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"Salvaging" Deflector Overchage

Personalyl I am glad to keep Subnucloenic Beam as Science Captain power, for a variety of reasons (that were already discussed elsewhere.)
But I still agree with the general idea behind attempting to change thnigs for the Science Captain abilities.


SNB could also cause a debuff against NPCs only. Since we already have so many resistance penalties in the game, I would suggest something like a Shield Hardness Debuff and Weapon Damage Strength Debuff. (The "theme" of the power would also allow subsystem offline effects, but unless the subsystem is shields, it's not very useful in PvE).

2) Instead of buffing SNB, we could look at the other weak or underused science power:
Scattering Field
Scattering Field could cause a Deflector overcharge like effect in its AoE. The magnitude of the buff would be smaller, but it could affect the team mates in the field (and yourself). (An idea FuturePastNow on Tribble suggested.) Since it's an AoE, one of the problems of DO is lessened- that it favors mostly science vessels. As an AoE buff, it helps others, too, so it can be attractive even if you don't use many science abilities yourself.

What do you think? What other ideas do you have?

Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.


  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    or they could just keep scattering field as it is and just give it the eng fleet treatment - i.e. bonus res - so that it's actually worth using since it will contribute massively to survival for everyone in range​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


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    Passion and Serenity are one.
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  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    Also an interesting idea.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
      Ideas to buff/alter Subnucleonic Beam
    1. Buff-stealing: This is the idea of maybe allowing Subnucleonic Beam to not only strip buffs off a target, but also apply a buff that had been stripped back onto the user. THis would need some limits on the fact of what buffs could be reapplied onto the user, like maybe keeping weapon buffs (like beam overload, and torpedo spread) from being able to be reapplied, but this could give some value to the ability in pve content. Most of all if we see more buff usage by the npcs in the pve content.
    2. Applying de-buff: The idea of when you use Subnucleonic Beam on a target that it would de-buff the target alongside removing a buff/s from the target. The de-buff could be from merely control/drain resistance, to more of a exotic resistance reduction.
    3. Ability activation delay: This idea comes from the description of how Subnucleonic Beam stuns bridge crew and/or systems,and in this way gives a boff ability recharge slowing effect. Yet what if that were converted into a delaying affect that made it that the effect of abilities are delayed for a short time before taking effect, so a beam overload or attack-pattern might not fire right away giving you a short window almost like a ability-usage stun.

    Now for deflector overload maybe we could see some of the effects of the ability being rolled into other existing career abilities. THis could be like buffing the drain effect boost on science, the shield restoration/healing, as well as adding into it also a control buff too. As above with the de-buff idea for Subnucleonic Beam for what to do with that ability too. Scatter field is the harder one really,
  • sixoftwelvesixoftwelve Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    Before patch, Deflector Overcharge has : +50% Shield Heal, +50% Exotic Dmg, +50 CtrlX/DrainX for 20 sec (CD 2 min).

    Currently SNB has : Remove all buff from the target, -70% Recharge Rate for 30 sec.

    I have some idea about these.
    1. SNB may can remove all debuff from the target periodically, rather than just once. e.g., once per 5 sec for 30 sec.
    2. SNB may can cause some newly applying debuff to the target. For example; -15 All Dmg Res for 30 sec, or -50% Firing Cycle Haste for 30 sec.
    3. Scattering Field ; Think about 'scattering' literally. I may can make an idea that: Scattering Field can reduce threat by 50% for 30 sec, or make enemy unable to target self or allies within 3 km for 30 sec or until they dealt XX,TRIBBLE dmg to the target.
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