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Temporal Recruit can't access reward for completing Delta Quadrant arc

jforiasjforias Member Posts: 6 Arc User
I was told by a GM to post this as a bug, so hopefully it isn't working as intended.

I started and completed the Delta Quadrant Arc in one massive day of grinding (yesterday), including the entirety of the Kobali Ground Zone, but my Temporal Transponder does not think the arc is completed. This is presumably due to the changes to the Delta Quadrant missions - the removal of the patrol wrapper missions.

I'm particularly concerned I'm going to be permanently locked out of getting the Improved Critical Systems trait.


  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Thank you very much for reporting this! (to clarify, I didn't know it works this way)
    I guess I was lucky in a way

    (on one char already claimed Delta, on other char had Better with Friends and Take Care of Your Enemies patrol quests wrapper already "in progress", and decided to do those patrols (Start: <patrol>) anyway before re-doing Kobali and the 4 last missions left, and then successfully claimed)

    Some notably affected quests/remover wrappers: Better with friends, Taking care of your enemies - after Kobali line. As for others after/before/mid Kobali line, I can't know/compare.

    I do believe what they did in Delta was really useless buggy unneeded nausance.

    P.S. - asking to get info regarding Kobali issue itself, if it's OK, as Kobali might also affect AoY claim and ANY new/non advanced char who didn't do Kobali before the session or didn't do Data Recovery mission before it. Sorry if out of line.
    Did you ever done Data Recovery quest before session 13? If not, could you get it by the wrapper for Act I/Console of Act II in time?
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
  • jforiasjforias Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Thank you very much for reporting this! (to clarify, I didn't know it works this way)

    P.S. - asking to get info regarding Kobali issue itself, if it's OK, as Kobali might also affect AoY claim and ANY new/non advanced char who didn't do Kobali before the session or didn't do Data Recovery mission before it. Sorry if out of line.
    Did you ever done Data Recovery quest before session 13? If not, could you get it by the wrapper for Act I/Console of Act II in time?

    Cheers for response. I didn't do any of the Delta Quadrant arc before Season 13. I did it all in about 24 hours on Friday/Saturday. I was able to access all Kobali missions using the "Crisis" wrappers that Cryptic have introduced.

  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited May 2017

    Which raises an interesting question, at least for me. (No, I can't really help here, I just ask to learn how it works. Maybe the answer of such question could lead eventually others to answers, or you by trying things.)

    You can approach patrol areas, areas of patrols you never done. Do you see there "Start: <Patrol>"? (may possibly give credit for the patrol) Do you see there only "<Patrol>"? (probably just doing the patrol without credit), or nothing at all? (try another/approach closer if can't as some patrols may be very angle/distance sensitive, it seems)

    Reason: There are many many such. It COULD be doing "Start: <patrol>" would give credit for SOMETHING. But you don't have the wrapper mission. It's unknown if it's so. (Doing a FE without accepting, for example, by party or arriving location, does not give credit AFAIK.)

    Do you think it worth a try to complete all just for the sake of testing/fun/a very faint chance to complete Delta? I have no idea if it helps (probably not) but who knows, maybe such is what which is needed? (I have no AoY left to test this and as said it's so many patrols) How do quest register as a part of AoY in a line, if added quests seem to be added (unsure) while removed might not always be so?

    Good to know regarding Kobali, it means new chars/chars which weren't advanced, are not potencially blocked here - thanks again :) Though still could be some problems might happen if some quests failed and abandoned or if a wrapper ever abandoned (beside losing progress)

    And off course. I hope your bug will be fixed soon. It's very annoying to try so hard only to discover you can't finish the ATM no matter what you do/almost.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Tried to gather more Data by comparing information from sites like wiki to what which is now shown on Delta Arc.
    This info in not complete, though

    The following removed patrol wrappers may have an effect on AoY'd Delta claim (beside having to redo Kobali) - as jforias reported:
    (Patrols before Old Kobali Block)
    1. “Friends in Unlikely Places” - removed quest (was right after "Reunion")
    2. "Enemies in All the Usual Places” - removed quest (was right after "Revelations")

    (Mid Old Kobali starts here)
    3. “With Friends Like These...” - removed quest (right after Old "Data Recovery"/Old Act I)
    4. "Know Your Enemies" - removed quest (right after Old "A New Warfare"/Old Act II)

    (Old Kobali Block Ended Here)
    5. “Better With Friends” - removed quest AFTER Kobali/dragon's deceit/alliances (was right after "Alliances")
    6. "Taking Care of Your Enemies" - removed quest AFTER Kobali/dragon's deceit/alliances (was right after "Revolution")

