Ok Ill try this here since a ticket doesn't seem to work. I have an old captain that got the Romulan secret codes mission back when you got them from completing levels in the Romulan reputation system. Well I never did that mission now it wont let me get the mission from the Romulan so I can enter the cave. I cannot drop the mission either. Nor can I at level 57 start any of the Romulan missions on New Romulus because I still have these old missions.
I am having the same issues with Secret Codes Mission and the Mountain Pass Shuttle mission. I have completed all the New Romulus mission and now are grayed out. I did go speak with Romulun Ambassador at ESD and nothing came from it.
Any other ideas on how to complete these? I am unable to progress with NR Reputation mission until I complete these 2 other missions.