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Suggestions for a powerful T6 Valiant build

scotticus#5603 scotticus Member Posts: 27 Arc User
Hi All,

My fed engineer currently flies a polaron-based Razreth, but I love the look and philospohy of DS9's Defiant. There are debates about which escort is most effective in STO, but I want to command a Defiant-class. I think the fed bundle with the Sao Paulo, T6 Valiant et al. seems like good value and will purchase it soon.

I'll be ramping the diffculty on my remaining single-player missions up to max and engaging in Elite-level PvE events. I don't want to go down the Anti-proton route because...I don't know, I just don't. Any other dam type (including torp-boat) is considerable.

Keeping that in mind, what weapon, set and skill combos have people found to be an effective layout for their tough little ships?


  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    I prefer to run my Defiant with a relative traditional build:

    3 DHCs and one Quantum Torpeo Launcher (Recommendation: Quantum Phase) in the Front
    3 Turrets in the Back. (If Quantum Phase Torpedo is used, I recommend also the Quantum Phase Beam Array in the Back for the set bonuses)

    Bridge Officer skills:
    • actical: Tactical Team, Torpedo Spread II, Cannon Scatter Volley II, Attack Pattern Omega or Beta
    • Pilot/Tactical: Deploy Countermeasures I, Hold it Together I, Fly Her Apart II;
    • Engineering: Emergency Power to Shields I, Emergency Power to Weapons II
    • Science: Science Team I, Hazard Emitters II
    • Universal (Healing): Engineering Team I, Auxiliary to Structural Integrity Field
    • Universal (Alternative for Offensive Science): Subspace Vortex, Tachyon Beam
    • Pilot/Tactical (Alternative if you have it): Kemocite Laced Weaponry, Hold it Together, Fly Her Apart
    You might wish to experiment with some different powers for the Pilot and Universal seating. The Defiant's BO layout is not ideal and it's difficult to actually fit abliities in that always matter. The basic setup is relatively defensively oriented, and might be too defensive for normal and advanced difficulty.

    Console Wise, I don't particularly recommend the Tactical Escort set, but if you have access to it, it might be fun trying it out for the battle cloak.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    For elite cannon builds is it better to go for single target destruction rather than AOE?
    Thinking you'd try to take out a target and move rather than keep tickling multiple targets and take lots of fire.
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  • hanover2hanover2 Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    I like a disruptor/photon build with emphasis on rep set bonuses that boost those two weapon types. I end up having to slot an aft torpedo to get all the set bonuses I want, but I don't really miss that one extra turret.
  • koppsterkoppster Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    How much dps loss is Cannon Scatter Volley over Rapid Fire? I'm also interested in doing a "canon" Defiant build and with the trait Withering Barrage you can have near 100% uptime. Also wondering with the fix to the [DMG] mod, do the Quad Phaser cannons still suck, or are they worth slotting now?
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,607 Arc User
    koppster wrote: »
    How much dps loss is Cannon Scatter Volley over Rapid Fire? I'm also interested in doing a "canon" Defiant build and with the trait Withering Barrage you can have near 100% uptime. Also wondering with the fix to the [DMG] mod, do the Quad Phaser cannons still suck, or are they worth slotting now?

    While it is still somewhat dependent on your build (critical ratio, critical damage, armor penetration etc) DMG is currently one of the most sought after mods and the quad cannon is certainly worth adding to a cannon build.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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  • scotticus#5603 scotticus Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Hi! Thanks for the responses. Ok, Resources, well, I have almost enough dil to convert to zen to get the bundle (though I got a huge run of work coming in soon so may just buy that zen on my credit card and keep that dil! Woo!)

    I've got almost full rep on all reputation...things, whatever the proper term is. I have, I think, all of the reward space sets, haven't got any of the rep sets (yet) but can easily. I wasn't planning on going for DPS records because I don't want to have to grind endlessly to aquire tech and upgrade resources and such-like; I want effective and fun and high DPS, but I'm not keen to dedicate time to get the very most bleeding edge stuff because too much grinding spoils the fun of the game!

