Whenever you go build diving, you invariably see these, and basically nothing else. Of course, if someone wants to run Tetryons or Phased Polarons or so on, they can. They'll be doing substantially less DPS, but many players don't care.
But putting that aside for the moment, do you have an opinion on these things? Are they good or bad for the overall health of the game? Don't care? Makes you wish you could strip off mods and install them on other weapons? Other random thoughts?
Various very good sets, good weapon variety (though a nausicaan DHC is sorely missing) and most of that is also pretty easy to get. Coalition is good but no must have, though if you're going hardcore into a dis build you'll want them as well. Terran weapon, nausicaan set, some counter command stuff, maybe the preserver weapon and lots of coalition weapons.
A fancy colorful dis-rainbow of death.
2 Don't care if premade teams of pvp experts use these to crush each other or not.
3 Some top dpsers are actually mixing coalition disruptor, regular disruptors and disruptor torp, so maybe they do have a use for regular people.
4 Its best not to get too caught up in beam type unless going for a particular role on a build.
I have two captains (Fed & KDF) that use CD beams, I got them their sound effects more than anything else. Though I would like to try CD dual cannons, but they are rather expensive.
So if you have a full team of disruptor builds, having a Coalition user will benefit the team. Get a FULL team of Coalition users... it gets even more brutal.
Is it the end all damage type? No. Neither was Antiproton, and many people swear by it. Any damage type works. Even Tetryon. However Coalition Disruptor is pretty high up on the desirability list for DPS.
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Literally any and every weapon type or combination works. Disruptors are easy to support because of the availibility of free or cheap ship gear which supports them.
If DPS is your thing, I recommend you follow the latest cookie cutter build for that. Otherwise, I highly recommend you try alternate builds. Outside of DPS you will find a sweet spot between fun and effectiveness that works for you.
My Fed Sci toon followed the meta of Science Torp Boat already going out of style in Season 5. I was never a top performer, but my teammates carried me through to earn the Borg 3 piece with the MACO shield which was not so simple back then.
My Klink Tac toon was a BoP disruptor cannon build when Phasers reigned supreme and Antiprotons were still out of reach of all but the elites. Lousy at PvP because I can't fly a BoP. (Really. They put a handicap parking spot for me in orbit of Qo'nos.) Simply shreds anything in PvE.
Romulans were tough for me because I wanted to use my battlecloak in battle. (Bad idea.)
With a variety of plasma builds behind me I went full Antiproton and never looked back. By this time I was becoming an experimentalist and found ways to support Tetryon and Polaron builds. My AoY toon is a Tet/Drain build that is begining to show promise.
So, if you are a DeePSer, yes, Coalition Disruptors are good. If not, they are still good, easy to support weapons. But other weapons and builds can be fun too.
Sure, but so does the Tetryon set on my Scryer, the Polaron set on my Jem'Hadar dread, the TOS phasers on my Paradox and Arbiter, the Romulan Plasmas on my Xindi escort, .... hot knives each and all. Mark XIV VR/UR/Epic matters more than beam type or mods outside of premades working in sync.
Well, on that I think everyone agrees. They sound like the mouth noises you made for finger lasers in 3rd grade.
Dealing with horrible fx for certain weapon types will be a reality until a more robust visual slot system shows up. The way antiproton DHCs make "clacking" noises still drives me crazy, after years of hearing it. Really wish I could just change their visuals to phasers...
USS Sharlin NCC79713 B (part of sheridans access code) - T6, Hestia Class Advanced Escort
USS Babylon IV - T6 Krenim Science Vessel
USS Brakiri - T6 Elachi Escort
"We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light."
– Grey Council greeting
If I recall correctly, the latter actually isn't true. Way I remember it, the debuff proc on your Coalition Disruptors gets reduced to 0 even, when there are already 5 Coalition Disruptor procs on the target.
In today's meta everyone comes in with the same plan: shoot holes in stuff. Back in the day we had to use teamwork. Disruptors are a team support weapon. They make your target juicier for everybody on your team. Plus, you know, the boom. Disrupters make things go boom.
Your sig makes me think I logged in to a Star Trek stripper bar.
As for the disruptors, I like standard disruptors over coalition. I'd rather buff all damage and support the team better but that's my choice.
I can't stand the sound of a full loadout of TOS phasers. IT BURNS!
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