    So what could be done to make the older content suck less? Do we create new queues and delete the old ones?
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,916 Community Moderator
    No... we either fix what's broken or we make the less played queues more desirable by improving the reward payout. Most people want max reward for minimal effort. That's why Infected Space is so popular. You can faceroll it and still get a decent reward. Its basically time invested vs reward payout. Azure Nebula Rescue is timegated, and performance doesn't really affect payout, which is pitiful compared to what you can get running Infected (based on amount of Omega Marks awarded vs Azure's Romulan Marks) or even just popping into Japori for your romulan marks.

    Who wants to run a queue for 15 minutes and only get 20 something marks when you can run one for 2-5 minutes and get 60-70 or more?

    As to the random drops... the original rep gear tech drops were brutal, and caused people to burn out. Adding a CHANCE to get a special tech drop to an underperforming queue will not revive the queue. It will just add another layer of frustration, and another way for some people to rub it in others faces that they got the tech easily while others aren't so lucky.

    In THEORY the OP idea is interesting. But in practice... not so much.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    Any kind of random and unique reward would boost activity in the respective queue. Add a 1:500 chance for a brandnew mk XIV epic set piece to drop from any queue you want and I guarantee you activity in that queue would spike for months to come.

    Reputations and random gear rewards are not mutually exclusive. Cryptic could do both. Back in the days of Borg technology drops going for this random chance was the only option to aquire top level gear for your ship. That's no longer the case.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    I was one the most unluckiest players during that time, having done well over a thousand STF's and not have a complete space or ground set.
    I got so sick of doing them, that I vowed to never do another Borg STF again, and to this day, it still holds true.

    I would rather we stick with what we have now, thanks..
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
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    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    People complained about this system before because it was the only way to get the gear you wanted. Everyone was totally dependent on RnG and it sucked.

    But there is a nice middle ground here..

    Keep all the rep systems and everything else just like they are. Make the random rewards for queues be Mark XIV Ultra Rare versions for Advanced and Mk XIV Epics for Elite. These would not be guaranteed drops, they would be RnG dependent, all five members of the team would have a small random chance for a reward.

    Say you want the Borg space set. Cool.. you can run reps like you do now and get the Very Rare or Ultra Rare items (provided you completed objective on an AOY character) or you can run queues associated with that reputation and have a chance to get it 'free.'

    As an added incentive for people that might already have all the gear they want make the dropped gear tradeable and sellable on the exchange. Now even the fully geared players will run the missions for a chance to score something they can sell.

    We have all seen how popular lock boxes are, people will pull the lever on that slot machine over and over and over. People will flock to queues just for a chance of getting a 'special shiny.' Cryptic could control the odds to make sure items aren't too easy to get. Shorter queues like ISA or CCA could even have a lower chance then a Queue that takes more time and effort.

    More time invested, more chance of payoff. That's how it should be.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,779 Arc User
    Hmm, how about a chance at an Ultimate Tech Upgrade? Something like 1/250 Elite, 1/500 Advanced, 1/750 Normal queue. This could be tied to queues other than CCA and ISA to get people away from them.

    You still get the gear from reps, but you have a (very low) chance to make any item of your choice go epic.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    People complained about this system before because it was the only way to get the gear you wanted. Everyone was totally dependent on RnG and it sucked.

    But there is a nice middle ground here..

    Keep all the rep systems and everything else just like they are. Make the random rewards for queues be Mark XIV Ultra Rare versions for Advanced and Mk XIV Epics for Elite. These would not be guaranteed drops, they would be RnG dependent, all five members of the team would have a small random chance for a reward.

    Say you want the Borg space set. Cool.. you can run reps like you do now and get the Very Rare or Ultra Rare items (provided you completed objective on an AOY character) or you can run queues associated with that reputation and have a chance to get it 'free.'

    As an added incentive for people that might already have all the gear they want make the dropped gear tradeable and sellable on the exchange. Now even the fully geared players will run the missions for a chance to score something they can sell.

    We have all seen how popular lock boxes are, people will pull the lever on that slot machine over and over and over. People will flock to queues just for a chance of getting a 'special shiny.' Cryptic could control the odds to make sure items aren't too easy to get. Shorter queues like ISA or CCA could even have a lower chance then a Queue that takes more time and effort.
    Except it's NOT a "special shiny" if you can get it from the rep system at any time.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    Except it's NOT a "special shiny" if you can get it from the rep system at any time.

    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    Talk about a concept with a split opinion.

    On one hand I hated the old setup because I not only had terrible RNG chances. But what I really wanted was the ground set and I sucked on the ground.
    But having unique rewards per map also meant every map was actually played. I would queue up for all three space maps and just go to who popped first and it was a race to see which one did. (Talking borg rep obviously)
    But playing the same map 300 times to get one piece of gear that when all were assembled meant. You are slightly better at beating that particular enemy. Now do it all over again for the higher grade of the same gear. . . .

