I say add dilithium refining doff missions to get rid of the restrictions currently in the game. These would be added to the game on top of the current system without changing it. that means everyone gets 8-9k free dil refinement based on their veterent status each day.
Name: Quick and Painful Refining
Cost: 500 Unrefined Ore, 10,000 EC, 1x Smelter/Miner Doff(not consumed)
Time: 30 Minutes
Reward: 500 Refined Ore, XP, Doff Exp(operations?), *5,000EC(Crit only)
Critical Success: 2x Xp rewards,+money back*
Success: Normal reward
Failure: No reward
Critical Failure: Death to all Smelter! / Death of a Miner!
Chance of Casualty: Very High!
Name: In a Pinch Refining
Cost: 1,000 Unrefined Ore, 20,000 EC, 2x Smelter/Miner Doff(not consumed)
Time: 60 Minutes
Reward: 1,000 Refined Ore, XP, Doff Exp(operations?), *10,000EC(Crit only)
Critical Success: 2x Xp rewards,+money back*
Success: Normal reward
Failure: No reward
Critical Failure: Death to all Smelter! / Death of a Miner!
Chance of Casualty: High
Name: Average Joe Refining
Cost: 2,500 Unrefined Ore, 50,000 EC, 3x Smelter/Miner Doff(not consumed)
Time: 240 Minutes
Reward: 2,500 Refined Ore, XP, Doff Exp(operations?), *25,000EC(Crit only)
Critical Success: 2x Xp rewards,+money back*
Success: Normal reward
Failure: No reward
Critical Failure: Death to all Smelter! / Death of a Miner!
Chance of Casualty: Moderate
Name: Low and Slow Refining
Cost: 5,000 Unrefined Ore, 100,000 EC, 5x Smelter/Miner Doff(not consumed)
Time: 1,200 Minutes
Reward: 5,000 Refined Ore, XP, Doff Exp(operations?), *50,000EC(Crit only)
Critical Success: 2x Xp rewards,+money back*
Success: Normal reward
Failure: No reward
Critical Failure: Death to all Smelter! / Death of a Miner!
Chance of Casualty: Low
This means you can refine 72k dilithium a day. This is minus the daily free refining for 80-81k a day. Crits half the cost from 1.44 million to 720k a day at max output with all criticals. It is not likely to get this much as you would have to play 24/7. But you can easily get around 15,500 dill a day by playing for 4 hours and doing the 20 hour mission. This cost around 300k EC a day. Tripling the normal dill made a day for moderate play.
This can be balance further by the rarity or lack of rarity of Smelter doffs and how easily they die on the quicker refining missions.
They could make the new doffs part of a new permanent z store or Dill store pack. It could later include mining missions with Miners.
and the system will adjust by making the dil\z balance to 1k d.\z . however, giving refinement option into fleet dil voucher, rep dil, ugrade dil ... could be a option.
That is the point. It is to have resources in line with need in fleets to get fleet equipment more reasonably and keep fleet missions going without endless waits on dill. Hopefully making it easier to get fleet gear and grind reasonably.
Also this idea has to do with single player options so we don't need so many characters to grind(At least for static equipment). The game is unreasonable at the moment and needs to be easier on players who don't have 20 characters for non zen items. The key cost of zen doesn't matter. it allows more fleet things to be used in a reasonable manner. You can still grind all you want for the new higher zen cost for keys and what not. But it should add fluency to other parts of the game that are sadly needed. This would make it much easier to grind fleet credits. Even at the lowest level per day.
Also, they can restrict how many of the faster mission can occur like they do with the hourly rep missions. They could restrict is so you can only ever get 16k a day from doff missions.
That comes to:
1x 20 hour slow mission a day
1x 4 hour Normal missions a day
4x 1 hour fast missions a day
9x 30 minute missions a day.
320,000 EC per day.
Or allow another 5 of the normal missions and more smaller ones for 28k a day. That is 36k a day max.
1x 20 hour slow mission a day
5x 4 hour Normal missions a day
5x 1 hour fast missions a day
11x 30 minute missions a day.
560,000 EC per day.
Or at the high end to fit with max tour of the galaxy:
1x 20 hour slow mission a day
5x 4 hour Normal missions a day
15x 1 hour fast missions a day
30x 30 minute missions a day.
