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Some C-store questions

rhenvar42rhenvar42 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
I have been thinking a bit about some things in the C-store and it has made me wonder why are these things still here.

1: The NX designation: Could not that be added on to the NX class ship or even a part of Enterprise Value Pack?

2: Tier 5 fleet ships: I know that not all of the tier 5 ships have been given tier 6 ships, however for those that have been given the tier 6 treatment, why do they still have tier 5 fleet ships, as they seem a bit redundant?


  • imperatorpaveliimperatorpaveli Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    Some tier 5 fleet ships (like the Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit) have exclusive parts (the Imperial costume for the AC). Other than that, my only explanation is that there's also no point in removing them due to some people upgrading and t5-Uing t5 ships (I know one of my friends did that with the freebie avenger.)
  • rhenvar42rhenvar42 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    Those are good points, though couldn't they move the exclusive skins over to the tier 6 fleet variant?
  • imperatorpaveliimperatorpaveli Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    That, you'd have to ask Cryptic.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    rhenvar42 wrote: »
    Those are good points, though couldn't they move the exclusive skins over to the tier 6 fleet variant?

    They did. We do get the special skins with the T6 fleet variants.
  • rhenvar42rhenvar42 Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    rhenvar42 wrote: »
    Those are good points, though couldn't they move the exclusive skins over to the tier 6 fleet variant?

    They did. We do get the special skins with the T6 fleet variants.

    Thank you for the info.

    Still leaves me wondering why they exist now.
  • imperatorpaveliimperatorpaveli Member Posts: 346 Arc User
    Maybe because Cryptic was too lazy to remove them? I don't know. Either way they still exist.
  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    T5 fleet ships are not obtained from the C-Store. They are obtain from Fleet shipyards. Removing them from the game limits player choices because there are players who actually prefer T5 ships to T6 ships especially if the T6 version of the ship has not been released yet.

    Additionally, removing T5 fleet ships can have the unintentional consequence of accidentally removing all existing T5 fleet ships on all characters who have them.
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