    My Razreth is geared toward a polaron build and I'm leaning towards a Pol build for the Valiant (Just makes swapping beween ships and choosing upgrades easier and has some interoperability of part), or Phaser (Keep it canon, baby and use those tasty quad cannons for lols) or disruptor (They just seem brutal and I have that nausican set from the event a while back)

    What may help me make my mind up is the low-down on those phaser quad cannons. They look and sound cool. I know phaser is considered to have a somewhat innefective proc, but is it possible to squeeze enough raw damage out of a phaser build including those quads to abregate the naff 'special ability' of the high vit-C phaser brand of damage?
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  • scotticus#5603 scotticus Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    I'm in a very young fleet...T1 most things, no access to spire consoles yet.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    As long as your fleet has the relevant provisions and you have permsission to buy fleet stuff, you can make your purchases as a guest on another fleets' facilities. With so many fleet holdings to build using fleet provisions its the sensible way to get the good gear without waiting a year+. The exception is fleet ships, access to which is defined by the access your fleet has earned, I think the fleet defiant requires a teir 3 holding.

    Joining another fleet to buy a ship is the sort of thing that can be arranged on the forums.
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    I went with the following.
    Agony DHC, Quad cannon, Quantum DHC, Quantum torp.
    3 Agony phaser turrets.

    With some of the modules I can do some wicked spike damage.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • scotticus#5603 scotticus Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Didn't know about the agony phasers before, just looked 'em up. I like it! Adds a little nastiness to the pristine fed setup! I'll have to consider how awkward they may be to aquire; I don't tend to play around with lockboxes, but it may be worth it to get these damage dealers.
    I'll go with the counter command space set too for the 7.5 dam boost.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    A 7.5% boost is fairly small potatos with traits like Go down fighting available to tacs.
  • scotticus#5603 scotticus Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    You know, I think the Lukari rep rewards have re-ignited my intention to create a polaron-themed escort. Plus-30 polar damage, plus unique polaron weps...looks like a fun set and one I may well Base my Valiant around!
  • hmkchmkc Member Posts: 79 Arc User
    I prefer to run my Defiant with a relative traditional build:

    3 DHCs and one Quantum Torpeo Launcher (Recommendation: Quantum Phase) in the Front
    3 Turrets in the Back. (If Quantum Phase Torpedo is used, I recommend also the Quantum Phase Beam Array in the Back for the set bonuses)

    Bridge Officer skills:
    • actical: Tactical Team, Torpedo Spread II, Cannon Scatter Volley II, Attack Pattern Omega or Beta
    • Pilot/Tactical: Deploy Countermeasures I, Hold it Together I, Fly Her Apart II;
    • Engineering: Emergency Power to Shields I, Emergency Power to Weapons II
    • Science: Science Team I, Hazard Emitters II
    • Universal (Healing): Engineering Team I, Auxiliary to Structural Integrity Field
    • Universal (Alternative for Offensive Science): Subspace Vortex, Tachyon Beam
    • Pilot/Tactical (Alternative if you have it): Kemocite Laced Weaponry, Hold it Together, Fly Her Apart
    You might wish to experiment with some different powers for the Pilot and Universal seating. The Defiant's BO layout is not ideal and it's difficult to actually fit abliities in that always matter. The basic setup is relatively defensively oriented, and might be too defensive for normal and advanced difficulty.

    Console Wise, I don't particularly recommend the Tactical Escort set, but if you have access to it, it might be fun trying it out for the battle cloak.

    It's too bad that the Battle Cloak is not a device so it wouldn't take up a precious console slot!
    Kirk out!
  • scotticus#5603 scotticus Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Well, the battle cloak may not be a problem. After all, with the news the pilot ships are coming to our system, I may as well hold out to get one of them. I understand they're superior to Defiants, have some fun abilities and are just better escorts all round. So I'll go with a Lukari-ed polaron-based up pilot escort instead!
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    You don't want to trying to drain elite mobs with polarons, at the elite level NPC drain resist is studiply high, it had to be when facing 5 players all with leech and embassy flow consoles.
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