1,000,000 EC per day.
Mind you though, prices are half if you can crit. It could be balanced more with how often you can crit and loose doffs to the faster very high death risk for mining doffs. could be very costly depending on their cost. Which is a whole new market at this point. As it will be a new necessity for many players.
Maybe the missions need other doffs. Say 1 doff called a supervisor. And then the missions have 1,2,3,4 miner/Smelters. I guess it wouldn't be miners either. It would be some sort of other worker.
My idea was too have it scale with play. when you start out it's only reasonable to do the first two mission types. As you increase in doff efficiency and levels you can work on quicker ones to get more dill per day. this would make it scalable to you're characters progression. And if you specialized you can get alot of dill per day on one character. If done right limitation per day would not even be needed. It would be purely a matter of how much you wish to refine and how much work you put into getting the proper doffs and other items to do it well.
This would also be to loosen up how you play characters. Then people can play for the sake of having a character they want and not the need to grind. Then the game is more RP again and less necessity. It should make the game more pleasant. And if you choose to specialize in mining/refining then you can do that on one ore multiple characters to get "your" desired dill. It would also make an unofficial class per say depending on all of the specifics.
You could be a proud part of the Intergalactic smelters society.
Where our motto is:
"We who smelt it deal it"
The other part I wasn't sure is if none white doffs die. If they do then it should work out better as you would need to refill white smelter doffs(assuming they are always white) or replace more expensive colored doffs. Maybe even up to epic for max potential. epic would almost guarantee half off prices and crits. Other doffs could be riskier and potentially die. maybe it is dangeour enough you risk killing lower end green/white refiners on the quick missions while using higher end doffs for the slower missions. It's all a matter of balance.
Why go to all that work coding something totally new into the game .... which never causes problems ...... when basically the end result is nothing more than raising the refining cap on dilithiuim ?
It's not adding anything new. It's new doff missions. Balancing could be done completely via doff or mission statistics. Make the missions make the doffs if needed. Should be fairly simple.
Ok, I noticed there is a 500 refinement mission already in fleet mines. Why not use those and add more. The existing miners could be used or whatever is used in that mission and we could get more stuff per day. It would help fleet missions and items a lot.
If we do 1 of these missions per day:
That alone could help in getting fleet credits and turning over missions. If it's for fleets put it in the fleets mining area. then good fleets can get 9000 extra refinement a day above the current and help build their own fleets as well as others in the armada section.
I could see it work... If all of those assignments had at least 20h CD and it generated "fleet-only" dilithium. You know, the one they have given away before on few occasions, that you could only use to fill fleet projects.
But giving out that huge quantities of normal refined dilithium - nope, not going to happen. Would totally TRIBBLE the economy of the game.
I was thinking different CD's but maybe limited times to use like how the hourly rep assignments could only be used 3 times a day. it could be adjusted and then then the differing difficulties and times make it adjust from early game to late game when you have the doff setup to grind it. That way it adds more to the mining stuff in the fleet mining area.
Obviously if it needs it they can also add some more mining mission to go with the potential output of refining. Then you can choose which way to get dill ore instead of needing to grind it one way or the other. That and early game it's probably easier to do doff missions until you get better income from doing daily things.
I would love to use up my dil ore. Especially for getting more fleet credits. I have tons sitting around doing nothing. and it getting larger daily. I wasn't aware there were fleet only dill things. That would work perfectly. Then I could pump all my extra ore into fleet resources without having to worry about digging into my allotment for the normal game.
If this was used for fleet items. why not also allow it to be used for crafting. But it makes the item bound so it can't be sold on the market. It would be a separate type of upgrade item mimicking the first but with the stipulation it makes items bound on use. Then you can also upgrade items easier. Might be nice for set items. Or maybe it can only work on bound items. Although I imagine those upgrades could also be sold themselves.
Wait, I remember. The original idea was to allow this fleet only dill to be used instead of or on top of normal refined dill for upgrades. It would use normal upgrade items, but the use of this dill would make the item bound. So you can upgrade your items with extra fleet dill but not sell the item afterwords.
