Hello. I recently decided to reinstall Star Trek Online on my laptop, what with the whole portability thing making it more convenient than my desktop. But now the colors are all washed out and everything exhibits this exaggerated brightness, or bloom effect, that I can't change or disable in the settings.
To be clear I'm not trying to run the game on some glorified calculator. I'm using a 2015 ASUS ROG G750, the same one I used to play on, and STO ran nicely in the past. Certainly not quite so colorfully as the big machine does, but still pretty optimal. Now it looks...bad on this computer and I can't figure out why.
At first I thought "well, maybe this is just me noticing the difference from my other, more powerful PC." The difference, however, is not nearly so pronounced in any other game. I've run a couple on both machines for comparison's sake, like Fallout 4 and World of Warcraft, and it's just STO.
Next I poked around on my computer. Couldn't find anything amiss.
Is this a known issue? Am I missing something? I'm confused! >:/