    So you really need a hybrid. The rep and decent gear from points. And an RNG as has been suggested. Maybe components. All three borg space maps complete you can turn the three components into a unique borg shuttle. Ground you collect bits to have a new unique borg Boff, or better yet an arm cannon that actually sits on your arm? Maybe let the LTS subscribers have the black body suit the borg boffs get?

    Just a thought.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    Except it's NOT a "special shiny" if you can get it from the rep system at any time.

    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Which doesn't make it special at all, since you can upgrade the rep version at any time too.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    warpangel wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Except it's NOT a "special shiny" if you can get it from the rep system at any time.

    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Which doesn't make it special at all, since you can upgrade the rep version at any time too.

    For somebody with lots of alts (partially in the making) tradable items have a much bigger wroth. I don’t give a poo about 5k Omega marks on toon A but 50 marks of choice from the new endeavor for toon B are quite a different thing.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Except it's NOT a "special shiny" if you can get it from the rep system at any time.

    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Which doesn't make it special at all, since you can upgrade the rep version at any time too.

    For somebody with lots of alts (partially in the making) tradable items have a much bigger wroth. I don’t give a poo about 5k Omega marks on toon A but 50 marks of choice from the new endeavor for toon B are quite a different thing.
    Yes, I did get the whole point was just to get the existing stuff cheaper. But that's not going to get people to play more. The exact opposite in fact.

    Fact is stuff you can get from a store is not unique or special. Being able to buy at any time completely removes any need to look for drops. And seeing as none of that stuff is actually necessary for anything...it's just not interesting in any way. I generally don't get rep gear except the ground sets for the costume unlock and having them drop from some queue would make them worth even less.

    They wouldn't develop a worthwhile price on the exchange either, regardless of rarity, since even the most expensive rep projects cost only a bit over one key's worth of dilithium-equivalent.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited August 2017
    warpangel wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    warpangel wrote: »
    Except it's NOT a "special shiny" if you can get it from the rep system at any time.

    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Which doesn't make it special at all, since you can upgrade the rep version at any time too.

    For somebody with lots of alts (partially in the making) tradable items have a much bigger wroth. I don’t give a poo about 5k Omega marks on toon A but 50 marks of choice from the new endeavor for toon B are quite a different thing.
    Yes, I did get the whole point was just to get the existing stuff cheaper. But that's not going to get people to play more. The exact opposite in fact.

    Fact is stuff you can get from a store is not unique or special. Being able to buy at any time completely removes any need to look for drops. And seeing as none of that stuff is actually necessary for anything...it's just not interesting in any way. I generally don't get rep gear except the ground sets for the costume unlock and having them drop from some queue would make them worth even less.

    They wouldn't develop a worthwhile price on the exchange either, regardless of rarity, since even the most expensive rep projects cost only a bit over one key's worth of dilithium-equivalent.

    Well, it's hypothetical at this point and there is no way to prove either way what would happen. I will just say my view on this is the 100% complete opposite of every word you have written. I mean that respectfully of course, I just find myself in complete disagreement with you on this one.

    Just curious, what would you propose to get queues active again? What reward do you think would make them worth your time that's also within reasonable expectations?
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • redvengeredvenge Member Posts: 1,425 Arc User
    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Well, this would ensure Iconian content gets played. If you care about the minimal upgrade from Ultra Rare to Epic. I doubt this will spark interest in any other queue.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    redvenge wrote: »
    I explained in the post the difference between the reward variant and the reputation variant. Namely the fact that the award can be up to epic quality and tradable.
    Well, this would ensure Iconian content gets played. If you care about the minimal upgrade from Ultra Rare to Epic. I doubt this will spark interest in any other queue.

    Perhaps not, I don't see a lot of people playing queues that awarded gear from the Dyson Set.

    You could make the reward something highly desirable like say 1 Master Key, but this still wouldn't get people into a variety of queues. If you did something like that, then the queue reward would have to rotate from week to week. First week it's Borg Queues, next week, Tzenkethi, etc.

    If you make the reward highly desirable, but place it on every queue, you'll still have the problem of people just running 1-3 queues to try and get it and ignoring everything else.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Just curious, what would you propose to get queues active again? What reward do you think would make them worth your time that's also within reasonable expectations?
    As I've said many times, unique rewards you can't get from anywhere else. At least one unique thing for each queue.

    Balancing the base numeric rewards (dil/marks) to average completion time and/or actual difficulty (failure rate) wouldn't hurt either, to counter the "CCA effect."
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    warpangel wrote: »
    As I've said many times, unique rewards you can't get from anywhere else. At least one unique thing for each queue.

    Well if you have explained this many times then my apologies because I didn't see those posts.

    This still doesn't answer the question though, what type of unique rewards? You mean inventing entirely new things that don't currently exist and offering them as queue rewards?

    I understand that you want the queues to offer something unique and special, I am just not getting what exactly you mean by this.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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