Also this idea has to do with single player options so we don't need so many characters to grind(At least for static equipment). The game is unreasonable at the moment and needs to be easier on players who don't have 20 characters for non zen items. The key cost of zen doesn't matter. it allows more fleet things to be used in a reasonable manner. You can still grind all you want for the new higher zen cost for keys and what not. But it should add fluency to other parts of the game that are sadly needed. This would make it much easier to grind fleet credits. Even at the lowest level per day.
Also, they can restrict how many of the faster mission can occur like they do with the hourly rep missions. They could restrict is so you can only ever get 16k a day from doff missions.
That comes to:
1x 20 hour slow mission a day
1x 4 hour Normal missions a day
4x 1 hour fast missions a day
9x 30 minute missions a day.
320,000 EC per day.
Or allow another 5 of the normal missions and more smaller ones for 28k a day. That is 36k a day max.
1x 20 hour slow mission a day
5x 4 hour Normal missions a day
5x 1 hour fast missions a day
11x 30 minute missions a day.
560,000 EC per day.
Or at the high end to fit with max tour of the galaxy:
1x 20 hour slow mission a day
5x 4 hour Normal missions a day
15x 1 hour fast missions a day
30x 30 minute missions a day.
1,000,000 EC per day.
Mind you though, prices are half if you can crit. It could be balanced more with how often you can crit and loose doffs to the faster very high death risk for mining doffs. could be very costly depending on their cost. Which is a whole new market at this point. As it will be a new necessity for many players.
Maybe the missions need other doffs. Say 1 doff called a supervisor. And then the missions have 1,2,3,4 miner/Smelters. I guess it wouldn't be miners either. It would be some sort of other worker.
My idea was too have it scale with play. when you start out it's only reasonable to do the first two mission types. As you increase in doff efficiency and levels you can work on quicker ones to get more dill per day. this would make it scalable to you're characters progression. And if you specialized you can get alot of dill per day on one character. If done right limitation per day would not even be needed. It would be purely a matter of how much you wish to refine and how much work you put into getting the proper doffs and other items to do it well.
This would also be to loosen up how you play characters. Then people can play for the sake of having a character they want and not the need to grind. Then the game is more RP again and less necessity. It should make the game more pleasant. And if you choose to specialize in mining/refining then you can do that on one ore multiple characters to get "your" desired dill. It would also make an unofficial class per say depending on all of the specifics.
You could be a proud part of the Intergalactic smelters society.
Where our motto is:
"We who smelt it deal it"
The other part I wasn't sure is if none white doffs die. If they do then it should work out better as you would need to refill white smelter doffs(assuming they are always white) or replace more expensive colored doffs. Maybe even up to epic for max potential. epic would almost guarantee half off prices and crits. Other doffs could be riskier and potentially die. maybe it is dangeour enough you risk killing lower end green/white refiners on the quick missions while using higher end doffs for the slower missions. It's all a matter of balance.
If we do 1 of these missions per day:
That alone could help in getting fleet credits and turning over missions. If it's for fleets put it in the fleets mining area. then good fleets can get 9000 extra refinement a day above the current and help build their own fleets as well as others in the armada section.
But giving out that huge quantities of normal refined dilithium - nope, not going to happen. Would totally TRIBBLE the economy of the game.
U.S.S. Buteo Regalis - Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer build
R.R.W. Ri Maajon - Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird build
My Youtube channel containing STO videos.
Obviously if it needs it they can also add some more mining mission to go with the potential output of refining. Then you can choose which way to get dill ore instead of needing to grind it one way or the other. That and early game it's probably easier to do doff missions until you get better income from doing daily things.
I would love to use up my dil ore. Especially for getting more fleet credits. I have tons sitting around doing nothing. and it getting larger daily. I wasn't aware there were fleet only dill things. That would work perfectly. Then I could pump all my extra ore into fleet resources without having to worry about digging into my allotment for the normal game.
If this was used for fleet items. why not also allow it to be used for crafting. But it makes the item bound so it can't be sold on the market. It would be a separate type of upgrade item mimicking the first but with the stipulation it makes items bound on use. Then you can also upgrade items easier. Might be nice for set items. Or maybe it can only work on bound items. Although I imagine those upgrades could also be sold themselves.
Wait, I remember. The original idea was to allow this fleet only dill to be used instead of or on top of normal refined dill for upgrades. It would use normal upgrade items, but the use of this dill would make the item bound. So you can upgrade your items with extra fleet dill but not sell the item afterwords.