The STOFA Red Squad team consisting of Bear, Shadow (sub Silverwings), Neramo, Azala, and Starek achieved level 47 in the untimed Kobayashi Maru. We've also reached level 16 while completing the timed Kobayashi Maru.
UPDATE 1 - Video for rounds 39-43.
UPDATE 2 - Video for rounds 20 - 44.
UPDATE 3 - We have made it to level 47. Max difficulty (all skulls) kicks in at level 45, so we are the only team I know of to complete a round (let alone 2) at max difficulty. Full video from Level 1-47 at
Here is a pic from the end of the level 47 run...
ingame: @.Spartan
Original Cryptic Forum Name: Spartan (member #124)
The Glorious, Kirk’s Protegè
(Yes, claimed reward already. Yes I do think it's too tough for non skilled/heavily equipped/pro players)
At least 50% (and probably exactly 50%) were fails for me.
Event is fun, I just wish to adjust it so all could get the reward if making real efforts
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ingame: @Felisean
TSC did 45 earlier today.
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Does anybody know if there is still a way to get the old Maru titles like Kirk's Protege?
STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
Not, 5 is the correct number. Mostly 3.
If the Freighter doesn't care about itself and puts itself into kill zones then it deserves to die quickly. In fact, it should blow itself up on Round One to prevent needless loss of life of its would be rescuers.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
> I just hit 16 today with a pickup group, untimed. Previously I had only reached 5, so it was a good run. 45 rounds is insane, great job to the team that managed that!
> Does anybody know if there is still a way to get the old Maru titles like Kirk's Protege?
There's no accos for this event. Stuff like kirk's protege can only be obtained from nws, so that would need to be brought back into the game.
'Kirk's Protégé', shouldn't you have to cheat to get that one.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I must admit that I never got warm with the mission. Teams that exactly knew what they were doing were put to sleep for half an hour before things got interesting around 40. But instead of simply demanding more linear skill then I was rather under the impression that mere luck decided over how far one actually gets. I saw players and the transport get erased swiftly by torpedo spreads and good foes in the chaos of this speed phase could put an all of sudden end to an otherwise clearly dominant team.
In any case congratulations to you and your team OP! It must have taken a lot of skill and especially dedication to get to 47. By the way, Lenne@V_Silverwings was the player who taught me the original NWS a few years back. It’s nice to see him in action again in your video.
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Yes, frankly I feel the same. My best has been 45 as well so far and while I like the mission in general, I would've much rather preferred an additional skull (difficulty increase) each wave, similarly to the old, original NWS. Or at least after every 2 waves. Current rate of progression simply feels really slow and at least first 30 waves or so weren't too interesting, nor really challenging in a good team.
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And then after that, even good teams get caught napping.
Congratulations on 47 guys! That's an amazing feat! Now aim for 50!
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either way that's awesome
My character Tsin'xing
Especially because it feels that not all of them scale propperly. we had several waves with enemy battleships having 800k hull and the next wave they had 170k again. Seems that there is a problem.
And for the difficulty, in the arena of sompek it looked the same way, they just added an additional line after filling the first ones or was it just to start over again with more skulls? cant remember that one, but it might be the same for this queue.
Oh and congrats guys, awesome work
ingame: @Felisean