    Added some more info based on wiki again.
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
  • macwilliam1975macwilliam1975 Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    I am having the same issue. My Delta is complete but cannot claim the Temporal AoY reward. Before the revamp of Delta I had not finished all the patrols either, but I don't remember which ones. My guess is the last half of them. I will eventually try to play through (if that will work) unless the Dev's resolve this before that. I had time yesterday to do so, but am fairly busy the next week.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,430 Arc User
    I reported this last week. I had all but 2 DQ missions left to do and after completing couldn't claim. Couldn't get some of the Kobali Crisis Side missions to trigger, so am stuck in Limbo until it's fixed.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • univexunivex Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Same issue here, was up too the one before all that glitters, finished the whole delta missions the weekend after 13 went live and it wont let me claim my delta. Did an in game ticket but I'm guess that's bugged to as it never registered the ticket...
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    leemwatson wrote: »
    I reported this last week. I had all but 2 DQ missions left to do and after completing couldn't claim. Couldn't get some of the Kobali Crisis Side missions to trigger, so am stuck in Limbo until it's fixed.

    Sorry for I misunderstood you then, and sorry for your troubles. My apologizes.

    *Those who finished Kobali BEFORE session 13, and didn't skip missions before/during Kobali before the session hit, still are left with 2 unlisted mission needed: "Better with Friends" and "Taking Care of Your Enemies".
    univex wrote: »
    Same issue here, was up too the one before all that glitters, finished the whole delta missions the weekend after 13 went live and it wont let me claim my delta. Did an in game ticket but I'm guess that's bugged to as it never registered the ticket...

    You may approach support maybe or contact a GM, no idea if this could help you though, as they sent the OP to report this bug and he already did, allegedly, and opened this topic as well. At least now it's probably known. Hope it fixes soon.

    Editing to list the patrols you miss assuming you didn't skip a thing. "Better with Friends" and "Taking Care of Your Enemies" are the ones missing AFTER Kobali's last block. You also need "Know Your Enemies" - according to the wiki.
    Edit: Since I just realized you need the one BEFORE all that glitters, you ALSO need “With Friends Like These...”
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Putting this old yet relevant (for patrol wrappers' location in old line) information from wiki as a reference here, so developers can review what which was or what which is needed, and for people to know which patrol wrappers to look at "in progress" or which patrol wrappers they might miss in line for their chars.

    Doing those patrols/wrappers all is required to get a credit for Delta line as the OP said.

    “Escalation” • “Mindscape” • “Reunion” • “Friends in Unlikely Places” • “Revelations” • “Enemies in All the Usual Places” • “The Kobali Front” • “The Cavalry” • “The Son” • “The Temple of my People” • “Data Recovery” • “With Friends Like These...” • “All That Glitters” • “Looming Shadows” • “Hidden Assault” • “A New Warfare” • “Know Your Enemies” • “Capture the Flag” • “Breaking the Wall” • “With Our Last Breath” • “Our Chance for Peace” • “The Dragon's Deceit” • “Alliances” • “Better with Friends” • “Revolution” • “Taking Care of Enemies” • “Takedown” • “What's Left Behind” • “Dust to Dust”

    Wrappers "In Progress" can still be done, at least, by (marking those primary for ease then) Start: <patrol> near the matching systems. (verified. unsure what happens to those who haven't those in progress, though)

    Taken from wiki http://sto.gamepedia.com/Episodes (wiki may get updated, but this topic needs this reference)
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,319 Arc User
    ^^ Here's the accolade that Temporal Recruits cannot complete now, and therefore cannot claim the Delta Quadrant reward box.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    This probably means also that unlike those who already have those in progress, those who haven't all of those done or in progress can't complete as it's not only the system patrols all alone, the wrappers themself needed according to Inferiority's post.

    (Those who have the wrappers taken BEFORE session 13, and not abandoned, can still complete those, this is verified by me on an AoY (regarding last two patrols after Kobali, at least). But the new info here, which is shown in Inferiority's post, is while missing at least one of the wrappers and not having it done before, your AoY must wait for the developers to solve the issue for completing the Delta arc.)

    Alas, only the Devs can fix it for AoY/completionists.
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,430 Arc User
    I finally got all the Kobali Crisis done (yet again), but I still cannot claim the Temporal reward. Resubmitted bug report.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • rndfluctuation#1470 rndfluctuation Member Posts: 813 Arc User
    edited May 2017
    Allegedly fixed in 11/5 patch - can't check it myself as have no affected chars left (unless checking Delta accolade for non AoY, which may be inconclusive) - Still, I heard it works, AoY and Delta characters can get credited when finishing Delta line now.

    Thank you very much developers and other staff :)

    Adding this:
    @jforias @leemwatson @univex @macwilliam1975 @inferiority If you finished the Delta Arc including Act I-III Kobali, try to claim your reward on the transponder (1st) and then on NPC for non AoY chars

    (or, if claiming by a Delta char's Tesseract, go then to the NPC to claim by non Delta chars)
    Post edited by rndfluctuation#1470 on
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