Right so, been in the defera zone to get me the omega rep and it all works exept for the rep it self.
Everything i select and do should give me omega rep but none give, on multiple toons my omega rep stays stuck and is not increasing. I have been at it for days now and for days no rep increases. Doing planet stuf no help, doing pve stuff no help.
Am i mising something here or is there something broken?
Friendly regards from Jim
Once you have done enough projects to complete a tier in each reputation, the Daily and Hourly projects will disappear from the list until you run a short project in the Upgrades section at the bottom of that window to claim that tier and move on. Those projects only take 5 marks and finish in 5 seconds. Once that is finished and the rewards claimed, you can slot Daily or Hourly projects again.
I would advise against doing the Hourly projects, since they have very low return for the investment, and you can only do 3 of them for xp per 20 hour period.
I have done those rep projects same as i have been planetside all day doing the easy & medium misions and have been in the pve for said marks and rep
Good thing you say me i have to focus on the longer stuff and not that from an hour
But what is this about doing this for 40 days ? You mean i have to be at defera for 40 days each day without missing one? And i do not have the acount bank yet. I figure i should get it once my dill/zen hit the point i can buy it.
Gotta say, back on 2008 this game was way more easy ^_^ they added so much content and posibility's its mind boggling and sometimes even overwhelming
Agian much thanks for youre assist its a great help